书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第42章 Unit Twelve Public Speaking (1)


1) The gener al rallied his tir ed soldier s and they drove the enemy back.

A.order ed B.gather ed

C.dismis sed D.went with

2) The light is too dim for me to r ead easily.

A.bright B.not bright

C.clea r D.not clear

3) This dish has a st rong flavor of cheese.

A.smell B.small

C.taste D.color

4) Blanco’s supporte rs ar e still raiding villages along the borde r.

A.visiting B.seeing

C.wa tching D.attacking

5) The emery bombs caused widespread dest ruction.

A.damage B.fea r

C.flee D.escape

6) 1980 s witnes sed the incr easing concent ration of power in cent ral government.

A.improvement B.inc rease

C.decr ease D.gathering

7) A few rays of sunlight pierced the smoke from the bonfi res.

A.were cover ed by B.s hone through

C.accompanied D.hided behind

8) The climbers reached the s ummit of Mount Alps yesterday morning.

A.foot B.middle

C.top D.valley

9) The police t ried to torture them into confessing that they’d taken par t in anti government activities.

A.cause.suffer B.chea t

C.deceive D.coax

10) Night clubs have lost their glamour for me.

A.sec ret B.inter est

C.at tr activenes s D.fun

11) French cheese a re famous worldwide.

A.all ove r the world

B.in a word

C.to some pa rt of the world

D.in all world

12) Af ter a lot of difficulty I cont rived to at tr act the president’s at tention.

A.t ried B.achieved

C.planed D.managed

13) We ar e moved by the plight of these poor homeless child.

A.sight B.view

C.sad situation D.mise ry

14) The child defied his pa rents and went to the cinema af ter school.

A.disobeyed B.obeyed

C.heard D.knew

15) Castle usually has lof ty walls.

A.low B.small

C.high D.smooth


1) B 2 ) B 3 ) C 4) D 5 ) A 6 ) D 7) B 8) C

9) A 10) C 11 ) A 12) D 13) A 14) A 15 ) C

Part One In Class Reading

Why Study Public Speaking?


competency [..k..mpit..nsi ] n.能力

[ 考点] competency in sth 在.方面的能力

[ 例句] He reached a reasonable level of competency in his English.

contradictory [..k..nt r....dikt..ri] adj.矛盾的,对立的

[ 同义] conflicting

[ 反义] consistent

[ 辨析] cont radictory;conflicting

cont radictory (想法、言论、结果) 相互不同,尤其是在你希望他们相同的时候;conflicting 相互之间差异很大,不知该信哪一个。

[ 例句] The two boys gave cont radictory accounts of the accident.

democratic [..dem....kr .. tik] adj.民主的

[ 例句] Do you think Aust ralia is a mor e democr atic count ry than Britain?

dresser [..dres..] n.(AmE) 梳妆台;(BrE) 餐柜

eloquence [..el..kw..ns] n.流利的口才

[ 例句] He may have inhe rited his eloquence form his fa - the r ,a Chr istian pr eacher.

empower [ im..pau..] v.使能够

[ 考点] empowe r sb to do sth.使某人有能力做某事

[ 例句] The police a re empowered to stop anyone to sea rch for the illegal drugs.

exhort [ i....z....t ] v.劝告,劝诫

[ 考点] exhor t sb.to do sth.劝告某人做某事

[ 例句] The governor exhor ted the pr isone rs not to riot.

inaugural [ i..n......jur..l ] ad j.就职的

[ 例句] I’d like to welcome you all to this inaugural meeting of the society.

inextricably [ inekstr ikebli] adv.分不开地

[ 同义] insepar ably ,indissolubly

[ 例句] His name was inext ricably linked with the environmental movement.

interpersonal [ int....p....s..nl ] adj.人与人之间的,人际关系的

[ 例句] The succes sful applicant will have excellent interpersonal skills.

linguistic [ li....wistik ] adj.语言的,语言学的

[ 例句] Many people live together in Europe without clea rly defined boundar ies between ethnic ,linguistic and r eligious communities.

rally4 [..r .. li ] v.召集,团结

[ 同义] unite ,bring togethe r

[ 辨析] unite;bring togethe r;r ally

unite 使群众、组织、国家联合在一起;bring togethe r (某事件、局势) 使人们之间的相互关系更紧密,更友好;rally 劝说或鼓励人们为抵御、捍卫某事物而团结起来。

[ 例句] Churchill’s stirring speech helped r ally his count ry to fight against the enemy.

rally4 [..r .. li ] n.群众集会

[ 考点] hold/ stage a r ally for/ against sth.召开拥护/ 反对.的大会

[ 例句] 5 ,100 people held a protest march and rally against sexual discrimination.

retention6 [ r i..ten..n] n.①记忆力;②保留,保持

[ 例句] The sea’s retention of water is greater than the land ’s.

runaway [..r..n..wei ] ad j.逃跑的,离家出走的

[ 同义] escaped

[ 例句] Their job was to get runaway children off the city str eets and into safe accommodation.

solici t [ s....lisit ] v.请求,恳求

[ 同义] ask ,beg ,ent reat

[ 例句] It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favors.

in part 部分地,在某种程度上

[ 例句] The improvement was brought about in pa rt by the Trade Union Movement.

out loud 大声地,响亮地

[ 例句] I laughed out loud at the thought.

swear in 使宣誓就职

[ 例句] Flanked by almost the entir e Cabinet ,Mr.Heunis was sworn in as acting President.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Food for Thought


ballgame [ b....lgeim] n.(美) 棒球

beckon [..bek..n] v.(以点头或打手势) 向.示意,召唤

[ 同义] signal ,motion ,gestur e,wink ,wave

[ 考点] beckon sb.示意某人

beckon to sb.向某人示意

[ 例句] The dean beckoned to me to come nea rer.

boldly [ b..uldli] adv.勇敢地

[ 例句] she sta red at him boldly ,showing no tr ace of fea r.

chomp [ t....mp] v.大声地咀嚼

[ 考点] chomp on sth 咀嚼.

[ 例句] He was chomping away on a ba r of chocolate.

citizenship [..sitiz..n..ip ] n.公民资格,公民身份

[ 同义] nationality

[ 辨析] nationality;citizens hip;

nationality 属于某个国家的法律权利;citizenship 属于某个国家的法律权利,尤其是给某个外国的人。

[ 例句] Af ter five yea rs in the U .S .for eign nationals can apply for full U .S .citizenship.

cracker [..kr .. k..] n.(无甜味的) 薄脆饼干

[ 例句] I’m not really hungry I’ll just have some cracke rs and cheese.

cupcake [ k..pkeik] n.纸杯蛋糕

curd [ k....d] n.凝乳,凝乳状物

dim4 [ dim] a dj.暗淡的,昏暗的

[ 同义] pale ,weak ,soft ,low.

[ 反义] bright ,distinct.

[ 辨析] pale;dim;weak;soft;low

pale 光线不明亮,没有什么颜色;dim (光线、灯) 不明亮,尤其是因为电力不足;weak 不够明亮,所以无法看清楚;soft 不太明亮,但让人感觉愉快、放松;low 亮度低,尤其是电力照明不太亮,让某个地方显得愉快、轻松。

[ 例句] The lighting was so dim that I could hardly see.

doughnut [..d..un..t ] n.炸面圈

fad [f .. d] n.流行一时的嗜好

[ 同义] c raze

[ 考点] a fad for sth.对.的流行

a fad in sth.在.方面的流行

[ 辨析] fad;craze

fad 非常流行但持续时间很短的事物,而且许多人,尤其是老年人加以反对;craze 尤其是在青少年、孩子中很流行,但时间不长的活动。

[ 例句] 1 ) The re was a fad for wearing ripped jeans a few yea rs ago.

2 ) Do you know what the latest fad in cosmetic surgery is?

flavour4 [..fleiv..] n.味道

[ 同义] taste ,tang

[ 辨析] taste;flavor;tang

taste 使一种食物饮料与其他食物、饮料不同的味道;flavor 某种食物、饮料所具有的令人愉快或有趣的味道;tang 某种食物、饮料所具有的令人愉快、鲜明突出的味道。

[ 例句] You can improve the flavour of the sauce by adding a litt le red wine.

flip [..flip] v.快速翻动

[ 同义] turn ,inver t

[ 考点] flip sth.over 快速翻动某物

flip sth.open 翻开某物

[ 辨析] turn;flip;inver t turn 翻动某物使它的另一面向上或向下;flip 快速地翻动某物;inver t 正式用语,将某物上下颠倒。

[ 例句] My mothe r flipped the burgers ove r as they wer e facing.

glamour6 [....l .. m..] n.魅力,吸引力

[ 同义] allure ,appeal,at tr action ,cha rm,fascination

[ 例句] Who can resist the glamour of a theat re premiere?

glisten [....lisn ] v.闪亮

[ 同义] spa rkle,twinkle ,glit ter ,shimmer

[ 考点] glisten with 闪烁着.

[ 例句] He r face was glistening with sweet.

glum [..l..m] adj.闷闷不乐的

[ 同义] dejected ,downcast ,wist ful

[ 例句] I had to go and cheer he r up She looked so glum.

[ 辨析] dejected;downcast;wist ful;glum

dejected 由表情和缺乏精神可以看出某人很不高兴,尤其是他对某事失望;downcast 悲伤,失望,在表情,举止上十分明显;wist ful 脸上一幅悲伤、沉思的表情,尤其是在某人回忆过去并希望事情有所改变的时候;glum 脸上的表情显示某人非常不高兴,并对将来没抱多大希望。