
第34章 Search No Further: (5)

On July 16,l995,Amazon.com was made available to consumers in every state and 45 other countries. Sales were immdiate. Bezos told Time,“Within the first few days,I knew it was going to be huge”. The media noticed and reported on Amazon,and as a result of the publicity the company’s consumer base rapidly increased.Bezos owned and operated his own warehouses for the book inventory;as of 2003 Amazon had six.

After the Web site was launched,it was fine-tuned lby Bezos and his employees to include features such as one-click shopping and customer reviews. Investors were able to buy stock in Amazon.com beginning in 1997 when the company went public. Over the next few years Bezos expanded the company by launching Web sites in Canada,the United kingdom,Germany,France,and Japan.

Management Style

On the surface Bezos was easygoing with a sense of humor. On the other hand,employees and chroniclers found that he was adamant in his expectations of quick turnaround time on project completion and high productivity,as well as of innovativeness and intelligence.Consequently,Bezos was characterized as a relentless recruiter of talented,innovative individuals. Bezos and personnel According to Bezos,“People here like to invent,and as a result other people who like to invent are attracted here. And people who don’t like to invent are uncomfortable here. So it’s self reinforcing”.

To encourage new ideas,Bezos instituted the Just Do It program,wherein the winners were those who proceeded with projects that they felt would help the company without first asking their bosses’ permission. Bezos believed in the benefits of communication with customers and listened to and used their ideas for expansion.Via the Web site Amazon customers were encouraged to recommend their favorite books and products through reviews,and many compiled lists of their favorite items.

In 2000 Bezos and his company were put to the ultimate test. At a time when many dot-com companies were going out of business,Amazon’s stock price fell from $l06 in December 1999 to $4l.50 in September 2000. To deal with this crisis,Bezos was forced to layoff l,300 employees in February 2001. He also cut backon products,eliminating those that had yet to prove profitable for the company. Through the efforts of Bezos and his team Amazon turned a profit in the last quarter of 2001. Amazon not only survived the crisis of 2000 but flourished.

Ultimately,Bezos,44,wants to create something that transcends his own company. He points to Sony Corp,whose co-founder,akio Morita,aimed to make Japan known for quality. For his part,Bezos wants to set new standards for Providing a great customer experience.If he can pull that off he will deserve an enduring place in the history books.


亚马逊成立于美国华盛顿州西雅图,最初的业务是在贝佐斯家的车库里开展的,这个车库最初包括 3个 Sun工作站,后来被改装成工作间。渐渐地,亚马逊成长为一个跨国公司,业务扩展到加拿大、英国、法国和日本。同事和亚马逊传奇的撰写者把贝佐斯描述为一个有远见的人,表面上随和,但对雇员的工作要求极高。贝佐斯通常会要求项目快速完成。他每周召开管理会议,经常长达4个小时:听取经理人报告新的产品和价格安排,和CEO讨论公司问题。贝佐斯推行“想到就做”的项目以鼓励员工创新,奖励那些想出和执行新点子来帮助公司的人,并且这些想法无需事先获得上级许可。贝佐斯致力于雇用最好的员工,并一直在寻找有才能、有创新能力的人才。





1995年7月 16日,美国每一个州和45个其他国家的消费者都可以在亚马逊公司购物,销量迅速上升。贝佐斯对《时代》杂志说:“从一开始,我就知道我的公司前途无量。”媒体相继注意到亚马逊公司,并进行了报道,知名度的提高使公司的消费者数量迅速增加。贝佐斯拥有和经营着自己的书籍存货管理仓库,截至2003年,亚马逊已经有6个这样的仓库。





2000年,贝佐斯和他的公司面临着终极考验。那个时候,众多网络公司破产,亚马逊的股票价格从 1999年 12月的 106美元跌至 2000年 9月的 41.50美元。为了应对危机,贝佐斯被迫于200l年2月裁员1300人。他还削减产品线,只保留了那些能使公司获利的商品。通过贝佐斯和他的团队的努力,亚马逊在200l年最后一个季度扭亏为盈。经历了2000年的危机,亚马逊公司不仅没有倒闭,而且生意更加兴隆。



obsessive [Eb`sesiv] adj. 妄想的;使人着迷的

initially [i5niFEli] adv 最初;开头

executed [5eksikju:tid] v. 执行

officially [E5fiFEli] adv. 官方地,正式地

adamant [5AdEmEnt] adj.固执的;坚强的

transcend [trAn5send] v. 超出,超越







Bezos was committed to hiring the best employees,always looking for intelligent and innovative individuals.

The media noticed and reported on Amazon,and as a result of the publicity the company’s consumer base rapidly increased.

For his part,Bezos wants to set new standards for Providing a great customer experience.