
第3章 音标(2)

I say you and I go back downthere and stand up to those guys.

Friends 《老友记》节选








Chandler: Alright, hang on asecond there Custer.

Joey: Yeah really, Ross, haveyou ever been beaten up beforeRoss: Yeah, sure.




Pretty Little Liars 《美少女的谎言》节选

Jason: I dont have the pictureanymore. Its gone. Hey, can youget me some more waterEmily: Y-y-yeah, sure.

Aria: Emily, what happenedWheres Jason

Hanna: Why were you evenwith him.


发元音/e/ 时,嘴唇略微张开,上下齿稍稍分开,上下门牙部分露出。舌头轻轻接触下齿龈。


发元音/Q/ 时,嘴巴张大,上下齿分开,且上下齿前端部分露出。舌尖接触到下齿龈后部,双唇向两旁伸成扁平形。


elephant /5elIfnt/ n. 大象


cat /kt/ n. 猫


a-bag /bQg/ 书包

ai-plait /plQt/ 发辫


a-many /5menI/ 很多

e-bed /bed/ 床

ea -bread /bred/ 面包

ue -guest /gest/ 客人

ie-friend /frend/ 朋友


egg /eg/ n. 蛋

get /get/ v. 获得

end /end/ n. 末尾

dead /ded/ a. 死的

friend /frend/ n. 朋友

every /5evrI/ a. 每一的

extra /5ekstr/ a. 额外的

west /west/ n. 西部,西方


hat /hQt/ n. 帽子

chat /tSQt/ n. 聊天

pack /pQk/ n. 包裹

plan /plQn/ n. 计划

apple /Qpl/ n. 苹果

mad /mQd/ a. 疯的

marry /5mQrI/ v. 结婚

happy /5hQpI/ a. 高兴的


I like bread and eggs.


It is my pleasure to help you.



I am as happy as you.


He has a very happy family.



Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.


A fat mad man had a hat on his back.


Eddies enemies enviedEddies energy, but Eddie neverenvied his enemies energy.



A fat man sat on a black catand the black cat was squashedflat, for the man was mad.


Now, in all seriousness, I come here not to dispute the suggestionthat I havent yet achieved enough in my life. First of all, Michelleconcurs with that assessment. She has a long list of things that I havenot yet done, waiting for me when I get home. But more than that,I come to embrace the notion that I havent done enough in my life.

I heartily concur. I come to affirm that once titled, even a title likepresident of the United States, says very little about how well oneslife has been led. That no matter how much youve done or howsuccessful you have been, theres always more to do, always more tolearn, and always more to achieve.




Tonight, more Americans are out of work and more are workingharder for less. More of you have lost your homes and even moreare watching your home values plummet. More of you have cars youcant afford to drive, credit card bills you cant afford to pay, andtuition thats beyond your reach.


3. /S:/

Raj: Hey, how come I wasntpart of this dealSheldon: You had left therefreshment stand in order toindulge in your customarypreemptive pre-show urination.

Raj: Oh, so thats how it worksI have a teeny bladder and Idont get a hot girlfriendHoward: Yeah, Raj. Thats howit works.

(The Big Bang Theory 《生活大爆炸》节选)






Stefan: Im an avid reader, ahuge Fitzgerald fan, The greatGatsby, his masterpiece. ButIm no snob. I love some goodGrisham. I think Seinfeld is thebest American television show.

For the past 50 years, but I loveLucy is all-time. The loving cupepisode was the best, I think.

Huge Scorsese fan. I can watchTaxi Driver over and over again.

Elena: Here, let me.

The Vampire Diaries 《吸血鬼日记》节选





发/S:/ 音时,嘴唇合拢,成小椭圆形。上下齿分开,但不露出。舌头位于口腔中央。



bird /b:d/ n. 鸟

panda/5pnd/ n. 熊猫


or-word /w:d/ 词

ir-girl /g:l/ 女孩

er-person /5p:sn/ 人

ear-learn /l:n/ 学

ur-fur /f:/ 皮毛

our-journal /5dZ :nl/ 杂志

a-arrive /S5raIv/ 到达

o-correct /k5rekt/ 正确的

u-support /s5p:t/ 支持

ar-dollar /5dl/ 美元

er-water /5w:t/ 水

or-actor /5Qkt/ 男演员

ur-surprise /s5praIz/ 惊奇

oar-cupboard /5kbd/ 碗柜

our-honour /n/ 荣誉


hurt /hot/ v. 伤害

nurse /n:s/ n. 护士

term /t:m/ n. 学期

dirty /5d:tI/ a. 脏的

colour /5kl/ n. 颜色

today /t5deI/ n. 今天

doctor /5dkt/ n. 医生

forget /f5get/ v. 忘记


Her purse is made of fur.


She wants to buy a skirt.


She wears a dirty skirt.


He does research work in a firm.



The first person in a dirty

shirt works in the third firm.


The murderer searched theburglar in shirt.


Her mother correctly recollectedRebeccas answer.


An elevator on Everest is aneverest elevator.


early /:lI/ a. 早期的

earth /S:T/ n. 地球

her /ho/ a. 她的

urgent /:dZnt/ a. 紧急的

picture /5pIktS/ n. 图片

teacher /5ti:tS/ n. 教师

happen /5hQpn/ v. 发生

success /sk5ses/ n. 成功


For everywhere we look, there is work to be done. The state ofour economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act-not onlyto create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth. We willbuild the roads and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines thatfeed our commerce and bind us together. We will restore science to itsrightful place, and wield technologys wonders to raise health caresquality and lower its cost. We will harness the sun and the winds andthe soil to fuel our cars and run our factories. And we will transformour schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of anew age. All this we can do. All this we will do.