书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第18章 Unit Five The Power of Words (2)

[ 例句] The old clock was a present from my father and has sentimental value.

sincere4 [ sin..si..] a dj.诚挚的,真诚的

[ 同义] genuinehonest

[ 反义] insincer e ,false

[ 例句] 1 ) He was sincer e in his wish to help us.他真心实意地想帮助我们。

2 ) She is sincer e and quite without affectation.她为人诚恳,毫不矫揉造作。

spontaneous6 [ sp..n..teini..s] adj.自发的,自然的

[ 同义] natural

[ 反义] compulsory

[ 考点] a spontaneous offe r of help 主动提供的帮助spontaneous applause 自发的鼓掌a spontaneous gaiety of manner 天真愉快的神态

[ 例句] The e ruption of a volcano is spontaneous.火山爆发是自发的。

stat ionery [..stei....n..ri] n.文具,信封

superlative [ s u....p....l..tiv ,sju..-] adj.形容词(或副词的) 的最高级

[ 例句] The word“sof test”is the superlative form of the word soft.

thrive4 [..r aiv] v.兴旺,繁荣

[ 同义] prospe r ,flourish

[ 反义] decline

[ 考点] thr ive on 以.旺盛

[ 辨析] thr ive;flourish;pros per thr ive 和flourish 着重事业开展的大而且成功,而且还可以指植物的茂盛;prosper 强调事业成功而且有钱。

[ 例句] 1 ) The children thr ived on my good cooking

2 ) He thr ived on the adula tion of his henchmen.

upbeat [....pbi..t ] ad j.乐观的,快乐的

[ 反义] downbea t

[ 例句] The film had a very upbeat ending.

virtually4 [..v....tju..li ] adv.几乎

[ 同义] actually ,practically ,almost ,nea rly

[ 例句] She is vi rtually president ,though her title is secr etary.

willingness * [..wili..nis ] n.愿意,乐意

[ 例句] Mary’s willingness to help othe rs is one of her best qualities.

a pat on the back 表扬,鼓励

[ 例句] Ma ry deserves a pat on the back of all her hard work.

attach importance to 认为.重要

[ 例句] People at tach too much impor tance to the weather repor t before they go t raveling.

be on to something 认识到重要意义,会产生重要结果

[ 例句] I feel the gift from the teache r is on to something impor tant.

follow up 在.之后再采取进一步的行动

[ 例句] You should follow up your lette r with a phone call.


lift up 鼓励,激励

[ 例句] She really lift up our spirits with those moving words.

make a habit of 形成/ 养成.的习惯

[ 例句] Never let your child to make a habit of lying.

make somebody’s day 使某人的日子过得快活

[ 例句] I am sure my visiting will make his day.

pass alone 传递,转交

[ 例句] Please pass the homework alone to the students.

shy away from (由于害怕、心理不踏实或缺乏信心等) 躲开,回避做.

[ 例句] We fr equently shy away from making decisions.

turn. (a) round 使.向好的方向发展

[ 例句] They hope the situation would turn a round for the bette r.

walk of life 行业,职业,社会阶段

[ 例句] He wants to make fr iends with people from all walks of life.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ All the Good Things


album6 [.... lb..m] n.(收存照片、邮票等的) 册子

billfold [..bilf..uld ] n.皮夹子

blurt [ bl....t ] v.脱口而出

[ 例句] He blur ted out the bad news befor e I could stop him.

coffin [..k..fin] n.棺材

edgy [..ed..i ] adj.不安的,易怒的

farmhouse* [..f....mhaus] n.农庄住宅(尤指主要住宅)

incessantly [ in..sesntli] adv.不停的

[ 同义] continually

junior4 [..d..u..ni..] adj.① 初级的② 地位和身份低的③ [J-]小(指较年幼者)

[ 同义] lesser ,lowe r ,minor ,secondar ,ysubordinate,younger

[ 反义] senior

[ 考点] junior high school (初中)

a junior school (小学)

junior to sb.(常与to 连用)

[ 例句] 1 ) He is thr ee year s junior to me.

2 ) John Smith Junior is the son of John Smith.

math4 [m ....] n.数学

[ 例句] I am not good at math.

mischievousness [..mis..t..iv..snis ] n.恶作剧

novice [..n..vis ] ad j.新手的,生手的

permission4 [ p....mi..n] n.准许

[ 同义] allow ,approval ,consent

[ 反义] refusal ,disagreement ,prohibition

[ 考点] permission to do sth.

[ 例句] You must ask permission if you want to leave ea rly.

ragged [..r ....id] adj.(指衣服) 破旧的,褴褛的

[ 同义] shabby ,torn ,worn

[ 考点] a ragged beard 乱蓬蓬的胡子

a ragged performance 不完美的表演

[ 例句] His sleeves were ragged at the cuffs (袖口).

refold* [ ri....f..uld] v.再折叠

remainder6 [ r i..meind..] n.剩下的人、东西或时间

saint4 [ seint ] n.① (基督教正式追封的) 圣徒②圣人,道德高尚得人

[ 例句] You must be a saint too be able to stand his temper.

serviceman [..s....vism..n] n.军人

sheepishly [....i..pi..li ] adv.窘迫地,不好意思地

shrug4 [..r....] v.耸肩(表示怀疑、冷漠、不知等)

[ 考点] shrug sth.off① (认为某事物不重要) 不予理会,不屑一顾;一笑了之② (表示怀疑或不感兴趣) 耸肩

[ 例句] 1 ) I ask her where Tom is ,but she shrugged her shoulders.

2 ) She shrugged her shoulde rs when I asked her what should I do.

sideways4 [..saidweiz ] ad j./ adv.向一边(的) ,横着(的)

[ 考点] look sideways at sb.斜着眼看某人

step sideways 向旁边跨步

a sideways movement 侧动

sideways sea ts 边座

[ 例句] 1 ) He looked sideways at me.

2 ) Carry the sofa sideways though the door.

act on 根据.行事

[ 例句] Acting to a friend’s advice ,he bought an Oxford dictiona ry.

be/ become accustomed to (doing) 习惯于.

[ 例句] I am accustomed to the climate her e.

before long 立刻,不久

[ 例句] Before long ,he went to London again.

blurt out 突然说出,脱口而出

[ 例句] The witnes s blur ted out the name of the killer even though the judge told him to keep quiet.

if only 只要,但愿.就好了(后面的从句用虚拟语气)

[ 例句] If only English wer e not so difficult to learn.

get out of hand 无法控制

[ 例句] Deal with the problem befor e it gets completely out of hand.

make.of 理解,解释

[ 例句] We just could not make anything out of his odd behavior at the par ty.

move on 更换工作(话题等)

[ 例句] I think we have talked enough about the subject;let’s move on.

once too often (指违例,冒险等) 多次幸免这次遭殃;多次成功这次受挫

[ 例句] He exceeded the speed limit once too of ten and was fined (罚款) 20 yuans.

tear off 撕掉

[ 例句] Our roof was tore off in the storm.

to this day 至今

[ 例句] To this day ,I still don’t know he killed himself.

Passage Ⅱ Mother Tongue


achievement4 [....t..i..vm..nt ] n.①成就,成绩②达到,完成,实现

[ 同义] exploit ,feat

[ 辨析] exploit;feat;achievement exploit ,feat 和achievement 三词均指令人向往的或值得注目的行动或行为,但feat 和achievement 均着重指在脑力或体力方面完成某事物的艰巨。如:Coming top in the exam was quite an achievement.exploit 指体力的行为表现,常为敢闯敢干的举动。如:The t ravelers wrote an account of their dange rous exploits in the Andes.

[ 例句] 1 ) Tom’s achievement in school ea rnd him a schol ar ship.

2 ) It is only the achievement of these goals that will finally bring lasting peace.

conditional * [ k..n..di....nl] adj.①条件的②有条件的

[ 考点] conditional on/ upon sth.①在. 条件下,倘若. ②一点也不,决不

[ 例句] Payment of the money is conditional upon delive ry of the goods.

empirical6 [ em..pi rikl ] ad j.从观察和经验中得来的

[ 例句] The scientists also considered the empirical evidence befor e writing a r eport.

engineering4 [..end..i..ni..ri..] n.工程(学) ,工程技术

[ 例句] civil/ elect rical/ chemical/ mechanical enginee ring 土木/ 电气/ 化学/ 机械工程

evoke6 [ i..v..uk] v.唤起,应起,使人想起

[ 例句] The music evoked memories of he r youth.这乐曲勾起她对青年时期的回忆。

fascinated* [..f .. sineit ] ad j.被强烈地吸引住,感到着迷的

[ 同义] a tt ract ,absorb

[ 反义] bore

[ 例句] He was fascinated by the voice of Liwen.

grammatical * [..r....m .. tikl] adj.语法的,符合语法规则的

[ 考点] a grammatical speech 一篇合乎语法的演讲