
第33章 TreasureAllAppearances学会珍惜(7)

And it stung when friends inquired only about Chuck’s coping, or sent sympathy cards addressed just to him, forgetting about me and even our two children. Some belittled my grieving because I was“just”a stepparent. Did anyone realize my loss and pain? I‘d had strong maternalfeelings for Conan; he considered me his second mother- or did he? As the weeks turned into months, that question haunted me, dominating my thoughts. I became driven to understand just what my role had been.

I rummaged through boxes of photos and dug out old journals, searching the house for mementos, even Christmas ornaments he had made.

There were several comforting journal excerpts, one describing Mother’s Day phone calls from Conan to me, and a beautiful white poinsettia he gave me at Christmas. And I cherished the memories old photos brought back- his loving bear hugs after cooking his favorite meal- or a kiss for simply doing his laundry. As comforting as these things were, they still weren‘t enough.

One beautiful spring day, almost a year after he died, I was lovingly caressing the pressed rose from his grave that I kept in my Bible. Suddenly, I felt compelled to visit his grave alone. I had never done that before, but I desperately needed some answers.

Arriving at the gravesite, I remembered Chuck mentioning that the permanent headstone had recently arrived. Chuck had told Conan’s mom to select what she wanted. As I looked down on the shiny marble surface, I noticed she had chosen a bronze sports emblem, along with a picture of Conan that had been permanently embedded under a thick layer of glass.

I bent down and lovingly ran my fingers over his engraved name and the dates commemorating his short life. Through a mist of tears, memories of a rambunctious, fun-loving little boy filled my heart. The child I‘d mothered part-time for so many years may not have come through my body, but I had been chosen by God to provide a maternal influence in his life. Not to take his mother’s place, but to be just a“step”away. I suddenly felt very honored to have been chosen.

“It was a privilege to be your stepmother,”I whispered out loud, bending to kiss his picture.

Finally, a sense of peace was beginning. With a heavy sigh, I got up to leave. But as I turned to walk away, the sun glistened on the border of the headstone, causing me to look back.

“Oh my gosh! How could I have not noticed it before?”

The entire border of the headstone was trimmed in gold shafts of wheat... exactly like a gold shaft-of-wheat pin Conan had given me years ago. Chills ran up and down my spine. I hadn‘t seen that pin in years.

Somehow, I just knew it was the missing link. I had to find that pin.

The ride home was a blur. I was so excited. Finally, I was upstairs in my bedroom tearing apart my jewelry box. Where was it? Dumping the contents on the bed, I frantically tossed earrings and pins to and fro.


God, this is important. Please help me find it, I prayed.

Turning from the bed I felt compelled to search my dresser. Rummaging through drawer after drawer proved futile, until finally, in the last drawer, clear in the back I felt it. It was a small, white box with my name scribbled on top in a child’s handwriting. Prying it open, I was instantly transported back in time.

Conan had been about ten years old, and it was the night before going on vacation to Florida. He was going with us, and I was packing in my room when I heard a knock on my door. Conan stood there, his eyes downcast and his hands behind his back.

“What is it, son?”I asked, concerned by this unexpected visit.

Shuffling his feet, he quickly mumbled,“I don‘t know why I don’t call you‘Mom’very often, even though I call my stepdad‘Dad’.”

I hugged him and reassured him he was free to call me whatever hewas comfortable with. Then suddenly, with a wry smile on his pudgy face, he handed me the small, white box.

“You choose,”he said, and darted from the room.

Assuming I‘d find two items inside the box, I opened it. Instead, I found the single gold wheat pin he’d bought at a garage sale with his own money.

Scribbled inside the lid of the box were the words,“I Love You. To Mom or Connie.”

That had been almost a decade ago, yet as I pushed the spilled contents of my jewelry box aside and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, it felt like yesterday.

Thank you, God, for finding this pin, and for the closure that comes with it.

Wiping the tears from my face, I reflected on an angelic little boy whose heart beat close to mine.

I still choose“Mom”.

















