
第22章 Tragedies of Money

Abraham Lincoln

How simple his financial ideas were appears in his reported remark shortly before his election as President: “I have a cottage at Springfield and about eight thousand dollars in money. ...I hope I shall be able to increase it to twenty thousand, and that is as much as any man ought to want.” As a matter of fact, his estate was much larger than this at the time of his death.

Mrs. Lincoln no doubt did her best. In the early days she made her own dresses and she had always moments of violent economy.... “...I often laugh and tell Mr. Lincoln that I am determined my next husband shall be rich.” ... “...If he knew that his wife was involved to the extent1that she is, the knowledge would drive him mad. He is so sincere and straightforward2 himself, that he is shocked by the duplicity2 of others. He does not know a thing about my debts, and I value his happiness, not to speak of3 my own, too much to allow him to know anything. This is what troubles me so much. If he is re-elected, I can keep him in ignorance of4 my affairs; but if he is defeated, then the bills will be sent in and he will know all.” Such are the domestic tragedies of money.

— G. Bradford

financial adj. 财政的

election n. 选举

estate n. 家产

violent adj. 强烈的

involve v. 使陷入

straightforward adj. 率直的

duplicity n. 口是心非

ignorance n. 不知,无知

domestic adj. 家庭的

tragedy n. 不幸,灾难

中译 入不敷出(林肯)





Abraham Lincoln(林肯,1809-1865),他当过律师、众议员,于1861年就任美国第十六任总统。林肯为人正直,力主解放黑奴。他就任后的同一年,发生了美国内战——南北战争,起因是南方的奴隶主反对解放黑奴。林肯采取革命性的措施,于1862年颁布《解放宣言》(Emancipation Proclamation),率领北方获得战争的胜利。战后,他遇刺身亡。



1 his wife was involved to the extent that...

句式 to the extent + that-clause(到……那样的程度)= to the degree + that-clause:

These shortages do not exist to the extent that you report. 这些短缺并不像你所报道的那么严重。

The temperature rose to such an extent that the firemen had to leave the burning building. 温度太高,消防队员只得离开大火中的建筑物。

2 He is so sincere and straightforward himself, that he is shocked by the duplicity of others.

sincere and straightforward 意为“真诚和直率的”。相关的近义形容词还有 honest(诚实的)、earnest(诚恳的)、frank / open(坦白的)、candid(直率的)、outspoken(直言的)等:


There is sincere friendship between them. 他们之间有真诚的友谊。

She is honest and frank and the judge is convinced by her earnest appeal. 她诚实坦率,法官被她的诚恳申诉说服了。

反义词为 insincere(不诚恳的)、hypocritical (虚伪的)、crafty / cunning (狡猾的)、dishonest(不诚实的)、deceitful (欺诈的)、evasive(闪躲的)、secretive(隐藏的)。

此外,duplicity n. 解作“表里不一,不诚实”,属书面语:

He didn’t say that before! I am shocked by his duplicity. 他之前没有这么说,我对他的口是心非感到震惊。

3 ...not to speak of my own

not to speak of 解作“更不用说”(= not to mention / let alone):

His friends and colleagues will be very upset, not to speak of / let alone his parents. 他的朋友和同事都会为此难过,更不用说他的父母了。

They have three fine sons, not to speak of / not to mention their two lovely daughters. 他们有三个好儿子,更不用说那两个可爱的女儿了。

4 I can keep him in ignorance of my affairs

句式 in ignorance (n.) of sth = be ignorant (adj.) of sth 不知道某事:

They have been kept in ignorance of the true facts. 他们一直不获知事实真相。

We are in complete ignorance of his plans. (= We are completely ignorant of his plans.) 我们对他的计划一无所知。


Towering genius disdains a beaten path.

It seeks regions hitherto unexplored. — Lincoln
