
第45章 在银行(1)

Lesson 51 开户


I would like to open a current account please. 我想开一个活期存款账户。

I'm here to open a current account with your bank. 我想在你们这儿开一个活期账户。

How long does a code need to be 密码需要多长啊

Please fill in a deposit slip. 请您填一张存款单。

Could I see your ID 我能先看一下您的身份证件吗

There needs to be at least 1 RMB paid in to open a new account. 新开户的话最少要存1块钱。

You will need to choose a secret identity code to ensure no one else can enter your account. 您需要选择一个密码,以确保没有其他人能够进入您的账户。

Could you please fill out this form with your relevant details 请您在这张表上填写您的相关情况。

Please fill out this slip with how much you want to deposit. 请填写这张表单,写明你需要存多少钱。

Do you want a fixed deposit or a current deposit 你是想存定期的还是活期的

I'll find the relevant data and help you with that. 我得找到相关信息然后帮您办。

Is there anything I need to do before I open an account 在我开户之前,还需要做什么吗

Is there a minimum amount I need to pay in 有没有规定存入的最小金额啊

Five yuan is the minimum first deposit. 第一次最低限额为5元。

What's the annual fee 年费是多少


Good morning, Ma'am. May I help you


Yes, I'd like to open a saving account. Will you tell me how to do it


Sure, Ma'am. We have two kinds of accounts for our customers, namely, the current deposit account and the fixed deposit account. What kind would you like to open


Could you tell me the differences between them


Yes, of course. The interest rate is higher for fixed account but you can't draw cash from the deposit before the maturity date, or you won't earn the interest as planned.


Then I will open a current deposit account.


Please fill in the slip and go to Counter No.4 for the service. Use your real name, please.


Thank you very much.


My pleasure.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天用语 正式场合聊天用语

支票担保卡会在两天之内寄给您。 The cheque guarantee will be mailed to you in two days. The cheque guarantee will follow in the post in a couple of days.

我们通常收100元。 We usually ask for 100 RMB. We usually require 100 RMB.

完全没有麻烦。 totally hassle free! No trouble at all.

需要身份证吗 Does it need the ID Is there a need of the ID

我到底应该怎么做呢 What should I do What exactly do I need to do

剩下的交给我来办。 Let me do the rest. I'll take care of the rest.

有什么年龄限制吗 What about age limitation Is there an age limitation

请您在这个表上填写您的相关情况。 Please write your relevant informations on this form. Could you please fill out this form with your relevant details

新开户的话最少要存1块钱。 You must pay in at least 1 RMB to open a new account. There needs to be at least 1 RMB paid in to open a new account.

我能先看一下您的身份证件吗 Could I see some ID Please show me your ID.

在我开户之前,还需要做什么吗 What should I do before I open an account Is there anything I need to do before I open an account

请填写这张单子,写明你需要存多少钱。 Please fill out this slip, and write down how much you want to deposit. Please fill out this slip, stating how much you wish to deposit.

密码需要多长啊 How long is a code How long does a code need to be

现在这种方式很流行。 That's a very popular way. That's a rather prevalent way.

记长串的数字我不太行。 I'm not good with remembering long numbers. I'm not capable of remembering long numbers.

护照就可以。 Passport is OK. Passport will be fine.


1. expense [iks‘pens] n. 消耗,花费;花费的钱,费用

【例句】This expense will break us.


2. premises ['premsz] n. 房屋或其他建筑物;楼宇;单位;处所

【例句】Keep off the premises.


3. security [si‘kjuriti] n. 安全;抵押品;担保;保证;adj. 安全的;保安的;保密的

【例句】They lulled her into a false sense of security.


4. audit [':dit] vt. 审计,查账 n. 审计,查账,审核(计)

【例句】It took her a whole day to audit the invoices.


5. overdraft [‘vdrft] n. 透支,透支额;

【例句】He has a huge overdraft to pay off.


6. cash [k] n. 钱,现款 vt. 把支票兑换成现金

【例句】I have no cash with me.



What a man has honestly acquired is absolutely his own, which may be freely given, but cannot be taken from him without his consent.

——Samuel Adams, Massachusetts circular letter



The fields were fruitful, and starving men moved to on the roads. The granaries were full and the children of the poor grew up rachitic.

——John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath



The poor shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights.

——J. Paul Getty



It is absurd and disgraceful to live magnificently and luxuriously when so many are hungry.

——Clement of Alexandria



Open markets offer the only realistic hope of pulling billions of people in developing countries out of abject poverty, while sustaining prosperity in the industrialized world.

——Kofi Annan



Lesson 52 存钱及取钱


I just want the usual current deposit please. 我就想存普通的吧,活期的。

I'd like to pay this cash into my account, please. 我想把这些现金存在我的账户上。

I usually pay this cash into my account at the machine. 我通常使用存取款机来存款。

Would that be a fixed deposit or a current deposit 是存定期的还是活期的

I'll find the relevant data and help you with that. 我得找到相关信息然后帮您办。

I'd like to withdraw some money from my account. 我想从我的账户中取点钱。

Do you need me to give you my account number 你需要我的账号吗

I'd like to withdraw 2000 RMB from my personal account. 我想从我私人账户里取2000块钱。

If that's not a problem, I think I'll redeem. 如果没问题的话,我想我要


Please fill out this slip with how much you want to withdraw. 请填写这张单子,写明你需要取多少钱。

There is no limit on your account over the counter withdrawals, so it won't cause a problem. 您的账户对您在柜台取款没有数额的限制,应该没有问题。

You have two choices here: you can either redeem or renew. 您有两种选择,您可以兑现,也可以续存。

I've got all your information here on the screen in front of me. 我面前的电脑屏幕上有您的全部信息。

Here's your money and your interest note. 这是您的钱和利息的单据。

Take this receipt which has all of the transaction information on it. 拿好这个凭证,这次存钱的信息都在里面。