The fall of sand nearly buried the hogs. That’swhat saved me right at the start. I remember bumpingon to the back of one old hog,then finding my feet ina thick fog of dry sand - dust. I jumped blindly to oneside as far as I could. I broke into a run but I was toolate. A tusk caught me in the right leg.
A sharp pain shot up into my body. Iscreamed.I tripped and went down. I screamed louderthen,knowing I could never get to my feet intime to get away from the angry hogs rushing downon me.
It was Old Yeller who saved me. He threw himselfbetween me and the killer hogs. Teeth bared,he met them head on. He yelled with pain as thewicked tusks ripped into him. He took the terriblecuts that were meant for me,but he held hisground. He gave me that one - in - a - hundredchance to get away.
I took it.I was on my feet again. In wild fright I
ran along the dry river - bed and up a bank. Then Idived through the forest of prickly pear. I ran untila forked stick tripped me and I fell.
That fall,or perhaps it was the long prickly -pear pins that were hurting me in the hip,seemedto bring me out of my fright. I sat up,still breathinghard and with the blood hammering in my ears. ButI was all right in my mind again. I pulled the pinsout of my hip,and then rolled up my torn pants tolook at my leg. The blood was running out of thecut and right down into my shoe.
I sat and stared at it. Then I got a grip on myselfagain. I wiped away the blood. The cut was abad one,clean to the bone and very long. But itdidn’t hurt much,not yet,that is. The main hurtingwould start later,I thought ,when the bleedingstopped and my leg started to get stiff. I knew I’dbetter hurry and tie up the place and get home asquickly as I could. Once that leg started gettingstiff,I might not make it.
我 坐在那里,怔怔地看着它。
I took my knife and cut a piece off the tail ofmy shirt.I put it round my leg as tight as I could. Igot up to see if I could walk with the leg wrappedas tight as I had it,and I could. But when I set out,it wasn’t Towards home. It was back along the trail
through the prickly pear.
I don”t quite know what made me do it. Ididn’t think to myself,“Old Ye lle r s a ve d my lifea nd I c a n”t go off a nd le a ve h im. He”s sure to bede a d ,bu t it would look ve ry ba d to go h ome withoutfinding out. I sha ll ha ve to go ba ck,e ve n if my h urt le ggive s out be fore I c a n ge t home .”
I didn’t think anything like that. I just startedwalking that way,and kept walking till I foundhim.
He lay in the river - bed,just about where I’dleft it to go running through the prickly pear. He’dtried to follow me,but was too hurt to keep going.
He was curled up under a big piece of rock thathad slipped off a high bank and,leaning againstanother,had made a sort of cave. He’d crept thereaway from the hogs. The hogs were gone now,but Icould see their tracks in the sand round the rocks,where they’d tried to get at him from behind. Iwouldn’t have seen him,hidden there under thatpiece of rock,if he hadn”t let out a tiny whimperas I walked past.