
第34章 TreasureAllAppearances学会珍惜(8)

















Last Dance... Last Chance... 最后的舞蹈……最后的机会……Tracy AndersonMy father was a gruff man. I couldn‘t remember the last time he had tenderly stroked my cheek tousled my hair or used a term of endearment when calling my name. His diabetes had given him a short temper and he screamed a lot. I was envious when I saw other fathers plant gentle kisses on their daughters’foreheads or impulsively give them a big bear hug. I knew that he loved me and that his love was deep. He just didn‘t know how to express it.

It was hard to say“I love you”to someone who didn’t say it back. After so many disappointing times when I would flinch from his sharp rebuff I began to withdraw my own warm displays of affection. I stopped reaching out or hugging or kissing him. At first, this act of self-restraint was conscious. Later it would become automatic and finally it was ingrained. The love between us ran strong but silent.

One rare evening out when my mother had successfully coaxing myusually asocial father to join us for a night in town, we were sitting in an elegant restaurant that boasted a small but lively band. When it struck up a familiar waltz tune I glanced at my father. He suddenly appeared small and shrunken to me not powerful and intimidating as I had always perceived him.

All the old hurts welled up inside but I decided to dare one last time. “Dad you know I‘ve never ever danced with you. Even when I wasa little girl I begged you, but you never wanted to. How about right now?”

I waited for the usual brusque reply that would once again slice my heart into ribbons. But instead he considered it thoughtfully and then a surprising twinkle appeared in his eye.“I have been remiss in my dutiesas a father then,”he uncharacteristically joked“.

Let’s hit the floor and I‘ll

show you just what kind of moves an old geezer like me still can make.”

My father took me in his arms. Since earliest childhood I hadn’t been enfolded in his embrace. I felt overcome by emotion.

As we danced, I looked up at my father intently, but he avoided my gaze. His eyes swept the dance floor, the other diners and the members of the band. His scrutiny took in everyone and everything but me. I felt that he must already be regretting his decision to join me for a dance that he seemed uncomfortable being physically close to me.