书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第15章 Unit Four ScienceAnd (2)

[ 辨析] requirement;need;neces sity requirement 必须具有的某种东西,尤指官方规定的或推荐的东西;need 一种想要做什么或有什么的强烈愿望;neces sity 为了生活或工作所必须具备的东西。

[ 例句] 1 ) Maths is no longer a prime r equirement for a ca reer in accounting.

2 ) Food is a r equirement of life.

resonance [..r ez..n..ns] n.共鸣

resonate [..rez..neit ] v.产生共鸣

temperamental * [ tempr....mentl ] ad j.气质上的,性格的

[ 同义] moody ,inconstant

[ 反义] stable ,steady

[ 例句] The aircraf t was most tempe ramental a t high altitude.

valve6 [ v .. lv] n.活门,瓣膜,阀门

a touch of (something) 少许,一点

[ 例句] Ther e is not a touch of makeup on her face.

get in the way 妨碍

[ 例句] If you a re not going to help ,at least don’t get in the way!

keep tabs on 密切注意

[ 例句] The for eman kept tabs on the workman.

keep something to oneself 对.秘而不宣

[ 例句] Don’t keep it to yourself ,we need your knowledge and expe rience.

on (the) grounds of 根据. ,以.为理由

[ 例句] On the grounds of ill health ,he always is absent from his work.

pick out 挑出,选出

[ 例句] He was picked out by eyewitnes ses as the driver of the car.

Passage Ⅱ Back from the Dead


ant i freeze [.... ntifr i..z ] n.防冻剂

apprehensively [ .. pri..hensivli] adv.紧张地

badge6 [ b .. d..] n.徽章

brochure [ br..u......;(US) br..u....u..r] n.小册子

burger [..b........] n.汉堡包

calamity [ k....l .. miti] n.灾难,灾祸

cremate [ kri..meit ] v.火化

cryonics [ krai....niks] n.人体冷冻法

deterioration* [ di..ti..r i....rei..n] n.恶化

[ 同义] decadence,decline ,degene ration

[ 考点] deterioration in 在.方面恶化

[ 辨析] deterioration;decline;worsening deterioration 经过一段时间,一种状况或东西的质量逐渐变坏;decline 经过很长一段时间,性能、服务或某人的工作标准逐渐变坏;worsening 一种状况从差变得更差。

disconcerting [ disk..n..s....ti..] adj.令人担忧的

dispose4 [ di..sp..uz] v.丢掉,去掉

[ 同义] discard

[ 反义] indispose

[ 考点] dispose of sth.丢掉.

dispose sb to/ towa rd sth.使.倾向于做.

[ 辨析] dispose of sth .;get rid of dispose of sth.丢掉非常难处理的东西;get rid of 丢掉不想要的东西。

[ 例句] 1 ) The murdere r was unable to dispose of the body.

2) He was unfavorably disposed to the proposal.

embryo [..embri..u] n.胚胎

equate* [ i..kweit ] v.同等看待,使相等

[ 同义] assimilate ,liken ,ma tch ,pa rallel

expand4 [ ik..sp .. nd] v.(使) 膨胀,(使) 变大

[ 同义] inc rease ,amplify ,swell

[ 反义] cont ract

[ 考点] expand into 扩大到.方面

[ 辨析] expand;extend;st retch expand 从科学或技术意义上来讲变大;extend 由于增加而使其在范围或地域上变大;st retch 由于拉而使其变大、变长,而且变形。

[ 例句] She expanded her ar ticle into a book.

extension4 [ ik..sten..n] n.延长

[ 同义] lengthening

[ 反义] shortening ,contr action ,shrinking

[ 考点] extension of .的延伸

extension for 为.而延伸

extension to 对.的延伸

[ 例句] Tools a re extensions of human hands.

facilitate6 [f....siliteit ] v.使便利,使(更) 容易

[ 同义] ease ,promote

[ 反义] hinder

[ 例句] Such a por t would facilitate the pas sage of oil from the Middle East to Japan.

flask [fl....sk;(US) fl .. sk] n.烧瓶

glycerin [....lis..rin] n.甘油

irreparable [ i..rep..r..bl ] ad j.无法修复的,不可弥补的

lifeboat [..laifb..ut ] n.救生船

liken [..laik..n] v.把.比作

liquid4 [..likwid] n.液体

lovingly [..l..vi..li] a dv.钟情地,充满深情地

Nitrogen4 [..nait r..d....n] n.氮

outline4 [..autlain] v./ n.概述,概括

[ 同义] figuration ,profile

[ 反义] bulk

[ 考点] an outline of .的轮廓

[ 辨析] outline;summarize outline 非常概括地、条条框框地描述;summarize 包括主要点的概述,比outline 要详细一点。

[ 例句] He saw the outline of a house against the sky.

parcel4 [..p....sl ] n.小包,包裹,一组,一些

rationality* [..r ........n .. liti ] n.理性

reanimate [ ri...... nimeit ] v.使复活,使复苏

reconstitute* [ ri....k..nstitju..t;(US) - tu..t ] v.使恢复原状

[ 同义] reorganize ,readjust ,rearrange ,reconstruct ,r eorder

[ 反义] disarrange ,disorder ,disorganize

resusci tation [ ri..s..si..tei....n ] n.复活

revive6 [ ri..vaiv] v.(使) 苏醒,(使) 复苏

[ 同义] restore ,reactivate ,r enew ,r enovate ,r etr ieve

[ 反义] extinguis h

[ 考点] revive from 从.中苏醒

[ 例句] Hope revived in him.

rocker [..r..k..] n.(摇椅下的) 弧形摇板

rupture6 [..r..pt....] v.破裂

[ 同义] open ,separ ate

[ 例句] The economy was ruptured by wa r.

scenario [ si..n....ri..u] n.事情发展的概述

skeptical6 [..skeptikl] adj.表示怀疑的

[ 同义] suspicious ,unbelieving ,questioning ,dist rusting ,doubting

[ 反义] believing

[ 考点] be skeptical about 对.产生怀疑

[ 例句] He listened to me with a skeptical expres sion.

sperm [ sp....m] n.精子,精液

storage4 [..st....r id..] n.储藏

[ 考点] storage of sth.储藏.

be in storage 储藏.

keep sth.in storage 储藏.

[ 例句] The meat is kept in cold storage before being sent out to superma rket.

substitute4 [..s..bstitju..t;(US) - tu..t ] n.代替者,代替物v.代替

[ 同义] alternate ,replacement ,r esour ce ,exchange

[ 考点] substitute (n .) for sth.替换.

substitute (v .) sth.for/ with sth.用后者替换前者

[ 辨析] substitute (n .);replacement;substitute (v .);replace (v .)

substitute (n .) 由于坏了、伤了等原因而用另一东西暂时代替;replacement 表示永远的替换;substitute (v .) 由于旧了或坏了而用另一东西代替,但这个东西并不让人满意;replace (v .) 由于旧了、坏了而更换一新的。

[ 例句] 1 ) Guess work is no substitute for investigation.

2 ) We substitute ca rrot with meat once a week.

= We substitute meat for ca rrot once a week.

suspension6 [ s....spen..n] n.暂停,中止be short of 缺乏

[ 例句] “I’m shor t of money this week;can you lend me some ?”“Sorry;I’m rather shor t myself .”

dispose of 丢掉,去掉,处理

[ 例句] I can dispose of your a rgument quite easily.

equate.with 把.与.等同起来

[ 例句] It’s a mistake to equate wealth with happiness.

in.condition 处于.状态

[ 例句] She was rus hed to the hospital in a serious condition.

hold somebody/ something in high regard 对.极为尊重

[ 例句] He is held in the highest r egard by all his pupils.

off one’s rocker 精神失常,发疯

[ 例句] His landlady appea red to be slightly off her rocke r.

Passage Ⅲ Watch Out-You’re on Camera


acceptability* [..k..sept....biliti ] n.可接受性

activist* [.... ktivist ] n.积极分子,活跃分子

airline4 [......lain] n.航空公司,航空服务

bug6 [ b....] v.通过窃听器窃听,在.装窃听器

circuit4 [..s....kit ] n.电路

collaboration6 [ k....l .. b....rei..n] n.合作,协作

combat4 [..k..mb .. t ] vt.与.战斗,与.斗争

[ 同义] resist ,contend ,contest ,dispute,oppose,withstand

[ 反义] submit ,yield