
第16章 童年 (2)

After saying my prayers I would wrap myself up in the bedclothes. My heart would feel light, peaceful, and happy, and one dream would follow another. Dreams of what? They were all of them vague, but all of them full of pure love and of a sort of expectation of happiness. Usually, also, there would be some favorite toy — a china dog or hare stuck into the bed-corner behind the pillow, and it would please me to think how warm and comfortable and well cared — for it was there. Also, I would pray God to make everyone happy, so that every one might be contented, and also to send f?ine weather tomorrow for our walk. Then I would turn myself over on to the other side, and thoughts and dreams would become jumbled and entangled together until at last I slept soundly and peacefully, though with a face wet with tears.

Do in after life the freshness and light-heartedness, the craving for love and for strength of faith, ever return which we experience in our childhood’s years? What better time is there in our lives than when the two best of virtues — innocent gaiety and a boundless yearning for affection — are our sole objects of pursuit?

Where now are our ardent prayers? Where now are our best gifts — the pure tears of emotion which a guardian angel dries with a smile as he sheds upon us lovely dreams of ineffable childish joy? Can it be that life has left such heavy traces upon one’s heart that those tears and ecstasies are for ever vanished? Can it be that there remains to us only the recollection of them?











说完祈祷词后,我爬进被窝,心情是又轻快,又平和,又快乐。美梦接二连三,我梦见了什么呢?它们大都很模糊,但都充满了纯洁的爱和对幸福的向往。随后,我就把我宠爱的瓷玩具—— 一只小狗或者一只小兔——放到枕头后面的床角,看着它们如此安逸温暖地躺在那里,我就感到心满意足了。接着,我又祈祷,恳求上帝赐给大家幸福,让人们都心想事成,还恳求上帝让明天有个好天气,那样我们才能去散步;后来我翻了一下身,思绪和梦境交织混杂在一起;最后,我舒服地进入了梦乡,脸上还留着湿漉漉的泪水。



1. It is late, and I have long drunk my cup of milk. My are heavy with sleep as I sit there and . How could I not listen, seeing that Mamma is speaking somebody, and that the sound of her is so melodious and kind? How much its echoes recall to my heart! With my eyes veiled drowsiness I gaze at her wistfully.

2. Then I would myself over on to the other side, and thoughts and would become jumbled and entangled together until last I slept soundly and peacefully, though with a face with tears.


1. 那声音不停地在我的心灵深处荡漾,让我想起那段美妙的时光。

2. 朦胧间,我觉得有人用手在轻轻地抚摩我,这种触摸的感觉告诉我,是妈妈的手。

3. 她根本不顾虑把她的全部温柔和慈爱赋予我。


1. I sink into slumber and oblivion until awakened by some one.

sink into:沉到……里(陷进)

2. I seize hold of it and press it to my lips.

seize hold of:占有,抓住