
第26章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“软新闻”(9)

Q:Yang Guanghe did so many good things yet he still met such a trouble:He was once defrauded more than 10,000 Yuan by a person who was helped by him.But he never hesitates to help others.So I want ask you:How do you think about such a thing?Why didn't he give up the kind actions after that?

A:I think first of all,Yang Guanghe is just an ordinary person who is doing unusual things.Maybe it is his simplicity and honesty that made him a great man in our hearts but for he himself a most ordinary person.Unlike most people in the modern city,he just did those without any rewards from the bottom of his heart and get happiness from it.This is the reason for his firm determination about helping other.

Also Yang's actions enlightened us in many ways.Such as,why do we come to the world?What shall we do in the society?What is a true happiness for us?...They are the most important questions to answer for our human relations.We people are from the same forefather and coexisted in the same world.We were born to help each other because we depend on each other.Sometimes we are just afraid of being hurt by others,so we don't give a helping hand.However,if no one trusts the world,then,how can we live harmoniously?So we should learn the spirit of Yang Guanghe.Just open our heart to warm the world one and help others.To help others is the most help for ourselves,since we can get true happiness from the process.

No.4:OK!This is all for today's Grass Roots.See you next time!










第五个新闻故事背景:Key word:Morality



No.5:Good evening everyone,welcome to today's The Impressive People.Time goes so quickly,time passes by beside us!We are moved by some little things,little but can move us!

I am touched by a senior high school student Cao Yu,who contributed her kidney to her father who had suffered from uremia.I am completely approving her behavior,explaining her unlimited love and filial piety to her father.I am moved and I believe thousands of hundreds of audience are moved.We are moved by her filial piety,courage and staunch.

Q-1:Hello,Coach Lin!My first question to you is:Do you approve her behavior?


No.5:China is a great country with a long history,filial piety is our traditional morality,filial piety is not a difficult thing for me,but is there everybody who treats their parents like Cao Yu by contributing her kidney to her father?This is a great spirit.This also makes us giving more love to our parents.From another point,it also brings great influence on our society which needs more love,filial piety and harmonious.Our society initiates filial piety,approves philanthropy which makes our society stronger.We appreciate this behavior and enhance and glorify the filial piety morality forever.

Q-2:Now I would ask Coach Lin the second question.Hello,Coach Lin!Hhat do you think about the significance she brings to the society?


No.5:With the answer from Coach Lin,we can get much deeper reflections on this story.Let's move on our life with every firm step each day.OK!This is for taday's program me.See you next time,bye!





最后,关于结束语。相对来说,这档节目的结语部分还是有设计的。虽然只是短短的一句话“Let’s move on our life with every firm step each day”,但是,考虑到节目时长,还是可以接受的。然而,这句话的含义又似乎与节目的内容联系得不直接、不明了。






第六个新闻故事背景:Key word:Morality



No.6:Hello everyone!Welcome to today's Their Stories.Liu Qiankun is an ordinary policeman in Urumqi,the capital city of Xinjiang Autonomous Region.During the past 35 years,he always contributes to the people with his meager salary.

Let's see what's in his home.Just an old radio and some out-dated furniture are in his 20 squaremeter size room.But he often helps the poorer people around him with the money took from his 2000 yuan salary.In 1999,his neighbor,Gu Yuying's husband,became a gork because of a traffic accident.Since then,he keeps helping Gu to look after her husband for 8 years.