
第46章 在银行(2)


IM Bank, Li Hao speaking. How may I help you


Hello, Ms Li. This is Mr. Dong.


Hello, Mr. Dong. How nice to hear from you again. What can I do for you


We'll be coming to make a cash withdrawal.


I see. How much exactly


100,000 RMB. Do you need me to give you my account number


No, that's OK. I've got all of your information here on the screen in front of me. The money will be ready and waiting for you tomorrow.


Thanks very much for your help. I will take the money tomorrow. I want to make a deposit into my son's account. It is his birthday on Wednesday.


What a thoughtful father!Do you have his account details with you




Please remember taking it here tomorrow.


Anything else


No, you'll fill your son's deposit details on the deposit slip.


I'll see. Thanks, Ms Li. See you tomorrow.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天用语 正式场合聊天用语

我知道了。 I'll see. I understand the meaning.

你需要我的账号吗 Do you need my account number Do you need me to give you my account number

我明天会亲自来取钱。 I'll take the money tomorrow. I'll take the money by myself tomorrow.

我们明天要来取一笔钱。 We'll withdraw an amount of money tomorrow. We'll be coming to make a cash withdrawal.

对您要取的钱有什么特殊的需要吗 Is there any special request about the money Any preference as to how you want the money

您有两种选择,您可以兑现,也可以续存。 You have two choices here: you can either redeem or renew. You have two choices to choose from, either redeem or renew.

应该没有问题。 There should be no problem. It won't cause a problem.

我想从我的账户中取点钱。 I want to get some money from my account. I'd like to withdraw some money from my account.

我想把这些现金存在我的账户上。 I want to deposit the cash into my account. I'd like to pay the cash into my account, please.

其中的一台自动取款机坏了。 One of our ATMs is down. One of our ATMs is out of work.

您要存800元。 You want to deposit 800 RMB. You are making a deposit of 800 RMB.

我能如何为您效劳 What can I do for you How can I be of service

我想存钱。 I want to deposit. I'd like to make a deposit.

今天排队的人太多了。 The waiting people are too many today. The waiting queue is too long today.

您有她的账户信息吗 Do you know her account information Do you have her account details on this deposit slip


1. creditor [‘kredt] n. 债权人;债主

【例句】The creditor came with evil intent.


2. debtor ['det] n. 债务人;借方

【例句】1. After repeated but fruitless demands for payment, he brought a suit against the debtor.


3. deduct [di‘dkt] vt. 扣除,减去

【例句】You may deduct your families health insurance.


4. dividend ['dividend] n. 红利,股息;被除数

【例句】What dividend did you receive


5. provision [pr‘vin] n. 供应,提供,供给;准备,防备;食物和饮料;规定,条款,条件

【例句】Provisions for poor students are very good.


6. withdraw [wie'dr:] vt. 停止提供;不再给予;(使)退出;提,取(银行账户中的款;收回,撤回,撤销(说过的话)

【例句】I withdraw my criticism.


7. redeem [ri‘di:m] vt. 实践;履行;使……免受责难;挽回;补偿;补救;用金钱赎回;解救,使摆脱;为……赎罪

【例句】The eyes redeem the face from ugliness.



The miser puts all his gold pieces in a coffer; but as soon as the coffer is closed, it's the same as if it were empty.

——Andre Gide, Pretexts



If men are to respect each other for what they are, they must cease to respect each other for what they own.

——A. J. P. Taylor, Politicians, Socialism and Historians


——A. J. P. 泰勒

Greed ——for lack of a better word ——is good.

Greed is right. Greed works.

——Wall Street (1987)



Be not penny-wise: riches have wings, and sometimes they fly away of themselves; sometimes they must be set flying to bring in more.

——Francis Bacon, Essays



A small loan makes a debt; a great one an enemy.

——Publius Syrus, Moral Sayings



Lesson 53 领卡


Is there anything I need to do before I take my card 在我领卡之前,还需要做什么吗

If I come in and collect it this morning , is there any way I could use it today 如果我今天下午来领取的话,我能不能今天就使用它呢

It does take one week to issue and post the card. 发卡和寄卡的确需要一周的时间。

I applied for a credit card with you a while ago, and my application was accepted, but I'm still waiting for my card. 我之前在你们这里申请过信用卡,我的申请被接受了,但我的卡还没到啊。

I received my new card this morning, but I can't use it. 我今天早上刚收到我的新卡,但我无法使用它。

I was told it would be activated and I can use it right away. 我被告知它被激活了,并马上就能使用了。

Unless you have your new PIN number to match your new card, you cannot use the card. 除非您有新的密码来匹配您的新卡,否则你就不能使用它。

But we do recommend you to read through our terms and conditions again before you sign for the card, just in case there is something you aren't happy with. 我们强烈建议您,在您签字接受信用卡之前,再仔细看一遍我们的章程,以防您有什么您不满意的地方。

Your new card has arrived with us, so you can either come to collect it, or we can send it on to you. 您的卡已经到了我们这里,所以您可以来取,或者我们把它寄给您。

I'm just calling to say that we've received your new corporate credit card from HQ. 我打电话就是要告诉您,我们已经收到了总部转来的您的新信用卡。

The ATM machine has eaten your card 自动取款机吞了你的卡

I've been using my old PIN number. 我一直在使用我的旧密码。

Is there anything I need to do before I collect it 在我领卡之前,还需要做什么吗

But if you would want to use it at the ATM, you'll need to wait for your PIN number. 只是如果您想在自动取款机上用它的话,您就得等您的密码。

We can provide you service over the counter. 我们可以在柜台为你服务。


Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you


Hello. I hope you can help me. I'm a little worried about my new card.


What seems to be the problem


I received my new card this morning, but I'm unable to use it.


Oh You mean, the ATM machine has eaten it


No, it's right here, see The ATM will not accept it.