
第10章 痴汉骑马歌(2)

And now,as he went bowing down 低首伏马上,

His reeking head full low, 汗流竟浃背,

The bottles twain behind his back 背后双玉壶,

Were shattered at a blow. 一时尽破碎。

Down ran the wine into the road, 酒流满道路,

Most piteous to be seen, 美酒最可怜,

Which made his horse‘s flanks to smoke, 马身灌美酒,

As they had basted been. 气蒸如出烟。

But still he seemed to carry weight, 富翁仍负重,

With leathern girdle braced; 走马兴未阑,

For all might see the bottle-necks 壶碎颈犹在,

Still dangling at his waist. 飘零系腰间。

Thus all through merry Islington 如此颠狂态,

These gambols he did play, 行遍城郭外,

Until he came unto the Wash 直到清溪边,

Of Edmonton so gay; 风景美如绘。

And there he threw the Wash about 随马入清溪,

On both sides of the way, 左右拂溪水,

Just like unto a trundling mop, 如球滚水中,

Or a wild goose at play. 如禽戏水里。

At Edmonton his loving wife 妇立倚阑干,

From the balcony spied 遥望眼欲穿,

Her tender husband,wondering much 忽见狂驰马,

To see how he did ride. 心中如火煎。

“Stop,stop,John Gilpin!-Here’s the house!” 齐声呼停马,

They all at once did cry; 午餐已过时,

“The dinner waits,and we are tired;” 富翁远回答,

Said Gilpin-‘So am I!’ 晚餐未有期。

But yet his horse was not a whit 马悬主家厩,

Inclined to tarry there! 直奔不肯止,

For why?-his owner had a house 主家在邻村,

Full ten miles off,at Ware. 相去三十里。

So like an arrow swift he flew, 马飞如矢箭,

Shot by an archer strong; 富翁真痴汉,

So did he fly-which brings me to 狂态写长歌,

The middle of my song. 到此得一半。

Away went Gilpin,out of breath, 富翁气喘喘,

And sore against his will, 狂奔不回顾,

Till at his friend the calender‘s 直到主人家

His horse at last stood still. 马足始停驻。

The calender,amazed to see 主人闻客至,

His neighbour in such trim, 出门来相迎,

Laid down his pipe,flew to the gate, 见是富家翁,

And thus accosted him: 心中喜且惊。

“What news?what news?your tidings tell; 问君何处来

Tell me you must and shall- 问君欲何之,

Say why bareheaded you are come, 不巾亦不冠,

Or why you come at all?” 问君欲何为?

Now Gilpin had a pleasant wit, 富翁善戏谑,

And loved a timely joke; 出语多诙谐,

And thus unto the calender 既辱见问询,

In merry guise he spoke: 敢陈下鄙怀:

“I came because your horse would come,

And,if I well forebode,

My hat and wig will soon be here,

They are upon the road.”



The calender,right glad to find

His friend in merry pin,

Returned him not a single word,

But to the house went in;



Whence straight he came with hat and wig, 入室取冠巾,

A wig that flowed behind, 头巾何连连,

A hat not much the worse for wear, 冠犹旧家样,

Each comely in its kind. 不新亦不鲜。

He held them up,and in his turn 主人亦滑稽,

Thus showed his ready wit, 奉冠立道傍;

“My head is twice as big as yours, 君之头颅小,

They therefore needs must fit.” 自然能戴上。

“But let me scrape the dirt away 君面满灰尘,

That hangs upon your face; 敢请为君扑,

And stop and eat,for well you may 且住加餐饭

,Be in a hungry case.” 聊以充枵腹。

Said John,“It is my wedding day, 富翁转回答,

And all the world would stare, 夫妻同出门,

If wife should dine at Edmonton, 半途各西东,

And I should dine at Ware.” 岂不被人论?

So turning to his horse,he said, 回首向马耳,

“I am in haste to dine; 我腹已苦饥,

’T was for your pleasure you came here, 我既为尔来,

You shall go back for mine.” 尔曷为我归?

Ah!luckless speech,and bootless boast! 侈口何容易,

For which he paid full dear; 自来满招损,

For,while he spake,a braying ass 正在言语间,

Did sing most loud and clear; 有驴鸣近苑。

Whereat his horse did snort,as he

Had heard a lion roar,

And galloped off with all his might,

As he had done before.



Away went Gilpin,and away 任马狂奔逸,

Went Gilpin‘s hat and wig; 冠巾又飘去,

He lost them sooner than at first;冠大头颅小,

For why?-they were too big. 飘去更忽遽。

Now Mistress Gilpin,when she saw 妇见富翁去,

Her husband posting down 遥遥未得还,

Into the country far away, 急切无计较,

She pulled out half a crown; 探囊取金钱。

And thus unto the youth she said 持金谓童仆,

That drove them to the “Bell,” 若得藁砧旋,

“This shall be yours,when you bring back 旋归且无恙,

My husband safe and well.” 赏汝此金钱。

童仆去未远,The youth did ride,and soon did meet

富翁来仓皇,John coming back amain:

为欲止马住,Whom in a trice he tried to stop,

伸手捉马缰。By catching at his rein.

But not performing what he meant, 本欲止马住,

And gladly would have done, 奈力不从心,

The frighted steed he frighted more, 马反为所惊,

And made him faster run. 纵去不可擒。

Away went Gilpin,and away 富翁去如飞,

Went postboy at his heels, 童仆从其后,

The postboy’s horse right glad to miss 童马脱羁绊,

The lumbering of the wheels. 得意自昂首。

Six gentlemen upon the road, 道旁六骑士,

Thus seeing Gilpin fly, 遥见富翁来,

With postboy scampering in the rear, 童子逐其后,

They raised the hue and cry: 情景真怪哉。

“Stop thief!stop thief!-a highwayman!” 捉贼复捉贼,

Not one of them was mute; 六人齐声呼,

And all and each that passed that way 一时行路者,

Did join in the pursuit. 相率接履趋。

And now the turnpike-gates again

Flew open in short space;

The toll-men thinking,as before,

That Gilpin rode a race.



And so he did,and won it too,

For he got first to town;

Nor stopped till where he had got up,

He did again get down.



Now let us sing,Long live the King ,

And Gilpin,long live he;

And when he next doth ride abroad,

May I be there to see!

