书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第23章 Unit Seven Athletes (1)


1) The annual r eunion is an opportunity for the soldiers to r emember their past.

A.memories B.praises

C.glories D.values

2) The company’s continued use of such dangerous chemicals has at tr acted a lot of negative.

A.response B.reaction

C.disagree D.publicity.

3) She thinks that young people today are becoming increasingly selfish ,and at the shrine of individual happines s and gr atification.

A.worship B.admire

C.respect D.work

4) There is a statue of Premier Zhou Enlai in my hometown.

A.lifestyle B.lifelong

C.lifesized D.lifelike

5) We know these chemicals a re dangerous ,but their benefits far any risk to the environment.

A.surpas s B.outstr ip

C.outstay D.outweigh

6) Many manufactures have to walk a between pricing their goods too high and not selling them,and pricing them low and losing money.

A.tightrope B.bridge

C.line D.road

7) fur ther r eductions in the armed forces ,he said ,would be with the nation’s defense

A.ris king B.gambling

C.losing D.fighting

8) In his quest for physical ,he spends hours in the gym.

A.st rength B.perfection

C.health D.condition

9) After 30 years in the political ,our local member of pa rliament is r eti ring.

A.stage B.life

C.arena D.society

10) An club is setting up in our distr ict.

A.athletics B.a thletic

C.athlete D.competition

11 ) The man cha rged with a theft is urgently asking for a.

A.defender B.defense at torney

C.judge D.lawyer

12) “He re ,let me help you with your shopping .”“you my dea r .”

A.Appr eciate B.Praise

C.Bless D.Thank

13) Who are the reigning European football?

A.champions B.championships

C.champion D.winners

14) These plastics at temperatures of over 90 centigrade .

A.changed B.shaped

C.deformed D.widened

15) They were to be invited to dinner by the mayor.

A.flatter ed B.pleased

C.proud D.thanked


1) C 2) D 3) A 4 ) C 5) D 6) A 7 ) B 8 ) B

9) C 10 ) A 11 ) B 12) C 13 ) A 14) C 15 ) A

Part One In Class Reading

Athletes Should Be Role Models


dunk [ d....k ] v.①扣蓝②浸泡(食物)

[ 考点] dunk sth.in 浸泡

[ 例句] She dunk s her biscuit in the tea thoughtfully.

endorsement [ in..d....sm..nt ] n.① 签名于支票背面、签注或认可的记载②产品广告

[ 考点] endorsement from sb.某人的认可

endorsement on one’s license 因违反交通规则而所受的签注

the endorsement of one’s license 在执照上所作的签注

[ 例句] 1 ) Endorsement from centr al pa r ty officials have helped the local campaign.

2) One of the things can happen if you get caught speeding is the endorsement of your license.

gamble6 [...... mbl ] v.赌博


[ 同义] bet ,game

[ 考点] gamble at cards 赌纸牌

gamble on Stock Exchange 买卖股票

gamble sth.away 赌输

[ 例句] He’d gambled away most his inheritance by the time he was thirty.

glory4 [....l....ri ] n.①光荣,荣誉② (对上帝的) 赞美,赞颂③壮丽,灿烂

[ 同义] honor ,praise ,adoration ,gr andness ,greatness

[ 反义] disgrace ,s hame,dishonor

[ 考点] a blaze of glory 非常光荣地

the glory of sunset 落日的壮丽

[ 例句] 1 ) This was to be he r final professional tennis ma tch ,and she wanted to end her career in a blaze of glory.

2) The garden in all its glory is now open to the public.

halftime* [ h..ftaim] n.(比赛中上下半场间的) 休息时间

[ 例句] 1 ) I taly had a comfor table thr ee goal lead over France by half time.

2 ) What was the half time score?

lifesize(d) [..laifsaizd] n.(艺术作品) 与真人(实物) 一样大的

motorcycle* [..m..ut..saikl ] n.摩托车(motorbike )

[ 例句] He was assas sinated by two terror ists riding a motor cycle.

outweigh* [ aut..wei ] v.(在重量、价值或重要性上) 超过

[ 例句] For me ,the advantages of living in a town out-weigh the disadvantages.

pasture6 [..p....st....] n.牧场,牧地

v.(指人) 放牧;(牛、羊等) 吃草

[ 同义] lea,meadow

[ 考点] pasture one’s sheep on the village common 在村庄的公地上放牧

pedestal [..pedistl] n.(雕像、柱子等的) 底座

[ 同义] foot

[ 考点] knock s b.off his pedestal 不再推崇某人

set sb.on a pedestal 把某人当作偶像崇拜

perfection6 [ p....fek..n] n.完美,完善

[ 同义] distinction ,excellence ,me rit

[ 反义] impe rfection

[ 考点] to perfection 尽善尽美的

[ 例句] 1 ) She played the pa r t of an upper clas s Englishwoman to perfection.

2 ) The fish was cooked to perfection.

phoenix [..fi..niks ] n.凤凰,长生(不死) 鸟

publicity4 [ p..b..lisiti ] n.① 公众的注意,尽人皆知② 宣传,宣扬

[ 考点] adverse publicity 非难,批评

give a new book/ play wide publicity 大力宣扬某书/剧目

conduct a publicity campaign 从事一项宣传活动

[ 例句] He att racted a lot of adve rse publicity with his speech about unmarried mothe rs.

scary* [..s k....ri ] ad j.令人害怕的

[ 同义] fr ightening

[ 考点] a sca ry story 恐怖故事

[ 例句] I like that story because it’s a bit scary.

tightrope* [..taitr..up ] n.① (供走索者表演用的) 绷索,钢丝②走钢丝(一种杂技运动)

[ 考点] walk/ tr ead a tight rope 困难地做出决策

[ 例句] Tightrope walke rs often carry long poles to help themselves balance.

worship4 [..w......ip] v.①崇拜,崇敬②敬奉,信奉n.① (对上帝的) 崇拜② (对某人或某物的) 崇拜,敬慕,尊敬

[ 同义] adore ,admir e,idolize

[ 反义] contempt

[ 考点] place of worship 朝拜地

hours of worship 朝拜时间

the worship of s uccess 仰慕成功

hero worship 英雄崇拜

[ 例句] According to a recent poll ,80% of Amer icans pray r egula rly and over 40% worship on a weekly basis.

drop out 退学;退出

[ 例句] My father dropped out of school for the poor family when he was only 13.

follow one’s lead 以某人为榜样

[ 例句] She followed her mother’s lead and sta rted he r own business.

give of oneself 腾出时间和力量来帮助某人

[ 例句] We’re very grateful to all the people who have given of themselves.

take.too far ,go too far 做得过火

[ 例句] Some girls went too fa r while wea ring ext ra fashionable clothes.

have a fit 大发脾气

[ 例句] Don’t have a fit ,it would frighten the child.

look up to 尊敬

[ 例句] In our life there should be someone who makes us look up to him.

measure up to 符合,达到

[ 例句] The products meas ur ed up to the whole requir ement.

put/ place somebody on/ upon a pedestal 把某人当作偶像来崇拜

[ 例句] The young nowadays put the sta rs on a pedestal.

take the place of sb.代替

[ 例句] Af ter the chai rman’s retirement ,who will take the place of him?

you name it 凡你能说得出的

[ 例句] John’s familiar with Hollywood stars-you name it ,he’ll speak something about any of them .

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Athletes should Not Be Role Models


arena6 [....ri..n..] n.表演场地,竞技场,(喻) 任何竞争或角


[ 考点] the a rena of politics 政治舞台

athlet ics* [ ......letiks ] n.[ p l .] (通常用单数动词) 运动(各项体育运动之总称,尤指跑、跳等之竞赛;竞技

[ 同义] gymnastics

[ 考点] an athletics team/ club/ meeting 运动队/ 俱乐部/ 会attorney [....t....ni ] n.(AmE) 辩护律师,(业务或法律事务上的) 代理人bless6 [ bles] v.①为.企求上帝赐福②有幸得到

[ 同义] anoint ,consec rate

[ 反义] damn ,curse

[ 考点] be blessed with = be lucky in having 有幸得到

[ 例句] 1 ) The pr iest bles sed the people in church saying “God be with you .”

2 ) For tunately we were bles sed with fine wea the r.

boxer* [..b..ks..] n.拳击运动员

[ 考点] a heavyweight boxer 重量级拳击运动员

boxer shor ts (拳击运动员穿的) 至于膝部的短裤

[ 例句] He’s a forme r world heavyweight boxing champion.

champion4 [..t.... mpi..n] n.①冠军②捍卫者,拥护者

[ 同义] victor ,winner

[ 反义] loser

[ 考点] a tennis champion 网球冠军

an Olympic champion 奥运冠军a champion tennis player/ racehor se 冠军级队员/ 赛马

[ 例句] 1 ) She is the world champion for the third year in s uccession.

2 ) He has long been a champion of the disabled.

deform* [ di..f....m] v.使变形,使成畸形