
第77章 客户交流(1)

Lesson 87 约访客户


I would like to speak to Mr.Auttapol. 我想和奥特普先生通话。

Do you know what time I can reach him 你知道我什么时候能找到他

Would you like to leave a message 你愿意留个口信吗

Hold on a minute while I get a pencil. 别挂电话,我拿一支铅笔。

In the middle of our telephone coversation, we were suddenly cut off. 我们的电话打了一半突然断了。

May I make an appointment I'd like to arrange a meeting to discuss our new order. 请问我能预约一下吗我想安排个会议讨论一下我们的新订单。

Let's fix the time and the place of our meeting. 我们先定下会议的时间和地点吧。

Can we make it a little earlier 时间能不能定的早一点

Do you think you could make it Monday afternoon That would suit me better. 你能定在星期一下午吗那个时间更合适一点。

Would you please tell me when you are free 您有空的时候告诉我行吗

I'm afraid I have to cancel my appointment. 很抱歉我不得不取消约会。

It looks as if I won't be able to keep the appointment we made. 似乎我不能按时守约了。

Will you change our appointment tomorrow at 10:00 to the day after tomorrow at the same time 能不能把我们明早十点的会议改到后天十点

Anytime except Monday would be all right. 除了星期一其他时间都没问题。

Why don't I come by your office tomorrow so we can discuss this in person 我明天到您办公室,我们当面谈,好吗


Hello, may I please speak with Karen Anderson


May I ask who is calling, please


Sure, this is Daniel Webster from Livesales International...Yes, I can hold.Thank you very much.



Hello, this is Karen. How may I help you, Daniel


Hi,Karen.How is everything going with your company


Just fine. How are you doing


I am doing good. You know, recently I read in the Business Time that your company has done very well since you had a booth at last year's computer game convention.


Actually, we've had a terrific year. And the convention was a huge success.


Great, I'm glad to hear it! I wanted to let you know that next year's convention has already been schedueled. The booths go pretty quickly, so...


You want to make sure I get one as soon as possible, right


Yes,of course! What do you think Will you be interested in displaying products for thousands of prospective customers


I don't know Daniel.You know the booths at the convention center in Stock Town are one-quarter of the price as those here.


Of course they are, Karen. But historically, many more buyers attend the conventions here.


You may be right,but people are willing to travel longer to attend conventions nowdays.


I'll tell you what. Why don't I come by your office tomorrow so we can discuss this in person


Well, I suppose I could meet with you after lunch. How about two p.m


Sure. See you then.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

我们将大量订货。 We will make a big order. We will place a large order.

这是最优惠价格了。 This is the lowest price. This is the most competitive price.

我明天到你的办公室,我们当面谈怎么样 Let's discuss it face to face in your office, shall we Why don't I come by your office tomorrow so we can discuss this in person

我们愿意给您把价格降低15%。 We would like to offer you 15% off. We are ready to reduce our price by 15 percent for you.

我们有报价供您参考。 We have quotation for your consideration. We have prepared quotation for your reference.

即使……我们也不能成交。 We cannot entertain business even if... We cannot trade at your price even if...

我们不能再降价了。 We cannot lower the price any longer. We cannot offer any further reduction.

那你给个价吧。 You may offer your price. Let's have your counter offer.

就那么定了。 That's a deal. That's settled.

还有一个问题,关于包装的。 Still another question, what about the packing There is one point which I'd like to bring up about the packing.

您这星期有时间吗 Are you free this week Are you available sometime this week

请尽快安排装运。 Please ship the ordered goods immediately. Please arrange for the shipment as soon as possible.


1. responsive [ri‘spnsiv] adj. 回答的,应答的,易感应的

【例句】He gave me a responsive smile back.


2. booth [bu:θ] 名词 n. (有篷的)货摊

【例句】I had a pepsi at a refreshment booth round the corner.


3. layout ['leiaut] 名词 n. 安排;设计;布局

【例句】Their house has a good layout.


4. terrific [t‘rifik] adj. 极度的,极大的

【例句】He offered us a terrific amount of money.


5. prospective [pr'spektiv] a. 预期的;未来的;即将发生的

【例句】He is likey to be our prospective client.




armed to the teeth全副武装

Being faced with such a fierce battle, every soldier has armed to the teeth.




At death's door 频临死亡

Having no water and food for three days, the adventurer is at death's door.



这句俚语的字面意思是“在死神门口”。都到阎王殿前了,岂不就是濒临死亡吗其实这句话出自《圣经·诗篇》(Psalms)第107章第18节。其中写道:“They drew near to the gates of death.”(他们濒临死亡。)

at the drop of a hat 立刻,马上

When he saw the robbery, he called the police at the drop of a hat.




at the eleventh hour


The criminal was trying to burst the ship, and at the eleventh hour the police came out.