书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第21章 Unit Six Success (2)

[ 例句] Exer tion of authority over others is not always wise;pers uasion may be bette r.

inexplicable [ in..eksplik..bl] adj.莫名其妙的

insoluble* [ in..s..ljubl] adj.(问题等) 不能解决的;(物质) 不能溶解的

[ 例句] I pushed the problem aside ,because it was insoluble at present.

mount ing* [..maunti..] ad j.逐渐增加的

[ 例句] The mounting tension between the two counties makes lot of statesmen worried.

objectionable* [..b..d..ek....n..bl ] ad j.讨厌的

[ 考点] an objectionable smell 讨厌的气味

[ 例句] His drunken behavior was ext remely objectionable.

productivity6 [..pr..d..k..tiviti] n.生产力,生产率

reluctant4 [ ri..l..kt..nt ] ad j.不情愿的,勉强的

[ 同义] unwilling

[ 考点] reluctant to do sth.不情愿做某事

[ 例句] The child was reluctant to leave her mother.

sphere4 [ sfi..] n.①领域②球(体) ,球形

[ 同义] field

[ 例句] 1 ) His main interest is in the literature if Chinese.

2 ) The Ear th is not a perfect sphere.

swamp6 [ sw..mp] n.沼泽地

tackle4 [..t .. kl] v.(着手) 对付,(开始) 处理

[ 同义] deal with ,cope with ,handle

[ 考点] tackle sb.about/ over/ on sth.就某事和某人理论

[ 例句] I don’t know how to tackle the problem.

tedious4 [..ti..di..s] ad j.单调乏味的,令人生厌的

[ 例句] Tom thinks that the English clas s is very tedious.

topical [..t..pikl ] ad j.话题的,主题的

undertake4 [..nd....teik] v.①同意,答应②承担

[ 考点] unde rtake to do sth.答应(同意) 做某事

[ 例句] He under took to finish the work by Monday.

vicious6 [..vi....s] adj.①恶毒的,恶意的,凶残的② 严重的,剧烈的

[ 考点] vicious circle 恶性循环

weariness* [..wi..rinis ] n.疲倦vt.穿,戴

[ 例句] He showed absolutely no sigh of wea rines s af ter several day’s heard journey.

willpower [..wilpau..] n.意志力,毅力

box somebody in 闭锁,把.围住,困住

[ 例句] Living in that flat ,The old man fells boxed in.

clear up 澄清,解决

[ 例句] It is necessary to clear up a mis understanding between friends.

come along ①偶然出现,产生②进展,进步

[ 例句] 1 ) When the right oppor tunity comes along ,he will take it at once.

2) How is your English learning comes along?

come up wi th 想出

[ 例句] She comes up with a new idea for incr easing sales.

disapprove of 不赞成,反对

[ 例句] He wants to be football player ,but his parents disapprove of his intention.

fall short 达不到标准(或要求)

[ 例句] We hoped to pas s the CET-6 this year but we have fallen shor t of this aim.

put down ①写下②付(定金) ③镇压,取缔④奚落

[ 例句] 1 ) Let me put down your telephone number for fear that I would forget it.

2 ) He bought a villa of 500 ,000 yuans and put down 2 ,000 yuans.

3 ) Police used tea r gas to put down the riot (骚乱).

4 ) She evidently enjoyed putting he r husband down in public.

shy away from 回避,退缩

[ 例句] She has always shied away from close friendships.

shrug off ①摆脱②对.不予理睬,对.满不在乎

[ 例句] 1 ) Beijing is t rying to shrug off its indust rial image

and promote itself as a tourist and political center of country.

2 ) She just shrug off the pain and goes on with the job.

take over 接管,接手,接任

[ 例句] Who do you think will take over the post when the manager was t ransferr ed to Xi’an.

tie oneself (up) in knots 使自己紧张;困惑

[ 例句] The pr es s agent tied himself up in knots trying to apologize.

turn away from 转过脸不面对或不再看着某人、某物

[ 例句] She turned away in horror a t sight of so much blood.

weigh on 使烦恼,使担忧

[ 例句] The burden of the debt weighs heavily on these developing countries.

Passage Ⅱ A Triumph of the Spirit


alphabet4 [.... lf..bet ] n.字母表

bedsore6 [..beds....] n.褥疮

blink4 [ bli..k] v.眨眼

bubble [..b..bl ] n.水泡,气泡

[ 考点] to blow soap bubbles 吹肥皂泡

the bubble of the cooking pot 炒菜锅发出的沸腾声

[ 例句] The water was bubbling gently in the pan.

celebrate [..selibreit ] adj.著名的

cosmos [..k..zm..s ] n.宇宙

decree6 [ di..kri..] n.天命,天意

dignity6 [..di..niti] n.尊严

eyelid [..ailid] n.眼皮

fruitless* [..fru..t lis ] ad j.不成功的,无结果的

[ 例句] It is a fruitles s effor t.

immobile* [ i..m..ubail;(US) i..m..ubl] ad j.不能动的

[ 例句] The deer stood immobile among the t rees.

journalist4 [..d......n..lizt ] n.新闻工作者,记者

[ 同义] reporte r ,correspondent

[ 辨析] reporte r;journalist;corr espondent reporte r 和journalist 二者都可以当“记者”讲,作为报纸撰稿的记者讲时,可以互换。但journa - list 偏重于“杂志专栏记者”,一般不用于广播电视,而repor ter 则多用于广播电视记者;corr espondent 指报刊、广播电台等的“通讯员,记者(尤指派驻国外的) ”。

[ 例句] He is a journalist on the“Daily Telegraph”.

lament [ l....ment ] v.哀悼,痛惜

legacy [..le....si] n.遗产

memoir [..memw....] n.回忆录

movingly * [..mu..vi..li] adv.动人地,感人地(尤指特别令人伤感地或同情地)

[ 例句] His speech is ve ry moving.

neurology * [ nju....r..l..d..i;(US) nur-] n.神经病学

paralysis* [ p....r .. lisis ] n.瘫痪

[ 例句] The pa ralysis affects his right leg and his he can only walk with difficult.

paralytic* [..p .. r....litik] ad j.瘫痪的


[ 例句] We a re unable to reverse par alytic disease in laboratory animals.

prose6 [ pr..uz ] n.散文

recite6 [ r i..sait ] v.背诵,朗读

rehabilitation* [..r i......bili..tei..n] n.恢复,复原

saliva [ s....laiv..] n.口水,唾液

seal4 [ s..i l ] v.密封住


[ 考点] seal sth up 将某物密封

set the seal on 确定下来正式结束

seal off 封;阻隔;封闭

seal up 决定,确定

[ 例句] She sealed up the window before the snowstorm came.

swallow4 [..sw..l..u] v.吞咽

[ 考点] swallow up (常用于被动态) ①海浪等吞噬船等,卷进. ,吞没.②花光(钱等) ,耗尽.

[ 例句] 1 ) He swallowed up the medicine with wa ter.

2 ) One swallow does not make a summe r.(谚语) 一燕不成夏(凡事不能以偏概全) 。

syndrome6 [..sindr..um,-dr..m] n.综合病症,综合病状

tedium* [..ti..di..m] n.厌倦,乏味

[ 同义] boredom

[ 考点] two hours of unrelieved tedium 烦闷难解的两小时

trademark6 [..tr eidm....k ] n.①商标②识别标志

triumph4 [..t rai..mf] n.胜利

[ 同义] victory ,success ,winning

[ 反义] failure ,defeat

[ 考点] t riumph over sth ./ sb.获得成功或胜利

[ 例句] 1 ) The wining team r eturned home in t riumph.

2 ) It was a gr eat triumph when our team won the r ace.

twist4 [..twist ] n.① (形势、故事等的) 意想不到的转折②转动

v.(使) 转动,(使) 旋动

[ 考点] twist round sth.转动,旋转

twist the handle 转动把手

road full of twists and turns 弯弯曲曲的路

[ 例句] 1 ) I twist round in my seat to speak to her.

2 ) The story had an odd twist in the end.