
第67章 Healthy Living 健康生活(19)


How to break a bad habit



We all have something we can do to improve ourselves。 Mark Twain tells of a doctor at the bedside of a very sick, elderly lady。 The doctor told her that she must stop drinking, cussing and smoking。 The lady said that she’d never done any of those things in her entire life。 The doctor responded, “Well, that’s your problem, then。 You’ve neglected your habits。”

Twain added: “She was like a sinking ship with no freight to throw overboard。”

Knowing that you have a bad habit doesn’t necessarily make it easy to break。 There are a number of reasons for why you seem unable to pull away from the vicious cycle that you’ve gotten yourself into。 In some cases, it’s because you are being innately defiant of the rules imposed by society, or maybe you don’t really understand how harmful your bad habit is to your health。 There are also those people who rationalize their habits and make excuses for them。 In perhaps a worst case scenario, you may have a genetic disposition to addiction, which makes it seem impossible to conquer。

How you tackle your bad habit is dependant on your ability to identify that you do indeed have a problem, and your willingness to confront and overcome it。 Some helpful things that you can do to break your bad habit is by first identifying it and being conscious of when and why it occurs。 Keep a log so that you’ll be able to track your progress as your bad habit lessens and eventually disappears or you are able to get it under control。 Set goals for yourself so that you know what it is that you’d like to accomplish in both the short-term and long-term。 Make sure that your goals are realistic and gradual so that the sudden loss of one bad habit doesn’t inspire a new one。 If you recognize that your bad habit is highly addictive and/or detrimental to your health, it might be a good idea to seek out a counselor, self-help group, or the support of your family and friends。

2Bad Eating Habits 不良的饮食习惯表达方式(1)Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach空腹喝酒A bottle of anchor steam harbors about 150 calories。 Beer—and alcohol in general—is packed with calories, and if you consume it on an empty stomach it will go straight into your blood stream and get stored as fat。 Added to that, it will make you overeat by increasing your insulin levels, which causes the levels to plummet even lower, making you crave food you probably don’t need。

(2)Eating a heavy meal before bed临睡前饱食A nice big meal—or even a satisfying snack—will put you right to sleep。 It’ll also go straight to your gut。 While proof that eating before bed directly causes weight gain is debatable, if you eat a large meal that is high in carbohydrates before your body goes to rest, chances are that your body will not burn them all for fuel。

(3)Drinking fruit juice喝果汁

True, pure fruit juice has lots of vitamins, but it also has a lot of sugar, usually more sugar than the fruit it came from。 And sugar energy, when it’s not used immediately in the body, is stored as fat。 Drink a few glasses of fruit juice and you’ll accrue calories like a snowball collects snow when it rolls down hill。

(4)Compulsive snacking强迫性吃零食

You compulsively snack on chips, wasabi rice crackers and Cheetos while you work。 The habit might help you burn through projects, but it also helps your body store fat。 Plus, most snacks are super salty and won’t help your hypertension。


Key words & Sentences


Thirty days is all you need to make a habit change permanent。


Changing habits isn’t a matter of willpower, but patience and strategy。


Get clear in your mind what the benefits are of making a change。


Winston Churchill once said, “Plans are useless, planning is invaluable。”
