
第62章 TAP-TAP-TAP!(1)

Let's set the stage.I want to call your attention to the powerful effect of repetition or reiteration.

For example,take a pneumatic chisel.You have seen one used in breaking up solid concrete or piercing holes through steel.It's the tap,tap,tap,tap of that chisel with a terrific force behind it,which causes disintegration of the particles and makes a dent or hole in the object or which it is placed.

All of us have heard of the old torture system of dripping water on the forehead.Perhaps you are familiar with Kipling's "Boots." It's the tramp,tramp of boots,boots,that makes men mad.It's the constant,never-ending repetition that penetrates.

While you may realize how repetition works on material things,you may not thoroughly appreciate the tremendous impression that repetition also makes upon the human mind.

But you've long since recognized that the fundamental of advertising is its repetition,its appeal by reiteration:

"It floats...." "There's a reason...." "I'd walk a mile...." "They're kind to the throat...." "Good-to- the-Last-Drop...." And so on and so on,over and over.

They shout these slogans at you,sing them,play them,picture them—there's no escape—by constant repetition the advertised merits of each product are dinned into your consciousness until you almost spout slogans in your sleep.Tap-tap-tap—they beat in upon you every time you turn on your radio or television set or turn the page of a newspaper or magazine,or drive around town,along the highways,past billboards that compete against the scenery,crying out: "Look at me! Get my message! Go by me if you will—but then go buy!" You look up in the sky and a plane passes over,trailing a streamer,"The Pause That Refreshes," or a skywriter is twisting and: turning while he spells out in smoke: "Not a cough in a carload!" On subway trains,streetcars,buses,railroads,steamships,taxicabs,automobiles,trucks—on everything that moves,even on jackasses,you will see signs advertising something.The mighty force of repetition—repetition—repetition! You may have a poor memory but you're never permitted to forget an advertised product,even for a day!

Think back.Through the science of repetition,you learned the alphabet,how to multiply.A-B-C ...two times two are four ...c-a-t spells cat...Tap,tap,tap! until you've got it—or it's got you!

Everything you've ever memorized was impressed upon your consciousness through repetition.You are constantly(tap,tap,tap) being reminded to reaffirm(more tap,tap) your faith in your religious belief.The same science,again and again.Repetition,reiteration.Tap,tap,tap!

Arthur Schopenhauer said,"There is no absurdity so palpable but that it may be firmly planted in the human head if you only begin to inculcate it before the age of five,by constantly repeating it with an air of great solemnity."

The connection between the conscious and the subconscious or subjective mind is close.Every student of the subject knows what may be accomplished by definitely contacting the subconscious.When you get a specific detailed picture in your conscious mind by using this process of reiteration or repetition,and make the subconscious mind click,you have at your command the power that astounds.

Skilled prosecutors,clever defenders appeal to the emotions of the jurors,never to the conscious reason.And how do they do it? Simply by the process of repeating and emphasizing,time after time,the points they wish to stress.They do it with usage of words and variations of argument and tones of voice,dripping with emotion.Behind all,there is that tap,tap,tap—tapping the subconscious—making the jurors believe.They've heard it again and again ...it must be so!

It is important to stay with your idea,once you get it and feel that it is right.Repeat it over and over.Get your husband or wife or close friend to visualize with you,if he or she is in harmony and sympathy with your desired objectives.That's how power is generated.

Use the tap,tap system!

When you have the picture firmly in mind,begin using the tap,tap system,as I have outlined.It is going to be the repetition,the reiteration of that picture upon the subconscious mind that will cause the creative power within to produce results for you.