书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第37章 Unit Eleven Heroes (1)


1) We were worried by the absence of definite figur e in the r epor t.

A.Problem B.lack

C.situation D.abscess

2) They are heroic figures in the fight against cancer.

A.cour ageous B.big

C.famous D.well known

3) The was a series of political and financial scandals in this government.

A.good things B.shocking events

C.unforget table events D.gossip

4) The judge looked solemn as he was about to pas s the sentence.

A.happy B.sad

C.chee rful D.gr ave

5) Crude stone tools could be found at archaeological sites all over the world.

A.delicate B.unt rea ted

C.unfinished D.polished

6) The driver of the car received serious injuries to the legs and arms.

A.blue and black B.sc ratch

C.damage D.pitch

7) The c rowd panicked at the sound of explosion.

A.became afraid B.became curious

C.became happy D.became eager

8) He r escued the man from drowning.

A.helped B.aided

C.saved D.pushed

9) The chamber’s director said it would be a disaster for tr ade in this region.

A.failure B.succes s

C.dream D.hope

10) It’s an immense lake ,more than 2 ,000 acre;

A.wild B.deep

C.hollow D.large

11) They let the house to a young man at a rent of $ 50 ,000 a week

A.service B.money

C.wage D.fee

12) Thei r cause is worthy of our continued suppor t.

A.deprived B.proud

C.par t D.deserving

13) They have pledged that any details given to them will r emain confidential.

A.hoped B.wished

C.vowed D.advised

14 ) They walked along the seemingly endless t rail which wound through the forest.

A.road B.path

C.highway D.brook

15) The ya rd wer e filled with tr ash which smelled bad.

A.rubbish B.food

C.mes s D.paper


1) C 2) A 3) B 4 ) D 5 ) B 6 ) C 7 ) A 8 ) C

9) A 10) D 11) B 12 ) D 13 ) C 14) B 15 ) A

Part One In Class Reading



absence4 [.... bs..ns ] n.缺乏,不存在,缺席,不在,缺席


[ 反义] presence

[ 例句] The absence of the electricity made the mat ter worse.

bravery [..breiv..ri] n.勇气,勇敢

[ 例句] The Princes s was clearly moved by the brave ry and

selfles snes s of those she met.

challenger [..t.... lind....] n.挑战者,需全力对付的事物

[ 例句] If the challenger wins ,he will become the new world heavyweight champion.

colonial6 [ k....l..uni..l ] ad j.殖民地的

[ 例句] Various pa rts of Africa have suffer ed unde r colonial rule.

heroic4 [ hi..r..uik] adj.英勇的,英雄的,崇高的

[ 同义] bold ,brave ,daring

[ 反义] cowa rdly ,timid

[ 考点] heroic measures 冒险的行动

[ 辨析] brave;heroic;dar ing;bold

brave 在危险或吓人的情形中不害怕,尤其是其他人会感到害怕的时候;heroic 特别地勇敢,并受到许多人的敬佩;da ring 不怕冒险,或不怕做新的与众不同的事情;bold 不怕冒险,不怕做出艰难的决定。

[ 例句] He was famed for heroic deeds during the wa r.

idol [..aidl] n.偶像

[ 同义] hero ,icon ,image ,supersta r

[ 考点] make an idol of sb.以.为偶像

[ 例句] The Hollywood film idols of the 1940s wer e figur es ,adored by millions.

[ 辨析] idol;hero

idol 受到别人极度敬仰的人,比如著名的演员、音乐家或运动员;hero 因为聪明才智、娴熟技术而受到别人敬仰的人。

idolatry [ ai..d..l..t ri] n.偶像崇拜,极度爱慕

[ 例句] Now they would suffer for their idolat ry.

idolize [..aid..laiz] v.把.当偶像崇拜

[ 同义] admi re ,ador e,wor ship

[ 反义] despise

[ 辨析] admi re;idolize;worship

admi re 因为别人取得的成就或者因为他有着你自己想拥有的能力和品质,因而对他的评价很高;idolize极度崇敬或喜爱某人,特别是某个流行歌手或运动员;worship 极度崇敬或喜爱某人到了无法容忍他们身上有缺点的地步。

[ 例句] The fans idolize Elvis and will hear no criticism of him.

mechanization [..mek..nai..zei....n ] n.机械化

misplace [..mis..pleis ] vt.把.放错地方,把(感情等) 寄托于不该寄托的地方

[ 同义] lose,misapply ,mislay ,miss

[ 例句] She used to misplace he r key so often that her secretary had to ca rry spare one for her.

rediscover [ r..i d..i sk..v..] v.重新发现

robotics [ r..u..b..tiks ] n.机器人学

scandal4 [..sk .. ndl ] n.丑事,丑闻,流言蜚语

[ 同义] discredit ,disgr ace,dishonor ,gossip ,rumors

[ 考点] cove r up/ bush up the scandal 掩盖丑闻uncover/ expose the scandal 揭露丑闻

[ 辨析] scandal;rumor;gossip

scandal 人们相互之间或某组织的事情,它令人吃惊但也刺激、有趣;rumor 人们相互之间传递的消息通常是不真实的或是部分真实;gossip 人们相互转告的关于他人私生活的消息,可能是真也可能是假,尤其是这种谈论是以不友善或不赞同的方式进行的。

[ 例句] If the re is a slightest hint of scandal ,public will no longer t rust us.

slaughter6 [ stu..p] n.杀戮,屠杀

[ 例句] His war crimes included the delibe rate slaughter of 250,000 individuals.

statesmanship [..steitsm..n..ip] n.政治才能,治国之本stoop [ stu..p ] v.弯腰屈尊,降低身份做.

[ 同义] bend ,incline,lean ,duck

[ 考点] stoop to doing sth.降低身份做.

[ 辨析] stoop;bend

stoop 腰弯得很低,尤其是为了拣东西,再直起身子;bend 身子前倾或下弯以便拣起或碰到某物。

[ 例句] 1 ) The door was so low that we had to stoop to go through it.

2 ) I don’t believe that our senator would ever stoop to bribery or blackmail.

tragic6 [..tr .. d..ik] ad j.悲惨的,悲剧的,悲剧性的

[ 同义] awful,dreadful ,disast rous

[ 反义] glor ious ,successful,t riumphant

[ 辨析] t ragic;disast rous

t ragic 引起巨大的痛苦和折磨;disast rous 引起毁坏和折磨。

[ 例句] His friends were deeply shocked and saddened by

the tr agic news of his death.

trample [..t r .. mpl ] v.踩,践踏

[ 同义] c rash ,stamp ,t read

[ 考点] t rample sth.on 踩,践踏

t rample sth.underfoot 把.踩在脚下

[ 例句] Somebody tr ampled all over my flowerbeds in the night.

unify6 [..ju..nifai] v.使联合统一

[ 同义] bind ,combine,join ,unite

[ 反义] divide ,sepa rate ,split

[ 例句] If the new leader does manage to unify his warr ing par ty it will be quite an achievement.

uni ty4 [..ju..niti] n.和谐,团结

[ 同义] agreement ,harmony ,unification ,union ,wholeness

[ 反义] disagreement ,discord ,dis unity

[ 例句] It is fea red that calls for national unity will go unhea rd in the present climate fighting.

worthy4 [..w......i ] ad j.值得尊敬的,配得上.的

[ 同义] admi ring ,deserving ,respectable ,worthwhile

[ 反义] disr eputable ,unwor thy ,useles s

[ 考点] be wor thy of 值得.

be wor thy to do sth.值得做.

[ 例句] 1) We need to t ranslate these wor thy principles into workable rules.

2) Two points in this report ar e es pecially wor thy of notice.

believe in 相信.的价值,认为.有益

[ 例句] He did not believe in educating women

come by 得到,获得

[ 例句] He had not come by these things through his own labor.

have.in common 有.共同之处

[ 例句] Although they have married for ten yea rs,they have nothing in common.

kill off 消灭光,除去

[ 例句] This discovery killed off one of the last surviving romances about the place.

let alone (do) 更不用说

[ 例句] She does not know how to cook ,let alone prepar e dinner for us.

on a.scale 以.规模

[ 例句] The dist rict plants pea on a la rge scale.

pick apart (informal) 对.吹毛求疵

[ 例句] Please do not pick apar t my work.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Mr Lee’s Side of the Street


advisory [..d..vaiz..ri ] ad j.咨询的,劝告的,忠告的

[ 同义] advising ,consulta tive

[ 例句] She is employed by the president in an advisory ca - pacity.

avenue4 [.... v..nju..] n.大街,林阴道

[ 同义] road ,st reet

[ 例句] One of the word ’s most beautiful avenues is the Champs Elysees in Paris.

Baptist [..b .. ptist ] ad j.浸礼会教派的,浸礼会教友的

burglar [..b......l..] n.入户抢劫者

[ 同义] house bracers ,robbe r ,thief

[ 辨析] thief;robber;burglar

thief 偷东西的人;robber 经常偷东西的人,尤其是在住宅、银行或其他建筑物里偷东西,提前做好计划;burgla r 非法进入住宅或办公室偷东西的人。

[ 例句] The old woman was scar ed of burglar s,and had

ext ra lockes fitted on all the doors and windows.

choir [..kwai..] n.合唱队,唱诗班

[ 例句] John mis sed the par ty because he was singing in the choir.

chorus6 [..k....r..s] n.合唱