
第110章 Entertaining Divination 星座血型(3)

Your Gemini boss wants just the facts, in a concise format。 Further, you must be able to pump out work at the speed of light。


this person of CANCER is understanding and forgiving, especially regarding family considerations。


Ruled by Jupiter, father of the gods, your Sagittarius boss is generous, protective, good-humored, and yet prone to violent temper tantrums。


Liberté, égalité, fraternité is the motto of Aquarius。


Sagittarius is an optimistic, outgoing and adaptable Fire sign。 Sagittarian personalities seek to interact spontaneously with life as they go on their great quest for meaning。


Sagittarians also need a great deal of freedom, are equally willing to offer that freedom to others。


Sagittarians have an open-minded and intellectual curiosity which means that they are willing to learn about other people in an effort to understand them, and to be trusting and open with them in return。


A Sagittarian tendency to moralize and “preach” what other people should do—without, of course, following the same rules themselves。


One of the great Sagittarian difficulties lies in relationships。


Anything goes, is their attitude, so long as it is found to be stimulating。


Sagittarius is a great traveller and adventurer, not only physically but in the mind。


Let’s Talk!


Wendy: What’s your sign?


Jessica: I am Scorpio。 What about you?


Wendy: I am Virgo。


Jessica: Why do you suddenly ask this question?


Wendy: Now, I know the reason why we have such deep friendship。


Jessica: Really? You know this just by asking me about my constellation? Come on, tell me the reason。


Wendy: The Virgo and the Scorpio both pursue the perfectness, and they also have a strong inspection force, so they are very easy to be good friends。


Jessica: I agree with you on this point。 Sometimes, I feel that we both have these characteristics。


Wendy: So we can know each other better。


Jessica: That is the reason why I only tell you my secrets。


Wendy: Me too。


Jessica: I’m not superstitious。 The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate。


Wendy: At least, I believe in its capacity in predicting best friends。


Jessica: I am so happy that our constellations are also friends。


Compatibility between Sun Signs



Realize Gemini and Cancer



Gemini is the third astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini。 In astrology, Gemini is considered a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign。 Perhaps the most dominant Geminian characteristic is versatility。 It is also considered an air sign, and is one of four mutable signs。 Gemini has been closely associated with the planet Mercury and is considered to be ruled by it。 Ii is a planet god known for its intelligence, awakening, cleverness, wiseness, high education, wise man, or sage。

Being the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini has been associated with the astrological third house。

Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Gemini individuals。 Under the tropical (western) zodiac, Sun is in the sign of Gemini roughly from May 22 to June 20, ending at the moment of summer solstice by definition。 In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes。 Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from June 15 to July 15。 The Sanskrit name of Gemini in Hindu astrology is Mithuna。

Cancer is the fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Cancer。 In astrology, Cancer is considered a “feminine”, negative (introvert) sign。 It is also considered a water sign and is one of four cardinal signs。 Cancer is ruled by the Moon。 Being the fourth sign in the zodiac, Cancer has been associated with the astrological fourth house。 Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Cancerian individuals。 Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Cancer on the moment of summer solstice by definition, or roughly on June 21, leaving it around July 22。 In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes。


Aries: Thistle, wild rose, gorse, nasturtium, woodbine白羊:蓟、野玫瑰、金雀花、旱金莲花、忍冬

Taurus: Lily of the valley, violet, red rose, myrtle金牛:铃兰、紫罗兰、红玫瑰、桃金娘

Gemini: Snapdragon, iris

双子:金鱼草、 爱丽丝

Cancer: Poppy, water lily, white rose


Leo: Marigold, sunflower, cowslip, heliotrope, peony狮子:万寿菊、向日葵、黄花九轮草、天芥菜、牡丹Virgo: Madonna lily, cornflower


Libra: Violet, white rose, love-in-a-mist天秤:紫罗兰、白玫瑰、黑种草

Scorpio: Celandine, purple heather, chrysanthemum天蝎:白屈菜、紫色石南、菊花

Sagittarius: Carnation, wallflower, clove-pink射手:康乃馨、桂足香、丁香

Capricorn: Snowdrop, Solomon’s seal


天秤男(09/23-10/23) VS 水瓶女(01/20-02/18)天生的一对属风象的水瓶或天秤,天生欢乐,逍遥自在,对每个人都友善,但是在较亲密的关系上显现了不可信赖的态度,可以说水瓶这种人是太过冷静而无情。几乎在许多场合不需要太多努力,即可达到成功。但你们两个都是极度不安的灵魂,正因为不安所以有了同病相怜、互相慰藉的和谐相处模式,但是水瓶似乎永远跟和谐有仇恨,天秤见状也随之摇摆不定,所以你们连不和谐都可以津津有味。

Key words & Sentences


ARIES & ARIES: Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination。 Remember only one party can win and neither one will accept defeat。 Passionate but a lot of problems。
