
第4章 音标(3)


I want to obviously congratulate the class of 2009 for yourunbelievable achievements. I want to thank the parents, the uncles,the grandpas, the grandmas, cousins, calabash cousins, everybodywho was involved in helping these extraordinary young people arriveat this moment. I also want to apologize to the entire state of Arizonafor stealing away your wonderful former governor, Janet Napolitano.

But youve got a fine governor here, and I also know that Janet isnow applying her extraordinary talents to serve our entire country asthe secretary of homeland security, keeping America safe. And shesdoing a great job.

2009 级的毕业生们,为你们所取得的杰出的成就,我衷心地祝贺你们。我要感谢你们的父母、叔叔、祖父、祖母、表兄妹和你们的大家族。总之,我要感谢每一个曾经帮助过你们取得今天荣耀的人,谢谢你们。我也想向全体亚利桑那州人民致歉,很抱歉抢走你们优秀的前任州长珍妮特·纳波利塔诺。不过,你们现在又有了一个非常棒的州长了,我也知道珍妮特作为国家安全部部长正运用她惊人的才能为我们全国人民服务,在保证美国的安全工作上她作出了杰出的贡献。


Gossip Girl 《绯闻女孩》节选

Nate: Come on, man. I can hearyou breathing on the other sideof the door. Is she anybody youcan get rid of I just really needto talk to you man. Please.

Chuck: Nathaniel.

Nate: Wheres the girlChuck: In my dreams, I wastrying to get some shut-eye.








The Lizzie McGuire Movie


Gordo: I was kind of thinkingmaybe, you know, outside in thecourtyard.

Kate: If this is about thatparallel-universe, Italian-rockstar,Lizzies-suddenly-a-divathing, I know all about it.

Lizzie: She figured it out.

Gordo: Evil and smart.

Kate: Embrace it. Fear it.







发元音/i:/ 时,嘴巴张开,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。上下齿略微分开,可见部分下齿,舌前部可接触所有下齿。


发元音/I/ 时,嘴巴微张,上下齿稍分开,可见部分上齿,舌尖可接触所有下齿,发音时舌头后缩。


bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪



发元音/A:/ 时,嘴巴张大,舌尖离开下齿,舌身平放后缩,舌后部抬起,口张开,开口最大。

butterfly /5btflaI/ n. 蝴蝶


shark /SA:k/ 鲨鱼

o-money /5mnI/ 钱

u -bus /bs/ 公交车

oo-flood /fld/ 洪水

ou-country /5kntrI/ 国家


a-fast /fA:st/ 快的

al-calm /kA:m/ 平静

ar-car /kA:/ 汽车

au-aunt /A:nt/ 阿姨

ear-heart /hA:t/ 心


Chinese people like tea.


Lets keep in touch.



Is it difficult to buy the ticket


She is a pretty lady.


run /rn/ v. 跑

love /lv/ v. 喜爱

luck /lk/ n. 运气

son /sn/ n. 儿子

cover /5kv/ v. 覆盖

tough /tf/ a. 坚韧的


art /A:t/ n. 艺术bar /bA:/ n. 酒吧ask /A:sk/ v. 询问last /lA:st/ v. 持续party /5pA:tI/ n. 聚会March /mA:tS/ n. 三月harm /hA:m/ n. 伤害,损害heart /hA:t/ n. 内心,心脏Promise little but do much.


She loves her mother very much.

她很爱她的母亲/A:/He who laughs last laughs best.


He will go to the garden after class.


Old Mr. Hunt had a cuddypunt. Not a cuddy punt, but ahunt punt cuddy.


Master Carl asks his classnot to go to the parks to playcards.


Ducks ducked under thedocks with a ducker ducking intothe dark.


We measure progress by how many people can find a job thatpays the mortgage; whether you can put a little extra money away atthe end of each month so you can someday watch your child receiveher college diploma. We measure progress in the 23 million new jobsthat were created when Bill Clinton was President-when the averageAmerican family saw its income go up $7,500 instead of down $2,000like it has under George Bush.

我们判断国家是否发展,要看有多少人能够找到工作来支付贷款;要看你是否可以每月存下一点钱,为了你的孩子将来可以去读大学。判断国家是否发展,要看比尔·克林顿总统在任期间创造的2300 万个工作机会——并且美国家庭平均收入上升了7500美元而不是乔治 布什时期的下降2000 美元。


I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man whocampaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women hegrew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode with on the trainhome to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, JoeBiden.


5. /u:/-


Superman Returns 《超人归来》节选

Kitty: So were stealing fireLex: Actually, sort of. You seewhoever controls technologycontrols the world. The RomanEmpire ruled the world becausethey built roads. The BritishEmpire ruled the world becausethey built ships. America, theatom bomb. And so on and soforth. I just want what Prometheuswanted.

Kitty: Sounds great. Lex, but youare not a god.

Lex: Gods are selfish beingswho fly around in little red capesand dont share their power withmankind. No, I dont want to be基蒂:这么说,我们在偷火?





Jane Eyre 《简·爱》节选

a God. I just want to bring fire tothe people. And I want my cut.


Rochester: Ive a strange feelingwith regard to you, as if I had astring somewhere under my lef tribs, tightly knotted to a similarstring in you. And if you wereto leave, Im af raid that cord ofcommunion would snap. And Ivea notion that Id take to bleedinginwardly. As for you, youd forgetme.

Jane: How I have lived a fulllife here. I have not been trampledon. I have not been petrified. Ihave not been excluded fromevery glimpse of what is bright. Ihave known you, Mr. Rochester,and it strikes me with anguish tobe torn from you.




bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发/u:/ 音时,上下齿微分开,舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿,双唇突出且拢圆。


kangaroo /7kdZg5ru:/ 袋鼠

wolf /wUl f/ 狼

/ u:/

o-do /du:/ 做

u-June /dZu:n/ 六月

oo-food /fu:d/ 食物

ou-soup /su:p/ 汤

ue-blue /blu:/ 蓝色的

ui -fruit /fru:t/ 水果


ol-wolf /wUl f/ 狼