书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第30章 Unit Eight Healthy Living (5)

[ 例句] 1) The oil which discha rged into the sea ser iously harmed a lot of birds and animals.

2) Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discha rge of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.

economy4 [ i..k..n..mi ] n.经济

[ 考点] make economies = practice economy 节约开支

economy class 经济舱

a weak/ st rong economy 经济疲软/ 强大

[ 例句] 1 ) They’ve had to make economies since Colin lost his job.

2 ) The count ry’s economy has been in a state of decline ever since this gove rnment came to power.

extensive4 [ ik..stensiv] ad j.大量的,大规模的;广泛的

[ 反义] intensive

[ 例句] 1 ) The city of Dresden s uffe red from extensive bombing during the Second Wor ld War.

2 ) He r knowledge of music is extensive.

frequency4 [..fri..kw..nsi] n.①频繁②频率

[ 考点] fr equency of light 光频

low frequency radiation 低频辐射

[ 例句] 1) The human ea r cannot hea r very high frequency sounds.

2) Do you know what fr equency the BBC World Se rvice is on?

gossip6 [......sip ] n.闲聊

[ 同义] blab ,chat ,chat ter ,pr attle

[ 考点] idle/ juicy gossip 无聊的/ 刻薄的闲话old gossip monge r 长舌妇have a good gossip with a neighbor over the garden fence 隔着花园篱笆同一邻居愉快地聊天have a good gos sip about sb.说某人的好话gossip columns (报上的) 随笔栏

[ 例句] 1 ) All this talk that s he’s going to leave her husband is just gossip.

2 ) Has that old gossip monger been talking about me again?

halt4 [ h....lt ] n.停止,暂停


[ 同义] a rrest ,block ,cease ,end ,impede ,quit ,stop

[ 反义] ma rch

[ 考点] bring sth.to a halt 使停止

come to a grinding halt 完全停止

call a halt to sth.阻止某事发生

[ 例句] 1 ) Security forces halted the demonst rators by blocking the road.

2 ) The worker s ar e blaming the new computer system for the halt in production.

inhibit6 [ in..hibit ] v.阻止,抑制

[ 考点] be inhibited (from doing sth .) 阻止干某事

an inhibiting factor 抑制因素

[ 例句] 1 ) Some officers were inhibited (from s peaking ) by the presence of mor e senior officers.

2) Fear of failure is an inhibiting factor for many people.

orbit4 [......bit ] v.绕轨道而行


[ 同义] circle ,circuit ,path ,route

[ 考点] go into orbit a round the ea rth 进入地球轨道

be in orbit round/ around Venus 处于火星轨道

price go onto orbit 涨价

[ 例句] 1 ) Most planetary orbits a re not cir cles bur ellipses .

2 ) On this mission the Shuttle will orbit (the Ear th) at a height of several hundr ed miles.

outbreak6 [..autbr eik] n.(疾病的) 发作;(战争等的) 爆发

[ 同义] eruption ,outburst ,rebellion ,r evolt ,riot upris- ing

[ 考点] an outbreak of chole ra (霍乱)

[ 例句] He left the country three days before the outbreak

of hostilities (战争).

physiological6 [..fizi....l..d..ikl] adj.生理的,生理学的

[ 考点] Pavlov’s physiological theories 巴甫洛夫的生理学理论

physiological changes 生理变化

physiological slat solution 生理盐水

physiological chemist ry 生物化学(= biochemist ry)

prevail4 [ pr i..veil] vi.普遍存在,普遍发生,流行,盛行,

[ 考点] prevail (up ) on (with) 劝说,说服,诱使prevail ove r 压倒,战胜

[ 例句] 1 ) This custom still prevails among members of the older gener ation.

2) I t ried but could not prevail with him.

3) Reason pr evailed over emotion.

resistance4 [ ri..zist..ns ] n.①反抗,抵抗,抵抗力,阻力② 电阻,阻抗

[ 考点] violent resistance 猛烈的抵抗

a rmed resistance 武装抵抗

drug resistance 抗药性

abr asive resistance 耐磨性(力)

resistance to corrosion 抗腐蚀

resistance to diseases 抗病力

elect ric resistance 电阻

[ 例句] A good adver tisement should not a rouse resistance in the public.

respiratory [ ri..spai..r..t..ri ] ad j.呼吸的

[ 考点] respiratory diseases 呼吸器官疾病

respiratory system 呼吸系统

[ 例句] Death was caused by cardiac and r espir atory failure.

runny [..r..ni] a dj.(鼻) 流涕的,(眼) 流泪的,(水龙头) 流水的

[ 考点] a runny kid 拖鼻涕的小孩

[ 例句] Is your younger brother still runny?

sneeze [ sni..z] n.喷嚏


[ 考点] put the s neeze on sb.绑架某人

sneeze at 轻视,看轻

[ 例句] You wouldn’t sneeze at such an offer ,would you?

stuffiness [..st..finis] n.鼻塞

stuffy [..st..fi ] ad j.①沉闷的,乏味的,②鼻塞的

[ 考点] a stuffy room 闷热的房间

stuffy atmos phe re 沉闷的气氛

a stuffy nose 塞住的鼻子

[ 例句] I felt oppres sed by the stuffy atmospher e in that household.

submicroscopic [ s..bmaikr....sk..pik] adj.亚微观的,用普通显微镜看不出的

susceptibility * [ s....septi..biliti] n.敏感性,过敏性

[ 考点] susceptibility to inflection 易受感染

susceptibility to diseases 易患疾病

hurt s b .’s susceptibilities 伤某人的感情

susceptible6 [ s....septibl] ad j.① 过敏的,敏感的② 易动感情的,易受感动的

[ 考点] a susceptible girl 多情的少女

be susceptible to suggestion 没有主见

[ 例句] He is susceptible to kindness and flat tery.

syrup [..si r..p] n.糖浆

thereafter6 [......r......ft..] adv.其后,从那时以后

[ 同义] af terward ,subsequently

[ 例句] He was ve ry ill as a child and was considered delica te thereafter.

transient6 [..t r .. nsi..nt ] ad j.短暂的,瞬时的

[ 考点] t ransient population 暂住人口

t ransient happines s 短暂的幸福

a t ransient gleam of hope 转瞬即逝的一线希望

a t ransient current 瞬变电流

[ 例句] He r feeling of depr es sion was t ransient.

undeniable [....ndi..nai..bl] adj.不可否认的,无可争辩的

[ 同义] t rue ,r eal ,excellent

[ 考点] undeniable t ruth 不可否认的真实性

undeniable guilt 无可抵赖的罪责

undeniable proof 确凿的证据

undeniable liter ary classics 公认的优秀文学名著

[ 例句] She showed her undeniable a rtistic talent through her pe rformance.

viral [..vai..r..l ] ad j.病毒(性) 的,病毒引起的

[ 考点] viral hepatitis 病毒性肝炎

for the moment 暂时,目前

[ 例句] I can’t find the address at/ for the moment but I’ll get it for you la ter.

in.own right 凭本身的权利(或能力、实力、资格等)

[ 例句] She’s a millionaire in he r own right.

lift off 起飞,发射

[ 例句] We’ll have the spacecr aft lift off.

over and over again 不断地,重复地

[ 例句] She murmurs the same words over and over again.

set off 引起,激起

[ 例句] Repor ts that a doctor had died from AIDS set off a panic among his forme r patients.

stuff up 塞住,堵住

[ 例句] The water pipe was stuffed up with dir ts.

take heart 受到鼓励,树立信心

[ 例句] In him they saw a leader with a will of iron.They took hear t.