
第51章 Healthy Living 健康生活(3)

Patrol training coach can provide you free help and guidance and is also responsible to deal with various emergency situations。


Personal trainer is responsible for one to one lessons to members。 The fee is generally calculated separately, not included in the annual card。


If he is a professional personal trainer, in the initial training, he will help you do a comprehensive physical assessment。


Most gyms provide drinking water。 If they do not provide drinking water, you need to look at whether the price of the front of beverages sold is reasonable。


Power equipment should include the bench press rack, squat rack, gantry, the weight of barbell weights and sizes and so on。


Aerobic equipments include a bicycle, treadmill and so on。


Aerobics Coupled with high-intensity aerobics loud music may damage the inner ear, causing vertigo, tinnitus, ear fullness, and on the high-frequency hearing loss and other consequences of the sound。


Exercise intensity and time should be set according to your own constitution and characteristics of exercise, do not blindly follow others。


Let’s Talk!


Steve: I’m going over to the gym。 I want to do some running。


Joseph: Why don’t you run outside?


Steve: Are you kidding? Do you know how cold it is today?


Joseph: Yeah, I suppose。 I guess it isn’t healthy to run in this weather。


Steve: No, it’s not。 Not at all。 I’d probably freeze my lungs。


Joseph: Wait for me a minute。 I’ll go over to the gym too。


Steve: You?


Joseph: Yes, why not? Just let me get my gym clothes together。

约瑟夫:对,为什么不? 让我把运动服带上。

Steve: I didn’t know you could exercise。


Joseph: What do you mean by that? Everyone can exercise!

约瑟夫:你是什么意思? 每个人都可以运动啊!

Steve: Yeah, I know。 But you? I always thought you were only good at lifting beer bottles to your mouth。

史蒂夫:对呀,我知道。但是你? 我一直认为你只会把啤酒瓶放进你的嘴巴。

Joseph: No, not at all。 I was on the swimming team in high school。 And I’d like to do some weight training。 They have decent equipment at that gym。


Steve: You’re going to lift weights? Hah!


Joseph: Are you laughing at me?


Steve: I’m sorry。 I just can’t imagine you lifting weights。


Joseph: Maybe not。 But I want to start。 I need to get in shape。 I feel these past couple months that my energy is low。


Steve: It’s true。 If a person doesn’t exercise, they get sluggish。 That’s why I keep running。 Even in the winter。


Joseph: So I need to do something too。


Steve: But lifting weights isn’t the best thing。 You should do some kind of aerobic exercise。


Joseph: I know。 But I want to start today with a little weight lifting。 Then I’m going to buy a new swimming suit and goggles, and every other day I’m going to go swim laps in the pool。 How does that sound?


Steve: It sounds like a good plan to me。 I’m still… I mean…史蒂夫:听起来真是一个很好的计划。我还是……我的意思是……Joseph: What?


steve: I’m still just surprised you really want to do it。 It doesn’t seem to go with your character。


Joseph: Well, if that’s true, then maybe I need to change my character, don’t I? I don’t want to become a fat slob。


Leisure Sports


Realize Leisure Sports



Fortunately, not all sports require intense physical conditioning。 Think bowling, billiards, bocce ball, shuffle board, darts, ping-pong, and horseshoes。 While some campuses still have billiard halls and ping-pong tables, they are increasingly losing appeal among college students。 And with the recent explosion of the Nintendo Wii, who would want to pitch horseshoes when you can swing a controller right in your dorm room? Talk about sports at leisure!

For the new generation of less-refined, though no less fun, leisure sports has emerged。 Think Ladder Golf, Corn hole, and Washers。 While their roots may be redneck, they provide even the most civilized among us a healthy dose of fun。 Ladder Golf involves hooking two balls attached to the same rope onto a three-rung ladder。 Corn hole (sometimes called Bean Bag Toss) requires eight bean bags and two angled boards with a hole cut near the center。 Points are scored for landing the bags on the board or in the hole。 Washers requires a handful of 2。5 washers and two tin cups。 Points are scored by landing the washers in or near the cup。

More than a change of pace from the rigors of studying, leisure sports provide excellent opportunities to meet new people, compete in a non-threatening environment, and actually master something。 There are several advantages to introducing these fast-growing leisure sports on campus:

They’re cheap! Since the budget of most college freshman is lamentable, leisure sports are ideal because they’re free。 Even materials to get started cost next to nothing, and can often be cobbled together without too much trouble。

Anyone can play。 No real skills are required to play, just the will to have a good time with a group of friends。 Since most of us didn’t grow up playing these games, the playing field is relatively even。 Anyone can play, and anyone can excel。 Games can be kept as fun or competitive as you like。

Play anywhere。 These leisure sports are extremely convenient because they can be played practically anywhere, which helps if nobody has a car。



Bowling is a sport in which players attempt to score points by rolling a bowling ball along a flat surface, usually a wooden or synthetic surface, either into pins or to get close to a target ball。
