
第45章 You’ve Got Mail (2)

Kathleen:(into the intercom) I have a terrible cold,can you hear that?Listen,I’m sniffling and I’m not really awake-and I’m taking echinacea -and vitamin C and sleeping practically twenty-four hours a day. I have a temperature and I think I’m contagious so I would really appreciate it if you would just go away...

Joe:(knock on the door),Kathleen?

Kathleen:HAHA,Just a second. Just a second.


Kathleen:Hello. What are you doing here?

Joe:I heard you were sick and I was worried and I wanted to make sure...

Kathleen :What?

Joe:Is there somebody here?

Kathleen:No. Oh,it’s the Home Shopping Network.

Joe:Oh,do you buy any of those little porcelain dolls?

Kathleen:I was thinking about it. Hey,you put me out of business...

Joe:Uh,yes,I did.

Kathleen:Did you come to gloat?


Kathleen:To offer me a job...

Joe:I would never...

Kathleen:Because I have plans,I have plenty of offers,you know?I got offered a job by...

Joe:My former?

Kathleen:Oh,yeah,actually by... Oh,your former?

Joe:We broke up.

Kathleen:That’s too bad. You were so perfect for each other. I don’t mean to say things like that. No matter what you have done to me,there is no excuse for my saying anything like that. But every time I see you...

Joe:Things like that just fly out of your mouth.


Joe:I bought you flowers.

Kathleen:Oh,thank you.

Joe:Why don’t I put these in some water?And,hey,you’re sick,you should sit down.

Kathleen:All right.

Joe:Okay,I need a vase,a vase.

Kathleen:Above the refrigerator.

Joe:Here it is. Hey,George says hello by the way.


Joe:He’s the one who told me you were sick.

Kathleen:How’s George?

Joe:Great! Really great! He’s revolutionizing the place. So you can’t work in his department unless you have a P. H. D. in children’s literature.

Kathleen:I love daisies.

Joe:You told me.

Kathleen:They’re so friendly. Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flower.

Joe:I do.

Kathleen:When did you break up?

Joe:A couple of weeks ago.

Kathleen:Everyone is breaking up,you,me,this other people I know broke up with someone in an elevator,or just after it,or just outside it,or they got stuck. I... I... When I saw you at the coffee place I was waiting for him and I was...


Kathleen:Was not charming.

Joe:Well look charming. Tea?

Kathleen:Yes. I was... I was upset and horrible.



Joe:I was the horrible one.

Kathleen:Well,that’s true,but I have no excuse.

Joe:Oh,I see. I see what you’re saying. That’s interesting whereas I am a horrible person therefore I have no choice but to be horrible. That’s what you’re saying. But that’s alright,that’s alright. I put you out of business so you’re entitled to hate me.

Kathleen:I don’t hate you.

Joe:But you’ll never forgive me,just like Elizabeth.


Joe:Elizabeth Rennet in Pride and Prejudice. She was too proud.

Kathleen:What?I thought you hate Pride and Prejudice.

Joe:Or was she too prejudice and Mr. Darcy is too proud?Well,I can’t remember,It wasn’t personal.

Kathleen:What is that supposed to be?I am so sick of that. All that means is that wasn’t personal to you,but it was personal to me,it’s personal to a lot of people. I mean,What’s so wrong with being personal anyway?


Kathleen:Because whatever else anything is,it ought to begin by being personal. My head’s starting to get fuzzy. Uhh,why did you stop by again,I forgot.

Joe:I Wanted to be your friend.


Joe:I knew it wasn’t possible. What can I say,sometimes a guy just wants the impossible. Can I ask you a question?


Joe:What happened with that guy at the cafe?


Joe:But you’re crazy about him.

Kathleen:Yes,I am.

Joe:Well,why don’t you run off with him. What are you waiting for?

Kathleen:I don’t actually know him.


Kathleen:I only know him through the... You’re not going to believe this.

Joe:Oh,let me guess,through the Internet?


Joe:Hmmm,you’ve got mail.


Joe:Those are very powerful words.


Joe:Well,I’m happy for him,although,could I just make a little suggestion?


Joe:I think you should meet him. No,I take that back. Why would you wanna meet somebody you’re crazy about?

Kathleen:Hey,I hardly think I need to take advice from a person who...