
第26章 History历史人文(3)

However we are certainly not immune to the predicted temperature and precipitation changes, especially considering that migration to more favorable habitats as an adaptive response will not be an option in an increasingly crowded world.

Vocabulary 词汇

civilization ["sivilai"zei??n; -li"z-] n. 文明,文化

medieval ["medi"i:v?l; "mi:-] adj. 中世纪的,老式的,守旧的;

n. 中世纪人

dislocation["disl?u"kei??n] n. 混乱,脱臼,转位

precipitation [pri"sipi"tei??n] n. 坠落,沉淀,沉淀物,鲁莽,冰雹

settlements ["setlm?nt] n. 定居点,殖民地(settlement复数)

vulnerable ["v?ln?r?bl] adj. 易受攻击的,易受伤害的,有弱点的


What has caused the ruin of Roman Empire?

















Increased climate variability and barbarian invasion

04 The Aphrodite of Melos 女神阿芙洛狄忒

The Aphrodite of Melos is made of marble and represents vividly the goddess Aphrodite. This statue had earned it’s name the Venus de Milo or Venus de Melos, because in 1820, a peasant had found it on the Greek island of Melos and it was named after the island where it was found.

The statue shows Aphrodite semi-nude and with a robe wrapped around her legs. For hundreds of years the statue had remained buried in an underground cavern. On account of this, the statue had suffered significant damage and it was found in two parts. Later it was replaced together and sent to France, because the Marquis de Riviere had brought the statue and had given it to Louis XVIII of France. Pieces of arms and a pedestal with an inscription, were also found in the cave, but these were later lost and never found again.

No one knows who created the statue of the Aphrodite of Melos. It is probably the work of the Greek artist Alexandros of Antioch. This name was inscribed on the block of stone on the pedestal that was later lost, but this is doubted from scholars because it may not have been the corrected block with the Venus de Milo, so this had erased the attribution to Alexandros. Some scholars had attributed the work of the statue to Praxiteles. It is said that it was sculpted around the second century B.C.

Vocabulary 词汇

marble ["mɑ:bl] n. 大理石,大理石制品,弹珠;

adj. 大理石的,冷酷无情的

vividly ["vividli] adv. 生动地,强烈地,栩栩如生的,逼真的

robe [r?ub] n. 长袍,礼服,制服

pedestal ["pedist?l] n. 基架,基座,基础;

vt. 搁在台上,加座

inscription [in"skrip??n] n. 题词,铭文,刻印

erase [i"reiz" i"reis] vt. 抹去,擦除;

vi. 被擦去,被抹掉


Write the answer in the blank using the correct word.

1.The Aphrodite of Melos was found on the       island of Melos.

2.When it was replaced, the statue sent to      .

3.The arms and a pedestal with an     were later lost and never found again.

4.      ’s name was inscribed on the block of stone on the pedestal that was later lost.

5.It is said that the statue was sculpted around     .







1.“米洛的阿芙洛狄忒”在     的米洛岛上被发现。

2.修复之后,这座雕像被送往     。

3.雕像的胳膊和刻有     的底座残片后来丢失了,从此再也没找到过。

4.在那块后来丢失的雕像底座上刻着     的名字。

5.据说雕像创作于     。

1.Greek 2.France 3.inscription 4.Alexandros

5.the second century B.C.

05 The Acropolis in Athens 希腊雅典卫城

The boldness and ambition of the Acropolis was funded by the spoils of war, a war that determined the fate of Greece. In 480 B.C., Athens lay in ruins conquered by the seemingly unstoppable Persian Empire. At sea the Persian armada of 800 vessels bore down on the retreating Greek fleet who were hopelessly outnumbered. On the night before the inevitable battle, an owl, symbol of their protective goddess Athena, was seen flying through the night sky. Inspired by this good omen, the Greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis. In one of the great naval victories of history, the Greeks sank 200 enemy ships while losing only 40 of their own. The Persian threat had been overcome. The unexpected victory heralded a new period of stability for Athens and her allies. The Golden Age of Greece was born.

A permanent alliance of Agean city-states was formed called the Delian League to defend Greece’s new found independence from the Persian menace. One man, Heracles of Athens emerged as its undisputed leader. His ambition was ******: to make Athens a political and cultural capital, effectively creating the Athenian Empire. The Acropolis was to be the master stroke of Heracles’ power broking, a monumental declaration of Athens’ dominance in the New World order.

In 447 B.C., he committed the new empire and its wealth to its construction. He brought together three unique artistic talents, Phidias the sculptor, and architects Ictinus and Callicrates. Together they imagined a complex of temples and public places to be built along classical ideals but exceeding them in scale and perfection. Amazingly they worked without architectural plans or drawings as we understand them today. Instead they were guided by a set of codes and principles dictated by the art of geometry.