
第35章 Leonardo da Vinci to the Duke of Milan

Having, most illustrious lord, seen and considered the experiments of all those who pose as1 masters in the art of inventing instruments of war, and finding that their inventions differ in no way from those in common use, I am emboldened, without prejudice to anyone, to solicit an appointment of acquainting your Excellency with certain of my secrets.

1. I can construct bridges which are very light and strong and very portable, with which to pursue and defeat the enemy; and others more solid, which resist fire or assault, yet are easily removed and placed in position; and I can also burn and destroy those of the enemy.

2. In case of a siege I can cut off water from the trenches and make pontoons and scaling ladders and other similar contrivances.

3. If by reason of the elevation or the strength of its position a place cannot be bombarded,2 I can demolish every fortress if its foundations have not been set on stone.

4. I can also make a kind of cannon which is light and easy of transport, with which to hurl small stones like hail, and of which the smoke causes great terror to the enemy, so that they suffer heavy loss and confusion.

5. I can noiselessly construct to any prescribed point subterranean passages either straight or winding, passing if necessary underneath trenches or a river.

6. I can make armoured wagons carrying artillery, which shall break through the most serried ranks of the enemy, and so open a safe passage for his infantry.

7. If occasion should arise,3 I can construct cannon and mortars and light ordnance in shape both ornamental and useful and different from those in common use.

8. When it is impossible to use cannon I can supply in their stead catapults, mangonels, trabocchi, and other instruments of admirable efficiency not in general use — In short, as the occasion requires3 I can supply infinite means of attack and defense.

9. And if the fight should take place upon the sea I can construct many engines most suitable either for attack or defense and ships which can resist the fire of the heaviest cannon, and powders or weapons.

10. In time of peace, I believe that I can give you as complete satisfaction as anyone else in the construction of buildings both public and private, and in conducting water from one place to another.

I can further execute sculpture in marble, bronze or clay, also in painting I can do as much as anyone else, whoever he may be.

Moreover, I would undertake the commission of the bronze horse, which shall endue with immortal glory and eternal honour the auspicious memory of your father and of the illustrious house of Sforza.

And if any of the aforesaid things should seem to anyone impossible or impracticable, I offer myself as ready to make trial of them in your park or in whatever place shall please your Excellency, to whom I commend myself with all possible humility.

illustrious adj. 显赫的

emboldened adj. [旧] 胆敢

solicit v. 请求

acquaint v. 告诉

your Excellency [敬语] (公爵)阁下

siege n. 围困

prescribed adj. 指定的

subterranean adj. 地下的

serried adj. [旧] 紧密排列的

infantry n. 步兵

ordnance n. 军需品

ornamental adj. 装饰用的

commission n. 委托,委任

endue v. [文] 赋予

immortal adj. 不朽的,不死的

eternal adj. 永存的

auspicious adj. 吉利的

aforesaid adj. 前述的

humility n. 谦恭

中译 达·芬奇致米兰大公书
















达·芬奇三十三岁那年,离开故乡佛罗伦萨(Florence)往米兰(Milan),致函当时统治米兰的施福萨(Lodovico Sforza, 1451-1508),自荐以求官职,获录用后,追随了施福萨十六年。



本信用了很多正式语句 (formal language) 以示恭敬,例如:

most illustrious lord(可简约为 sir)

I am emboldened to...(可简约为 I venture to...)

solicit an appointment of acquainting your Excellency(可简约为 find a chance to tell you, sir)

immortal glory and eternal honour(可简约为 lasting honour)

auspicious memory(可简约为 fond memory)

illustrious house(可简约为 well-known family)


1 all those who pose as masters in the art...

句式 pose as (v-phr.) 指“扮成某样子”:

The spy posed as a reporter and gained entry into the summit meeting. 间谍装成记者,得以进入高峰会场。

2 ...a place cannot be bombarded

bombard (v.) 的意思是“轰炸,炮击”:

The enemy bombarded the city before dawn. 敌军在天亮前炮轰了该城。

bombard 也可用作比喻轰炸式的发问:

The reporter bombarded the President with hostile questions.



3 If occasion should arise, I can... / In short, as the occasion

requires I can...

句式 If occasion should arise,... 或 should the occasion arise,... 或 as the occasion requires,... 指“在必要情况下;如(情况)有需要的话”(= If there is a need ...):

You may borrow my car should the occasion arise. 有需要的话,你可借用我的汽车。

Call for emergency assistance as the occasion requires. 在必要情况下请召唤紧急支持。

4 本篇有不少近义词:


siege (n.) 围攻;assault (n./v.) / attack (n./v.) 攻击,袭击;bombard (v.) 轰击;demolish (v.) 摧毁。

其他近义词还有 besiege (v.) 围攻;destroy (v.) 毁坏;smash (v.) 砸碎。


make (v.) 制造;construct (v.) 建造。

其他近义词还有 implement / carry out (v.) 推行;undertake (v.) 执行;utilize (v.) 运用;use (n./v.) 利用。