
第12章 Sleepless in Seattle (2)

Dr. Marsha:Ok. Fair enough.

Jonah:(to Sam) Dad!


Jonah:There is someone on the phone for you. (to Dr. Marsha) His name is Sam.

Dr. Marsha:(to listeners)If you’ve just tuned in,this is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone and tonight’s topic is“Your Wishes and Dreams”and we’re on the line now someone from Seattle.

Sam:(picking up the receiver) Hello?

Dr. Marsha:Hello,Sam. This is Dr. Marsha Fieldstone on Network America.

Sam:Ok,what are you selling tonight?The micro hibachis or the ginza knives?

Dr. Marsha:No,I’m not selling anything. I Just want to help. I want you to know that your son called and he asked me for some advice on how you might find a new wife.

Sam:Who is this?

Dr. Marsha:Dr. Marsha Fieldstone of Network America and you are on the air.

Sam:(to Jonah) you called the radio station?

Dr. Marsha:Sam,Sam,are you with me?


Dr. Marsha:Your son feels that since your wife’s death you’ve been very very unhappy and he’s genuinely worried about you.

Sam:(to Jonah) Hey,get out here. Get out here! Come on! Now I’m not going to go through this alone.

Dr. Marsha:I think it’s very hard for him to talk to you about all this and I thought maybe you and I could talk. Maybe it would make Jonah feel a little better,Sam?

Jonah:(to Sam) Talk to her,dad,she’s a doctor.

Sam:Of what?Her first name could be“Doctor”.


Dr. Marsha:Sam. Sam. It’s his Christmas wish.


Dr. Marsha:Ok. Good. Now I know this is difficult,but how long ago did our wife die?

Sam:About a year and a half ago.

Dr. Marsha:Have you had any relationships since?


Dr. Marsha:No?Why not?

Sam:Ah,Marsha,or should I call you Dr. Fieldstone.

Dr. Marsha:Dr. Marsha.

Sam:& Annie:Dr. Marsha.

Sam:I don’t mean to be rude....

Dr. Marsha:... and I don’t want to invade your privacy.

Sam & Annie:Sure you do.

Dr. Marsha:Go on,Sam. I’m listening. Sam?

Sam:We had a pretty tough time there at first...

Dr. Marsha:Hum-um.

Sam:But we’re dealing with it and Jonah and I will get along just fine again,as soon as I break his radio.

Dr. Marsha:Ha-ha,I have no doubt that you’re a wonderful father. You know,you can tell a lot from a person’s voice.

Sam:You certainly can.

Dr. Marsha:But something must be missing if Jonah still feels you’re under a cloud. Now just a few questions. Are you sleeping at night?

Jonah:He doesn’t sleep at all.

Sam:How do you know that?

Jonah:I live here,dad.

Sam:Look,it’s Christmas. Maggie,my wife,she really did... I mean,she loved... she made everything beautiful. It’s just tough this time of year. Any kid needs a mother.

Dr. Marsha:Could it be that you need some one just as much as Jonah does?


Dr. Marsha:Don’t answer that. Let’s get into that right after these messages. Sam?Jonah?Don’t go away,(to listeners) If you’ve just tuned in,we’re talking to“Sleepless in Seattle”. And we’ll be right back,after this break,with your listener response.

Sam:What is she talking about?

Jonah:This is when other people get to call in and dump on what you said.

Sam:Oh. Oh. This is really fun. And helpful...

Dr. Marsha:(to Sam) If there was one question I was allowed to ask...

Sam:Oh,go ahead.

Dr. Marsha:People who have truly loved once are far more likely to love again. Sam,do you think there’s someone out there that you could love as much as your wife?

Sam:Well,Dr. Marsha Fieldstone,that’s hard to imagine.

Dr. Marsha:What are you going to do?

Sam:Well,I’m going to get out of bed every morning,and breathe in and out all day long. And then after a while,I won’t have to remind myself to get out of bed in the morning and breathe in and out. And then after a while,I won’t have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while.

Dr. Marsha:Sam,tell me what was so special about your wife?

Sam:How long is your program?Oh,well,it was million tiny little things,and where you add them all up,it just meant that we were supposed to be together. And I knew it. I knew it the first time I touched her. It was like coming home. Only to no home I’d ever known. I was just taking her hand,to help her out of a car,and I knew it. It was like...

Sam & Annie:... magic.