It was the next morning that the big yellow dog came.
I found him first thing when Mama told me to go and cut down a side of fresh meat which was hanging in the dog run.
The minute I opened the door and looked up,I saw the meat was gone. It had been hanging from a pole tied up by some - strong grass. Now there were only broken ends of grass to be seen.
I looked down. At once a dog got up from where he’d been sleeping near our corn barrel. He was a big ugly smooth yellow dog. One short ear had been chewed right off,and the tail was cut off so close there was hardly enough to wag. But what I noticed most of all was how thin and hungry - looking he was-all but his belly. His belly was fat and round.
我往下一看,一只狗立即从它躺着睡觉的玉米桶旁站了起来。这是一只难看的,但皮毛却很光洁的大黄狗,一只短短的耳朵全给咬掉了,尾巴也给人家割得很短,几乎无法摇动了。但是最引起我注意的是它那又瘦又饿的样子,( 可它的肚子却是个例外) 。那只肚子倒是圆鼓鼓的。
It wasn’t hard to tell how that belly came to be要说明这只肚子怎么会变得如
so full. The side of meat had been a big one.
Well,to lose the only meat we had left from last winter’s hog - killing was bad enough. But what made me really mad was the way the dog acted. He wasn’t sorry for what he’d done at all.He came jumping towards me,wagging that little tail and yelling Yow!Yow!Yow!just as if this was his home and I was his best friend.
“Why,you thie ving dog !”I shouted,and kicked at him as hard as I could.
He was out of the way just in time,so my kick didn’t get him. But nobody would have known it didn’t because he fell over on the ground and lay there,with his belly up and his four feet in the air,yelling at the top of his voice. He made so much noise you”d have thought I had a stick and was breaking every bone in his body. Mama came running. She put her head round the door and said,“Wha t on e a rth,Tra vis ?”“Why,this o ld s tra y dog ha s come a nd e a te n a ll our me a t,”I said.
I kicked at him again,but again he was quick.
He rolled out of reach,then fell back on the ground and lay there yelling louder than ever.
Out came Little Arliss. He had no clothes on.
He always slept like that in the summer. He was shouting.“A dog!A dog!”He ran past me and petted the dog till he stopped yelling. Then he turned on me,fighting mad.
“You s top kic king my dog !”he said fiercely.
“You kick my dog a nd I’ll thra s h you bla ck a nd blue .”
The stick Mama used for beating dirt out of clothes she was going to wash was by the wall. Little Arliss grabbed this in both hands and came at me.
I was so surprised I just stood there with my mouth open and let him hit me before I thought of moving. Then Mama stepped in and took the stick.
Arliss turned on her,ready to fight even without stick. Then he ran and put his arms round the big dog’s neck. He began to yell,“He”s my dog.
You ca n’t kic k h im. He”s my dog!”
The big dog was on his feet again now,wagging his tail and licking the tears off Arliss’s face with his tongue.
Mama laughed.“We ll,Tra vis ,”she said,“it lo oks a s if we”ve got ours e lve s a dog.”
妈 妈放声笑了起来。她说: “喂,特拉维斯,看起来好象我们给自己找到一只狗了。”
“But,Mama ,”I said,“we ca n”t ke e p a n ugly“可是,妈妈,”我说,“我们可
old do g like tha t. One tha t will come right into the hous e to s te a l me a t!”
“We ll,pe rha ps we ca n”t ke e p him,”Mama said.“Pe rha ps he be longs to some body ro und he re who’ll wa nt him ba c k.”
“He doe sn”t be long to a ny o f the s e ttle rs ,”I said.“I know a ll the dogs .”
“The n ,if he”s a s tra y,”Mama said,“Arlis s Ca n ha ve him. And he is a cle ve r dog ,is n’t he ? Not ma ny dogs could think of a wa y to re a c h a s ide of me a t ha ng ing tha t high u p. He mus t ha ve got on top o f the c orn ba rre l a nd jumpe d from the re .”
“那么,如果它是一条迷了路的狗,”妈妈说,“阿里斯可以养它。这条狗倒很聪明,是不是? 能够想法子弄到一块挂得那么高的肉的狗可并不多啊。它一定是先跳到那只玉米桶上,再从那儿跳过去的。”
“We ll,a ll right,”I said.“He”s a c le ve r dog.But I s till don”t wa nt him.”
“Now,Tra vis ,”Mama said.“You”re not be ing fa ir. You ha d a d og whe n you we re little ,but Arlis s ha s ne ve r ha d one.He”s too little for you to pla y with ,a nd he ge ts lone ly.”
I didn”t say any more. It was no use. Mama had made up her mind. But I didn’t want that meat-thieving dog on the place,and I didn”t mean to have him. I might have to put up with him for a day or so,but sooner or later I’d find a way to get rid of him.
Mama must have known what I was thinking.
She kept looking at me while she was getting the breakfast. She fed us corn meal cooked in a pot hung over the fireplace. She made it sweet with wild honey that Papa and I had cut out of a bee tree last autumn,and added cream off last night”s milk. It was good,but it would have been better with fried meat to go with it.
Mama waited till I had finished,then said,“Now,Tra vis ,a s s oon a s you”ve milke d the cows ,Ithink you s hould g e t you r gun a nd kill us a fa t youngde e r for me a t. And while you’re gon e ,I wa nt you todo some thinking a bout Little Arlis s a nd this s tra ydog .
妈 妈等我吃完早饭,对我说: