
第34章 幸福箴言

On Happiness

佚名 / Anonymous

I have never been basically pessimistic, although I have appeared so to some readers.

I have taken life so seriously as to be disposed to optimism.

Pessimism is a waste of force—the penalty of one who doesn’t know how to live.

Happiness is in action, and every power is intended for action.

I have always found that it’s more painful to do nothing than something.

Of all the virtues, cheerfulness and enthusiasm are the most profitable.

Enthusiasm flourishes more often in adversity than it does in prosperity.

Contentment grows out of an inward superiority to our surroundings.

We fall into the mistake of supposing that to look forward must mean to look anxiously forward. It is just as easy to look forward with hope as with sadness.

The source of nearly all the evil and unhappiness of this world is selfishness. We know it; but we still keep on being selfish.

Fame without happiness is but a sorry at best.












1. Pessimism is a of force—the penalty of one who doesn’t know how to .

Happiness is in , and every power is intended for action.

I have always found that it’s more painful to nothing than something.

2. We fall into the of supposing that to look forward must mean to look anxiously forward. It is just as to look forward with hope as with .

3. The source of nearly the evil and unhappiness of this world is selfishness. We know it; but we still on being selfish.

1. 我更倾向于乐观,因为我非常严肃地看待生命。

2. 我始终觉得,无所事事比努力工作要痛苦得多。

3. 满足源于对周围环境的一种内在优越感。

1. Happiness is in action, and every power is intended for action.

be intended for:打算为……所用;预定给

2. We know it; but we still keep on being selfish.

keep on:继续