书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第44章 Unit Twelve Public Speaking (3)

nobility [ n..u..biliti ] n.高尚的性格

[ 同义] dignity ,virtue

[ 反义] baseness

[ 例句] There is nobility in her writing ,an honest car ing for the well being of others.

plight6 [ plait ] n.困境,苦境

[ 同义] ha rdship ,agony

[ 考点] in a sorry/ dr eadful plight 处于困境,苦境

[ 辨析] ha rdship;plight;agony

ha rdship 因为生活艰难,尤其是因为贫困而形成的境地;plight 一个艰难、痛苦的境遇、人们饱受磨难,令人同情;agony 一个非常悲惨、艰难、不幸的境地,人们受苦很多,尤其是时间很长。

[ 例句] They we re in a sorry plight when their money ,tickets,pas sports were stolen when they were on holiday.

radiant6 [..reidi..nt ] ad j.(目光,面容) 洋溢着幸福的;光辉灿烂的

[ 同义] delighted ,happy ,joyful,br ight ,brilliant ,shining

[ 反义] dull ,mise rable

[ 例句] He gave a r adiant smile when he hea rd the news.

random6 [..r .. nd..m] adj.任意的,随意的

[ 同义] a rbitr ary

[ 反义] deliber ate ,sysmetic

[ 辨析] random;a rbit ra ry

random 没有任何计划或系统;a rbit ra ry 决定,安排时没有任何原因、计划、系统,尤其是看起来有些不公平。

[ 例句] A few random shots were fired ,but the bat tle was over.

sanctify [..s ....ktifai ] v.使神圣

[ 例句] At one time ,marr iages were always sanctified by the church ,but this is not the case now.

selfless [..selflis ] ad j.无私的,不考虑自己的

[ 同义] generous ,unselfish

[ 反义] self centered ,selfish

[ 例句] The idea of selfless ,self sacrificing mother is not one that appeals to most women these days.

spiritually [..spiritju..li] adv.精神上

[ 例句] He thinks this society is spi ritually sick.

standard bearer [..st .. nd..db....r..] n.领导人(尤其指政治上的旗手)

[ 例句] For mor e than a decade,Tony Bean has regarded as the standard bea rer of the r adical left.

tearful [..ti..ful ] ad j.令人伤心的,使人流泪的

[ 同义] c rying ,pitiful ,upset ting

[ 例句] Ther e wer e many tearful reunions.

transcend6 [ t r .. n..send] v.超出,超越

[ 同义] exceed ,excel,surpas s

[ 例句] The best films ar e those which tr anscend national or cultural limit.

tribute6 [..t ribju..t ] n.(表示敬意的) 颂词,赞词

[ 同义] honor ,praise ,gratitude ,r espect

[ 考点] pay t ribute to 向.表示敬意

[ 例句] The minister paid t ribute to the men who had fought the blaze ,saying their br ave ry had saved countless lives.

underpin [..nd....pin] v.支持,巩固

[ 例句] He presented ve ry few factors to underpin his a rgument.

unworthiness [..n..w......inis ] n.不值得,无价值

via4 [..vai..] p rep.通过,凭借;经过,经由

[ 例句] 1 ) Reports ar e coming in via sa tellite.

2 ) We flew to Athens via Par is.

vulnerability [..v..ln..r....bil..ti] n.脆弱(性)

[ 考点] vulnerability to sth..的脆弱性

[ 例句] The vulne rability of the economy to r ecession is only too obvious.

whilst [ wailst ] prep.(英国英语,正式场合) 当.时候

[ 例句] Whilst I was in Italy ,I went to see Ales sandro.

above all 尤为重要的是,尤其是

[ 例句] Above all ,don’t forget to write.

at the hands of 出自某人之手,由于某人

[ 例句] How many people have died at the hands of te rrorist organizations since the violence began?

be transported back/ into 把.带入特定的环境地(或时间)

[ 例句] The film t ranspor ted us back to the New York of the 1950s.

bring down 打倒,击败

[ 例句] The people s ucceeded in br inging down the dicta -tor.

come along 偶然出现

[ 例句] Take any oppor tunity that comes along.

chew up 伤害,损害

[ 例句] Your tape recorder ’s just chewed up my favorite cassette.

miss out 错过机会,遗漏,略去

[ 例句] You really missed out a lot of funs by not coming to the office par ty.

on behalf of 代表. 一方,作为. 的代言人;为了某人的利益,为了某人

[ 例句] The pr esident can’t be he re today ,so I’m going to speak on his behalf.

Passage Ⅲ The Shame of Hunger


bearer [..b....r..] n.传统的保持者或支持者

bony [..b..uni] ad j.消瘦的

[ 同义] skinny

[ 反义] fat ,plump

[ 辨析] skinny;bony

skinny 瘦得不好看;bony 人或动物瘦得能看见骨头。

[ 例句] When I picked up the cat it felt as bony as a skeleton.

catastrophe6 [ k....t .. str..fi ] n.大灾难

[ 同义] disaster ,calamity

[ 辨析] disaster;catastrophe;calamity

disaster 突然发生的可怕事件,造成破坏、不幸,经常造成许多人的死亡;catastrophe 非常可怕的事件造,成大规模的破坏、不幸和死亡;calamity 可怕的突发事件,造成很大的破坏和损失。

[ 例句] They wer e warned of the ecological catast rophe to come.

concentration4 [ k..ns..n..tr ei..n] n.①集中②专心,专注

[ 同义] mass ,collection ,focusing ,intensity

[ 反义] dist raction

[ 考点] concent ration on sth.专注于.

[ 例句] 1 ) There is a heavy concent ra tion of t roops in the a rea.

2 ) The government ’s concent ra tion on tax reduction has won them a lot of suppor t.

condone [ k..n..d..un] v.宽恕

[ 同义] excuse ,forgive ,pa rdon

[ 反义] condemn ,disallow

[ 例句] If the government is seen to condone violence ,the bloodshed will never stop.

congressional [ k........re....n..l] adj.美国国会的,议会的

corpse6 [ k....ps] n.尸体

[ 同义] body ,stiff ,r emains

[ 例句] Thieves a re digging up corpses in order to steal

jewel ry and gold teeth.

[ 辨析] body;corpse;stiff;r emains