书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第33章 Unit Nine Friends and Friendship (3)

betray6 [bi..t rei ] vt.①出卖,背叛② 泄露(秘密) ,露出. 迹象

[ 考点] bet ray oneself 暴露出真实身份

[ 例句] 1) In failing to return the money he bet rayed our t rust.

2) She said she was sorry ,but her eyes bet rayed

her sec ret delight.

compassionate [ k..m..p ......nit ] ad j.富于同情心的

[ 考点] compas siona te leave (士兵等) 获准请事假

[ 辨析] compas siona te;sympa thetic

compas siona te 同情某人的遭遇并准备提供帮助,如Alice was a compas siona te woman who wanted to save children from violence and pover ty.sympa - thetic 指对不顺心的人的友善,愿意安慰他们,并分担他们的感受,如My friends were ext remely sympathetic when they hea rd I’d lost my job.

component4 [ k..m..p..un..nt ] n.成份,部份,元件

[ 例句] Blade and handle a re the component pa rts of a knife.

confide [ k..n..faid] v t./ vi.倾诉,委托,信赖

[ 同义] depend ,disclose,rely ,trust in

[ 反义] conceal

[ 考点] confide in 信赖,信任

confide to 吐露(心事、秘密等)

[ 例句] 1 ) The childr en were confided to the ca re of the ship’s captain.

2 ) He confided his t roubles to a friend.

cult ivate4 [..k..ltiveit ] vt.培养,耕作

[ 同义] develop ,foster ,tr ain

[ 考点] to cul tivate a love of ar t 培养对艺术的爱好

[ 例句] He cultivates the sor t of people who can be useful to him in his busines s.

discourage4 [ dis..k..rid..] vt.① 使丧失勇气;使气馁;使沮丧②阻止,劝阻

[ 同义] deject ,deter ,disapprove ,hinde r ,prevent

[ 反义] encourage

[ 考点] discourage sb.from doing sth.劝阻,阻碍

[ 例句] 1 ) Don’t let one failure discourage you ,t ry again.

2 ) Pa rents should discour age their children from smoking.

disintegrate* [dis..inti..reit ] vt./ vi.分裂成小块,使瓦解

[ 同义] break up ,decompose,separate

[ 例句] The plane flew into a mountain and disintegrated on impact.

divorce4 [ di..v....s] n.离婚,脱离


[ 同义] disconnect ,disjoin ,divide,separate

[ 考点] divor ce sb ./ sth.from sth.使通常在一起的人或事物分离

[ 例句] 1 ) Did Mr.Hill divor ce his wife or did s he divorce him?

2 ) It is hard to divorce love and duty.

enrich6 [ in..rit..] vt.① 使富有,使丰富,使肥沃② 充实,丰富

[ 例句] The discovery of gold in the valleys will enrich the poor mountain area.

healthful * [..hel..ful ] ad j.有益健康的

[ 考点] healthful exe rcise 健身运动

[ 辨析] healthful;healthy


时用heal thy ,日常英语常混用。

insensit ive* [ in..sensitiv] ad j.(常与to 连用) 对.没有感觉的,感觉迟钝的

[ 反义] sensitive

[ 辨析] insensitive of sth.不了解,不知道

insensitive to sth.对.感觉迟钝,感觉不到

[ 例句] It was rathe r insensitive of you to mention his dead wife.

insignificance* [..insi....nifik..ns ] n.无意义,不重要,无价值

[ 反义] significance

[ 例句] The insignificance of the sum involved explains their indiffe rence.

long lasting* [..l......l....sti..] ad j.持续时间长的

mobility* [m..u..biliti ] n.活动性,灵活性,迁移率,机动性

[ 例句] Mobility is very impor tant in gue rrilla warfare.

naturalness * [..n .. t....r..lnis ] n.自然,当然,不做作

outgrowth* [..aut..r..u..] n.长出,自然的发展,自然的成果,(从一物中) 出生之物,侧枝,派出,结果,副产物

[ 同义] byproduct ,consequence ,effect ,fruit ,outcome ,product ,result ,upshot

[ 考点] an outgrowth on a t ree 树的分枝

[ 例句] This big shop is an outgrowth of the little s hop I star ted ten year s ago.

outlet4 [..autlet ] n.①出口,出路,销路② (感情、精力) 发泄途径、方法

[ 考点] an outlet for water 出水口

[ 例句] Children need an outlet for thei r ene rgies.

rewarding* [ ri..w....di..] adj.报答的,有益的,值得的

[ 例句] You will find this book ve ry r ewarding.

sensational * [ sen..sei....nl ] ad j.①耸人听闻的,引起轰动的,危言耸听的,蛊惑人心的(文章或新闻) ② 美妙的,非常好的

[ 同义] exciting ,star tling ,wonderful

[ 考点] a sensa tional murder 轰动一时的谋杀案

[ 例句] The re were sensational developments in the murder case.

socialize* [..s..u....laiz ] v.①使社会化,使社会主义化,收归国有②交际,联谊

[ 例句] 1 ) Children are socialized according to a given cultural pattern.

2 ) Let the students themselves decide with whom they want to socialize.

sole4 [ s..ul] adj.单独的,惟一的



[ 同义] individual ,only ,single ,unique

[ 例句] 1 ) We thr ee were the sole survivors.

2 ) I must have my shoes soled.

solidify * [ s....lidifai ] v.① 使凝固,使变硬,使充实② 使团结,巩固

[ 例句] 1 ) The opposition in congress to the president ’s proposal solidified over the next two weeks.

2 ) The details solidified the composition.

strengthen [..st re......n] v t./ vi.加强,增强

[ 反义] weaken

[ 例句] Our enemy has great ly st rengthened during the t ruce talks.

terminate6 [..t....mineit ] v.停止,结束,终止

[ 同义] cease ,end ,finish ,stop

[ 考点] termina ted in 以(某字母) 结尾

termina te one’s cont ract 终止合同

[ 例句] The meeting termina ted in disorde r.

therapeut ic * [....er....pju..tik ] n.治疗剂,治疗学家;(pl .) 治疗学


[ 考点] therapeutic effect 疗效

[ 例句] The sick man took ther apeutic baths at a famous spa.

thoughtfulness* [........tfulnis ] n.体贴,关切

thriving* [....r aivi..] adj.成功的,旺盛的

unburden* [..n..b....dn] v t.①卸货,卸下重担②表白,吐露

[ 同义] relieve

[ 考点] unburden oneself/ sth.(of sth .) (to sb .) 向某人述说隐衷

[ 例句] He unburdened his soul to a priest.

vent6 [ vent ] n.通风孔,出烟孔,出口,(感情等的) 发泄v.放出,排出,发泄

[ 考点] give vent to 毫无顾忌地发泄

vent sth.on sb ./ sth.向.发泄

[ 例句] The floods found a vent through the dikes.

widow4 [..wid..u] n.寡妇


[ 反义] widowe r

[ 例句] A grea t many women were widowed by the wa r.

widower [..wid..u..] n.鳏夫

bottle up 憋在肚里(不说出来)

[ 例句] Bottling up your anger leads to t rouble.