
第70章 豪车系列(10)

In the development history for more than 70 years, Jeep is undoubtedly the most popular brand with the numerous legends it created since the date of birth. It is because of the legendary history and the pronunciation sonorous and easy to remember, many people see Jeep as the synonym of SUV.


sonorous [sun:rs, snrs] adj. 响亮的

synonym [sinnim] n. 代名词


首批Willys MB Jeeps于1941年生产,并在1945年生产了第一批民用车型,成为最古老的越野车和运动型多用途车(SUV)品牌。这启发了许多其他轻型多用途运载车,比如路虎,它是第二古老的四轮驱动车品牌。起初作为Bantam BRC原型出现的吉普汽车成为二战期间及战后美国陆军与盟友基本的四轮驱动汽车。其他国家也创造了许多扮演类似军用和民用角色的吉普变形车。




1970年2月,美国汽车公司(简称AMC)收购了凯瑟吉普汽车公司,并将军品和民品生产分为AM Genera和Jeep Co.两个分公司。




在70 多年的发展历程中,Jeep 无疑是最受世人尊敬的品牌,自诞生之日起就创造无数传奇。也正是由于天赋的传奇历史和响亮易记的发音,让不少人将Jeep 视为SUV 的代名词。

8.(英国)劳斯莱斯 Rolls-Royce





查理·史蒂华特·劳斯(Charles Stewart Rolls)

亨利·罗易斯(Henry Royee)





The best cars in the world have always been surrounded by stories about legendary models, their renowned performance and their owners.

Every Rolls-Royce motor car is built by hand at the state-of-the-art head quarters and manufacturing facility at the Home of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars at Goodwood. Designed by architect Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, the building was designed to have minimal impact on the environment.

Since 1904 Rolls-Royce has created instantly recognisable motor cars that have made the marque an enduring icon all over the world.

Phantom redefined the marque for the 21st century - a fitting celebration of the principles of Sir Henry Royce. This continuing pursuit of innovation, realised in EX programme and the models it has produced, has created new benchmarks for the industry.

Ghost Family

Ghosts designers were inspired by this photograph of Don Carlos de Salamanca at the 1913 Spanish Grand Prix. His serene expression after winning the gruelling 190-mile race in his Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost suggested the simple and effortless driving experience they re-created for the 21st Century Ghost.

Ghost is the essence of Rolls-Royce in its simplest and purest form. Advanced engineering combined with a host of hidden technology creates a dynamic yet comfortable drive. The principle of delivering simplicity out of complexity runs throughout Ghost and Ghost Extended Wheelbase. Everything is designed, engineered and crafted to be so invitingly approachable, so simple, it encourages you to regard either car as appropriate for any occasion. Inside its like being cocooned in your own convivial private sanctuary that leaves you relaxed and unruffled after the longest journey.

Phantom Family

Every Phantom is hand-built at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood in England. From seamstresses to surface finish technicians and French polishers, it takes 60 pairs of hands to design, craft and construct a Rolls-Royce before its ready for its owner.

Designed without compromise, the Phantom family is the result of complete creative and engineering freedom. Created with the desire to build the best car in the world, Phantom combines compelling charisma with design cues that are unmistakably Rolls-Royce.

marque [mɑ:k] n. 商品型号

convivial [knvivil] adj. 欢乐的,愉快的

unruffle [nrf()ld] v. 变得平静


每一辆劳斯莱斯汽车都出品自劳斯莱斯诞生地古德伍德。在现代化总部,运用先进生产设施,经手工打造而成。劳斯莱斯总部的建筑物由建筑师Nicholas Grimshaw爵士设计,处处体现尽可能环保的设计理念。

早在 1904 年,劳斯莱斯就制造出了一眼即可辨认的汽车,并将品牌打造成为享誉全球的不朽标志。

幻影是向亨利·莱斯爵士理念的致敬之作,更是重新定义了21世纪的劳斯莱斯汽车。这种对创新技术的不懈追求,在 EX计划以及其生产的车型中得以实践,并为汽车行业设立了全新基准。


1913 年西班牙大奖赛中车手 Don Carlos de Salamanca 的一张照片,令古斯特的设计者大受启发。Don Carlos de Salamanca驾驶其劳斯莱斯银魂赢得190英里高强度比赛之后展现出的平静而从容的神态,触动了设计者们: 21 世纪的古斯特需要为驾驶者再次带来这种种简单而又从容自如的驾驶体验。



每一辆幻影都是在劳斯莱斯之家——英格兰的古德伍德手工打造而成。在向车主交付产品之前,从女裁缝师到表面抛光技师和法国打磨师,每一辆劳斯莱斯都需要 60 双手来设计、制作和打造。


9.(英国)捷豹 Jaguar




创始人:威廉姆·里昂斯(William Lyons)





After the glittering launch of the SS Jaguar 2.5 Litre Saloon in 1935, Jaguar quickly moved into sports car production and pioneering work on new engines.

1935-Jaguar burst onto the motoring scene

The first car to bear the Jaguar name was the SS Jaguar 2.5 Litre Saloon, unveiled at an exclusive event in Londons Mayfair Hotel. It cost a mere 385. William Lyons SS Cars company also produced a 1.5-litre version and a 3.5-litre model followed two years later.

1938-The first Jaguar sports car

The open-topped Jaguar SS100 had been released three years earlier but 1938 saw the launch of a 3.5-litre version that offered the classic Jaguar combination of comfort, usability and powerful sports performance. With its sweeping profile and elegant detailing, the SS100 was designed for competition and won prizes in the Alpine Trial and RAC Rally.

1943-The engine that made Jaguars name

The straight-six engine was first developed by engineers on night-time firewatch at the Jaguar plant during World War Two. The XK version, introduced in 1949, went on to power Jaguar cars for more than four decades.