
第71章 豪车系列(11)

1949-The Original XK

The XK120, designed by Jaguars founder William Lyons, caused a sensation when it was launched at the British Motor Show. Although the name XK120 was a combination of its engine and its planned top speed, a model with no windshield was tested on the Ostend-Jabbeke motorway in Belgium and reached 132mph, making it the worlds fastest production car.

1951-The winning begins

Jaguars first success on the race track came with the C-Type, originally called the XK120C. Its beautiful rounded shape was inspired by the principles of aerodynamics. More powerful, yet 25% lighter than the XK120 it was based on, the C-Type claimed victory at its first appearance in the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

1954-A design triumph

With its distinctive stabilizing tailfin, the Jaguar D-Type, designed by Malcolm Sayers, was one of the most beautiful competition cars ever built. It also featured the first serious use in motorsport of a moncoque construction, still found in the majority of racing cars today. D-Types achieved remarkable success at Le Mans, finishing first, second, third, fourth and sixth in the 1957 race.

1956-Recognition for Jaguars founder

William Lyons was knighted in recognition of his services to the British car industry, particularly Jaguars export success. He had formed the companys forerunner, Swallow Sidecars, on his 21st birthday and excelled as a designer as well as an entrepreneur.

1957-Jaguar plant burns

In the evening of February12, 1957 a fire broke out in the service area of Jaguars Browns Lane factory and swept through the production line. The blaze caused damage worth 3 million - a colossal sum at the time - but the plant was back in action, working at one-third capacity, just a fortnight later, thanks to the incredible efforts of the workers.

1961-A true automotive icon

The iconic Jaguar E-Type caused a sensation when it was launched at the Geneva Motor Show, leaving all its rivals in the shade. Described by Enzo Ferrari as “the most beautiful car ever built”, it exuded feline grace, power and beauty, with its impossibly long, elegant bonnet.

1968-The birth of a legendary lineage

The XJ6 saloon was the last car designed by Sir William Lyons and became his longest lived creation, with more than 400,000 sales in the following 24 years. With its emphasis on comfort and a smooth, quiet ride, the car set standards of refinement that would lead the luxury car market for years to come.

1985-The end of an era

Sir William Lyons died at his home in Leamington Spa, 50 years after unveiling the first Jaguar and 13 years after retiring as Jaguars chairman.

1988-Return to the winners podium

The XJR-9 with a 7.0-litre engine proved unstoppable in the World Sports Car Championship, winning six of the 11 races and taking both the driver and team trophies. It also returned Jaguar to the top step of the podium at Le Mans for the first time since 1957.

1996-Jaguars fastest-selling sports car

Jaguars own design team beat off competition from other parts of the Ford group to create a new sports car for the companys first V8 engine. The XK8 took inspiration from iconic Jaguars of the past and blended them into a sleek shape that met the contemporary requirements of space, safety and luxury. The XK8 immediately exceeded all expectations and became the fastest-selling sports car in Jaguars history.

2010-And beyond

There is no doubt Jaguar will continue to focus on innovative,seductive performance well into the future. It is already pushing the boundaries of design and sustainability. The C-X75 electric concept car, unveiled to universal acclaim at the 2010 Paris Motor Show, gave an exciting glimpse into what the future holds for Jaguar.

windshield [‘windi:ld] n. 挡风玻璃

aerodynamics [,εrudainmiks] n. 气体力学

iconic [aknk] adj. 标志性的

podium [‘pudjm] n.领奖台

自1935 年 SS 捷豹 2.5 升轿车闪亮登场起,捷豹生产了数款着名跑车,并在新型发动机的开发上保持领先地位。

1935 年 - 捷豹诞生

第一辆贴有捷豹标签的汽车——SS 捷豹 2.5 升轿车,在伦敦梅菲尔大酒店举行的奢华仪式上亮相,售价仅为 385 英镑。William Lyons 爵士的捷豹汽车公司还生产一款 1.5 升汽车,两年后捷豹又推出 3.5 升车型。

1938 年 - 第一辆捷豹跑车问世

捷豹敞篷式 SS100 早在三年前便已推出,但集舒适性、易用性和强劲运动性能于一体的经典特色却始自1938 年问世的 3.5 升跑车。凭借流畅的弧线外形和优美的细节设计,SS100 成为竞技之选,并在阿尔卑斯山路汽车拉力赛和英国 RAC 汽车拉力赛中获奖。

1943 年 - 令捷豹蜚声业界的发动机


1949 年 - 开启经典的XK

XK120 由捷豹的创始人 William Lyons爵士设计,在英国车展上推出时引起轰动。虽然 XK120 这个名称由该车的发动机和计划达到的最高时速组成,但一款无风挡的车型在比利时奥斯登至雅贝克的高速公路上试车时,速度竟达到每小时 132 英里,成为世界上最快的量产车。

1951 年 - 胜利从此开始

捷豹在赛道上首获成功的车型为 C-TYPE,最初名为 XK120C。它优美、圆润的外形,深受空气动力学原理的启迪。C-TYPE 以 XK120 为基础,动力更强,重量却减少 25%,在勒芒 24 小时耐力赛上初次亮相即宣告成功。

1954 年 - 设计典范

捷豹 D-TYPE 具有独特的稳定尾翼,由 Malcolm Sayers 设计,是史上最漂亮的赛车之一。同时,这是无大梁单体车身构造在汽车运动中的首次真正应用,直到今天这种结构仍为大多数赛车沿用。D-TYPE 在勒芒赛中大获成功,在 1957 年赛事中包揽前六名中的五个。

1956 年 - 捷豹创始人获得殊荣

William Lyons 因其对英国汽车工业的贡献,尤其是捷豹出口所获的成功而被封爵。他在 21 岁生日那天组建了公司前身 Swallow Sidecars ,是一位出色的设计师和企业家。

1957 年 - 捷豹工厂火灾

1957 年 2 月 12 日的傍晚,捷豹 Browns Lane 工厂的维修区突发大火并席卷了整个生产线。大火造成 300 万英镑的损失,在当时这是个巨额数字,但在工人们的卓绝努力下,仅两周后工厂就恢复 1/3 的产能。

1961 年 - 汽车美学典范

最具标志性的 E-TYPE 在日内瓦车展上推出时引起轰动。Enzo Ferrari先生称其为“史上最漂亮的汽车”。它的发动机盖不可思议的修长优美,散发出猫一般的优雅、力量和美感。

1968 年 - 传奇车系诞生

XJ6 轿车是由 William Lyons 爵士设计的最后一款车,也成为经典,在之后 24 年里销售超过 40 万辆。这款车强调舒适及平滑安静的驾乘体验,确立了精致优雅的标准,引领未来豪华车市场。

1985 年 - 一个时代的结束

首辆捷豹车诞生 50 年后,从捷豹董事长职位上已退休 13 年的 William Lyons 爵士在位于莱明顿温泉区的家中去世。

1988 年 - 重返胜利者的领奖台

采用 7.0 升发动机的 XJR-9 在世界跑车锦标赛上势不可挡,赢得 11 项比赛中的六项,捧回个人和团队奖杯,同时也让捷豹自 1957 年以来再次重登勒芒最高领奖台。

1996 年 - 捷豹销售最快的跑车

捷豹的设计团队打败了福特集团其他部门的竞争者,为公司首台 V8 发动机设计新跑车。XK8 汲取捷豹传奇车型的灵感,加以融合,设计出线条流畅的外形,满足当代对空间、安全和奢华的要求。XK8 不负期望,问世后成为捷豹史上销售最快的跑车。

2010 - 专注未来

毫无疑问,捷豹未来将会一直专注创新和卓越性能,不断扩展设计与可持续发展的极限。C-X75 电动概念车在 2010 年巴黎车展上一亮相即获得交口称赞,让人们得以窥见捷豹的未来,C-X75的诞生不仅为了庆祝捷豹75年的辉煌成就和夺目未来,更表明捷豹将在可持续发展之路上,继续坚持打造“优雅迷人而又动感激情”的汽车。