书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第40章 Unit Eleven Heroes (4)

[ 辨析] proper ty;pos sessions;as sets;things;stuff;belongings proper ty 某人拥有的东西,尤其是房子、土地、汽车等昂贵的东西;pos sessions 某人拥有自己使用的所有东西;as sets 尤其是用于法律或商业,指个人或公司拥有的财产,在需要钱的时候,可以出售;things 是belongings 的非正式称呼,尤其是指小而不大有价值的东西;stuff 是对things 不太正式的称呼,尤其指拥有或携带的小东西;belongings 所拥有的,可以携带或带在身上的东西。

[ 例句] When you leave the plane please make sure you have all your pe rsonal belongings with you.

bid4 [ bid] v.表示;出价,投标

[ 同义] offe r

[ 考点] bid (money) for sth.为.出价

bid against sb.与某人相互竟价

bid to do sth.投标做

[ 辨析] offe r;bid

offe r 为得到想要或需要的东西而自愿给某人钱;bid 在与别人的竞争中,为得到想要的东西而愿意支付一定数目的金钱。

[ 例句] The two men were bidding against each other for the table until the price reached ove r $ 4 ,000.

commemorate6 [ k....mem..reit ] v.纪念,庆祝

[ 同义] celebrate ,honor

[ 辨析] celebrate;commemorate

celebrate 为表明某事件或场合重要而做一些让人高兴的事情,比如办一个晚会;commemor ate 做一些事情来表明你对那些在过去做过重要、特殊事情的人,尤其那些现在已死去的人的怀念、尊敬和感激。

[ 例句] The annual par ade commemorates the soldie rs who died in the two World Wa rs.

conquest4 [..k..nkwest ] n.攻克,克服

[ 同义] victory ,win ,t riumph ,succes s

[ 反义] defeat

[ 辨析] t riumph;succes s;comquest

t riumph 经过长期、艰难斗争之后的重要胜利,尤其是在战争或政治中;succes s 在一系列比赛,斗争中的胜利;conquest 一个国家在与另一国家的战争中取胜并控制那个国家。

[ 例句] The palace was built in Cordoba ,Spain ,following the Ar ab conquest.

consolation [ k..ns....lei..n] n.安慰

departed [ di..p....tid] ad j.(委婉的说话) 已死的

[ 例句] We will always remember our dea r depar ted friends.

disaster4 [ di..z....st..;(US) diz.... st..] n.灾难,大祸,彻底的失败

[ 同义] catast rophe ,t ragedy ,calamity

[ 反义] success ,t riumph

[ 考点] sth is a disaste r for sb.某事对某人来说是个灾难

[ 辨析] disaster;catastrophe;t ragedy;calamity

disaster 突然发生的可怕事件,造成破坏和灾难,通常造成许多人死亡;catast rophe 极其可怕的事件,造成大规模破坏、灾难和死亡;t ragedy 可怕、悲惨的事件或情况,通常造成灾难或死亡;

calamity 可怕的突发事件,造成破坏和损失。

[ 例句] It would be a disaster for me if I lost my job.eagle4 [..i....l ] n.鹰

eternal6 [ i..t....nl ] ad j.永恒的,永久的

[ 同义] permanent ,ever lasting

[ 反义] changeable ,tempora ry

[ 辨析] permanent;ete rnal;everlasting permanent 持续很长时间或你的一生;ete rnal 永远持续;everlasting (尤其是用在宗教) 永远持续。

[ 例句] Most religions promise eternal life afte r death.

exhilaration [ i....zil....rei....n] n.高兴

[ 同义] excitement ,thrill ,hyste ria.

[ 辨析] thr ill;exhilar ation;hysteria

thr ill 突然、强烈的兴奋夹杂着快乐,有时还有恐惧;exhilar ation 快乐、兴奋,比如来自于你完成的事情或是刺激的体力活动;hyster ia 使人们失控地哭、喊、笑的强烈的兴奋。

[ 例句] Nothing can compa re with the exhilar ation of riding a motorcycle ve ry fast.

fortitude [..f....titju..d;(US) - tu..d] n.坚韧,刚毅

[ 同义] bravery ,courage ,determination

[ 反义] fea r ,weaknes s,cowa rdice

[ 例句] Throughout that difficult per iod of illnes s ,she showed great for titude.

gallantry [...... l..nt ri ] n.勇敢,英勇

[ 同义] boldness ,bravery ,courage ,fea rless nes s

[ 反义] cowa rdice

[ 例句] The speech praised those who had dis played gallantry in the libe ration of their count ry.

grave4 [..r eiv] n.坟墓

ad j.严重

[ 同义] burying place,tomb ,critical ,acute ,grim,bad ,serious

[ 反义] light ,sight

[ 辨析] serious;bad;grim;gr ave;critical;acute

serious 事实上严重;bad (问题、疾病) 严重,令人担心;grim (情况、消息) 严重,令人不快,人们认为不会变好;grave 由于人们处境危险或情况可能更糟而非常严重,令人担心;cr itical (情况) 非常严重或危险,可能突然恶化;acute (疾病、问题情况) 非常严重或危险,需要立刻处理。

[ 例句] The situation is grave wa r now seems inevitable.

grove [..r..uv] n.小树林,果园

[ 例句] Or ange groves grow a round the village.

hardship4 [..h....d..ip] n.艰难,困苦

[ 同义] suffer ing ,agony ,adversity

[ 反义] comfor t ,ease

[ 辨析] suffer ing;hardship;agony;adversity

suffer ing 历经许多痛苦、挫折、恶劣对待的经历;ha rdship 因为生活艰难,尤其是贫穷而境遇窘迫;agony 非常悲惨、艰难、不幸的境地,尤其是人们长期受了许多苦;adver sity 经历了许多好像是恶运带来的艰难困苦。

[ 例句] Ha rds hip is par t of life in this wa r torn city.

heroism [..he r..uizm] n.英雄主义

[ 同义] bravery ,gallant ry ,courage

[ 反义] cowa rdice ,timidity

[ 例句] He r eceived the George Cross for his act of he roism.

ill fated [ il..feitid] ad j.注定要倒霉的,不幸的

[ 同义] doomed ,luckless ,unfor tunate ,unlucky

[ 反义] lucky

[ 例句] The ill fated aircr aft la ter crashed into the hillside.

immense4 [ i..mens] adj.巨大的

[ 同义] great ,major ,considerable ,huge/ enormous ,t remendous

[ 反义] minute ,tiny

[ 辨析] grea t;major;considerable;huge/ enormous;immense;t remendous

grea t 有重大、重要的效果或结果,尤其是好的效果或结果;major 大,尤其是能引起严重困难的;consider able (正式的用词) 大到、重要到会引起后果或变化;huge/ enormous 非常大;immense 需要,涉及到大量的精力、注意力、金钱等;tr emendous 大,重要,通常令人兴奋。

[ 例句] His cont ribution to the team had been immense.

impressive4 [ im..presiv] ad j.令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的

[ 同义] dazzling ,str iking ,br eathtaking

[ 反义] unimpr es sive

[ 辨析] impressive;dazzling;st riking;breathtaking

impressive 因尺寸、重要性、技术而引起别人的崇敬;dazzling 尤其是因为非常美或有极高的技巧而使人印象深刻;st riking 尤其是因为不常见而使人印象深刻;breathtaking 尤其是因为尺寸、速度、美而使人印象深刻或兴奋。