
第78章 客户交流(2)



英语俚语很多都源于圣经故事,比如这条。《圣经》(The Bible)里有这样一个故事:一个富人雇佣了好几名园丁帮自己打理葡萄园,有个园丁一大早就开始干活了,而有一些直到晚上才来,但他们下班的时间和所得的工钱却是一样的。早知如此,晚上十一点来也是一样的。所以这个俚语就比喻正赶上能拿到好处的时候。

At the end of (one's) rope 忍无可忍

I am at the end of my rope. You have done such a mess of all the work I gave you.



其实这个俚语最早的说法是“At the end of (one's) tether。”“tether”跟“rope”差不多意思,都是绳子、锁链的意思。这个用法最早见于17世纪的文献之中,表示到了无法再忍的尽头。

Lesson 88 合作


Having this input by July 5 will enable us to maintain our schedule. 如果在7月5日前收到汇款的话,我们将维持原计划。

Your advice would be welcome. 我们欢迎您向我们提建议。

Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated. 我们期待您的立刻关注。

As soon as I receive this information, I will be in touch with you. 在我收到信息后,会尽快联系你。

We look forward to hearing from you. 我期待听到您的回复。

If you have any question, please call me. 如果您有任何问题,可以打电话给我。

Please indicate your acceptance of this employment by signing your name and returning a copy of your ID. 请签字表明您接受这份工作,并给我们一份您的身份证复印件。

We want to ensure that you enjoy the highest standards of service. 我们想确保您可以享受最高水准的服务。

I apologize for the inconvenience. 如果造成您的不便,我们深表歉意。

Thanks again for your cooperation. 非常感谢您的合作。

I wish you every success in your important work. 祝您一帆风顺。

We look forward to a very cordial relationship between our two organizations. 希望我们两个组织间可以建立良好的合作关系。

This is to enquire what address we can reach you. 我们想知道您的联系地址。

Here is our price list you asked for in your letter. 这是您信中提到物品的价格表。

We will consider your suggestions favorably. 我们会认真考虑您的建议。


I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already. When will the meeting start


Didn't you hear our meeting was postponed until Friday.


What No one told me anything about it.


Did you see that post


What post


The post went out 3 days ago.


I did not see it.


Don't you ever look at meassages posted on the bulletin board


I'm usually too busy to take a cofee break.


That's right. You will never know what you're missing if you don't read the post.


Anyway, I think they should send the post into my e-mail inbox. I'll have to talk to the secretary.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

很高兴告诉您。 I m pleased to tell you. I have the pleasure in informing you.

请通知我们。 Please tell/inform us. Please be good enough to advise us.

我们不认为会涨价。 We do not expect prices to rise. Please do not anticipate any increase in prices.

您能在月末前给我们回信吗 Will you please send us a reply in the enclosed envelope before the end of the month. Will you kindly send us a reply before the end of the month for which a stamped envelope is enclosed.

如果您要卖的打字机还在卖,请通知我价格。 If you still have the typewriter which you offered for sale, please inform me of the price. I was informed that you had a typewriter for sale and would like to know if it is still on sale; if so, please advise me as to the price.

非常抱歉我们的产品出现了质量问题,我们将会免费为您更换。 We are sorry that the merchandise is not up to standard and we shall gladly make an exchange. It is not our intention to suggest that you should keep unsatisfactory merchandise, so we are willing to ask you to return it to us at once, and will be glad to make an exchange.

感谢您在1月30日汇的100美元。 Thank you for your $ 100 remittance of January 30. We have your remittance of January 30 in the amount of $ 100, and wish at this time to thank you for it.

请找出原因。 Please find out the reason. Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason.

很抱歉现在不能接受您的订购。 We are sorry we cannot meet your present order. We express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion.

会议将在6月30日举行。 It is on the last day of June that the meeting will be held. The meeting will be held on June 30.

我们将退回所有瑕疵产品。 We are returning all the merchandise that is defective. We are returning all the defective merchandise.

我们不能接受您的建议。 We must tell you that we can't accept your proposal. Unfortunately, we can not accept your proposal.

感谢您对我的帮助。 Thank you in advance for all the help you will give me. Thank you for all the help you will give me.

我不明白你的意思。 Your letter is not clear at all. I can't understand it. I didn't quite get you.

下个星期前,我们需要你的声明。 We need the statement by the end of next week. Could you send us the statement by the end of next week


1. concise [kn‘sais] a. 简明的,简洁的;简要的

【例句】I need a concise summary.


2. courteous ['k:tjs] a. 殷勤的,谦恭的,有礼貌的

【例句】She is very courteous.


3. invaluable [in‘vljubl] a. 非常贵重的,无价的;无法估价的

【例句】Her advice has been invaluable to the success of the plan.


4. insane [in'sein] a. (患)精神病的;精神错乱的;疯狂的;精神病患者的;为精神病患者而设的;极愚蠢的;荒唐的

【例句】The killer is insane.


5. exhaustive [ig‘z:stiv] a. 彻底的;详尽无疑的;消耗(性)的

【例句】After an exhaustive search, the missing money was found.




Business That's very simple — it's other people's money.

做生意吗 那太简单了——叫别人掏钱包。

Sometimes a woman will allow cheating of their love, but will never permit damage to their self-esteem.


Life is a leaf of white paper, whereupon each of us may write one word or two.


Life is a palette; you put colors on it.


On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind.
