
第7章 Unit 3(1)

Te xt A

The Atlantic Ocean


Study of the Text

1.For centuries it kept the Americas from being discovered by the

people of Europe. 因为有它相隔, 许多世纪以来欧洲人一直没有发现现在的南北美洲。

1 )keep 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 使继续处于某种状态”。

keep. from doing sth. 与prevent.from doing sth. 同义, 意思是“使..不..”。

No one can prevent the plan from being carried out.


This will prevent the children from catching the disease.


2 )being discovered 是discover 的动名词的被动式, 作介词from 的宾语。

He narrowly escaped being run over. 他差一点被车压着。

He did it without being asked. 没有谁请他, 他自己做的。

3 )介词for 表示经过多少时间, 意思是“ 达”。

She is going away for a few days. 她要离开几天。

I have lived in Chongqing for 20 years. 我在重庆住了20 年了。

4 )the Americas 指South America 和North America。

2.One idea was that it reached out to“ the edge of the world”.

其中一个想法是: 大西洋延伸到了“ 地球的边缘”。

1 )that 从句是表语从句。用作表语的从句叫做表语从句。引导表语从句的关联词与引导主语从句的关联词大都一样。

My suggestion is that you should study the law.


That’s where he lives. 那就是他所住的地方。

2 )reach 在这里是个不及物动词, 意思是“ 延伸, 达到(多远)”

This park reaches as far as the river. 这座公园一直连到江边。

How far does the new road reach?这条新公路有多长?

The speaker’s voice couldn’t reach to the back of the hall.


3.The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific, but it is still

very large. 大西洋虽说仅有太平洋的一半大, 但已经是够大了。

1 )as + 形容词或副词原级+ as 是比较级的一种结构, 意思是“ 和..一样”。

He is as tall as I. 他和我一样高。

He likes her a s much as he likes his sister.

他很喜欢她, 同喜欢他的妹妹一样。

2 )辨异: big, large, a.

big 与large 是普通用词, 都指具体事物的大小。二者都很常用, 往往可以互换, 但big 比较口语化。

The room we worked in was big(large)enough to hold twenty people.

我们工作的屋子大得可以容纳20 个人。

large 不常用来指人, big 则表示身材高大, 有时兼有“ 长大了” 的意思。

Don’t be so easily frightened;you are a big boy now.

别动不动就害怕, 你现在是个大孩子了。(此处不能说large)

4.It is more than 4 000 miles (6 000 km)wide where Columbus

crossed it. 哥伦布穿越的地方有4 000 多英里(6 000 多公里)宽。

1 )这是一个复合句, where columbus crossed it 是地点状语从句。

where 作为连接副词, 意思是“ 在..地方”,“ 到..地方”, 引导地点状语从句。

Let me take you where you live. 让我带你回家吧。

Where there is matter, there is motion.

哪里有物质, 哪里就有运动。

2 )在英语中, 要注意长、宽、高等的表示法。

The board is five feet long and two feet wide.

这块木板有5 英尺长, 两英尺宽。

That river is ten meters deep. 那条河有10 米深。

The lake is 5 miles around. 绕湖一周有5 英里。

3 )cross 和across 都是“ 穿过”,“ 横过”, 但cross 是动词, across 是介词和副词。

5.For so large an ocean it has very few islands.


1 )介词for 在这里的意思是“ 就(情况等)而论”。

It is cold for August. 就8 月而论, 天气是冷了一点。

She is tall for her age. 就她的年龄而言, 她算是个子高的了。

2 )辨异: so, such

such 和so 都表示程度, 意思是“ 这样”、“ 如此”, 但such 是形容词, so 是副词, 用在“ 形容词+ 单数可数名词”前, 位置不同。

I have never seen such a tall building.


I have never seen so tall a building. (同上)

such 后面可以接可数名词和不可数名词。接可数名词时, 单数必须加不定冠词。用复数时, 不能用so 代替such。接不可数名词时, 不能加不定冠词, 也不能用so。

误: This is such small matter.

正: This is such a small matter.

这件事太不重要了。(可数名词, 单数)

Such tricks can deceive no one.

这种伎俩骗不了人。(可数名词, 复数)

误: The young artist painted the picture with so wonderful skill that he surprised his master.

正: The young artist painted the picture with such wonderful skill

that he surprised his master. 青年艺术家画这幅画, 表现出非常高超的技术, 连他的老师都没料到。

6.But suppose no more rain fell into it and no more water was brought

to it by rivers. It would take the ocean about 4 000 years to dry up.

但是假如不再有雨水注入, 不再有河水流入的话, 大约要4000 年大西洋才会干涸。

1 )suppose 在这里是个连词, 意思是“ 假使”(=if)。

Suppose he is absent, what shall we do?

假使他缺席, 我们怎么办?

Suppose white were black, you might be right.

假如白的即是黑的, 那末你或许就对了。

2 )no more 不再

We saw him no more. 我们再也没有看见他。

3 )fall into 掉进, 落入

Something has fa llen into my eye;I can’t open it now.

我的眼睛里掉进什么东西了, 现在睁不开啦。

4 )It takes (sb. )some time to do sth. 是个句型, 意思是“ 做某事花了(某人)(多少)时间”。

How long does it take to get there by bus?


It took me two hours to finish my exercises.


5 )dry up 使干透;干透

The long drought dried up all the wells in that district.


The ground dried up quickly after the rain.


6 )about 在这里是个副词, 意思是“ 大约, 差不多”。

We have walked for about 3 miles.


7.This“deep”measures 30 246 feet-almost six miles (9. 6km).

这里水深30 246 英尺--几乎是6 英里(9.6 公里)。

1 )deep 在这里是个名词, 相当depth(深度)。

2 )measure 在这里是个不及物动词, 意思是“ 有.. 长(或宽、高等)”。

This room measures 10 meters across. 这房间宽10 米。

The tree mea sures four stories high. 这棵树有四层楼房那么高。

8.This mountain range runs north and south down the middle of the

ocean. 这条山脉在大西洋中部由北向南延伸。

1 )run 在这里是个不及物动词, 意思是“ (道路等)伸展, 延伸”。

The road runs north. 这条道路向北伸展。

Walls run for about two miles around the old city.

城墙绕着旧城, 长约二英里。

2 )north 和south 在这里是副词, 意思是“ 向北(南)方”。

3 )down 在这里是个介词, 意思是“ 沿, 循, 顺”。

Pass down the bus and make room for more passengers.

往车厢里面走, 让更多的乘客上车。

We walked down the hall to the elevator.


He looked down the barrel of the gun. 他顺着枪管看过去。

9.Here the water is quiet, for there is little wind.

这里的水很平静, 因为这里几乎没有风。

辨异: for , because, since, conj.

for 因为。这是个正式用语, 口语中比较少用。一般放在分句后, 用逗号与前句隔开, 是并列连词, 补充说明原因、程度或时间的长短。

He felt no fear, for he was a brave man.

他毫不惧怕, 因为他很勇敢。

because 因为。最强的说明原因, 一般放在主句后。

He didn’t go out because it was raining.

他没有出门, 因为在下雨。

since 因为, 由于, 既然。意义与because 很接近, 只是所说明的有时不是根本或直接原因, 而是一种“ 附带原因”, 往往放在句首。

Since you have finished the work, let’s go.

既然你们已经把工作做完了, 让我们走吧。

10. The Atlantic furnishes much food for the people on its shores.


1 )furnish 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 供应, 提供”。furnish

(sb. )with (sth. )意思是“ 向(某人)供应(什么东西)。

He furnished me with the necessary information.


The vast rural areas furnish industry with raw materials and markets.


2 )介词on 在这里表示“ (与线接触)毗连, 邻连”。

They are the countries on the Pacific.


Hangzhou is on the shore of West Lake. 杭州濒临西湖。

11. Storms sweep across it and pile up great waves.

洋面上会刮起风暴, 掀起巨浪。

1 )sweep 在这里是个不及物动词, 意思是“ (风等)刮起”。它也可用作及物动词。

A typhoon swept across the coast. 台风袭击了沿海地区。

The wind swept his hat off. 风吹走了他的帽子。

2 )pile up 堆积, 把..放成一堆