
第67章 Unit 23(3)

a step towa rd the realization of one’s aim 实现目标的步骤

3 )away adv. 离, 远离, 常表示方向和towards 相对, 是away from,

其中away 是副词, 表示“ 离”,“ 远离”, from 是介词。

He is awa y in the countryside. 他下乡去了。

The place is two li awa y from here. 那个地方离这儿有两里路。

The flight is going awa y from Shanghai. 这次航班即将离开上海。

The sports are two weeks awa y. 离运动会还有两个星期。

4 )individual n. 个人, 个体two individuals = two persons

We should serve the people instead of serving the selfish interests of individuals. 我们应为人民服务而不是为个人私利服务。

individual 还常用作形容词, 意思是“ 个人的”,“ 个体的”,“ 个别的”,“ 单独的”。

These party members are required to combine collective leadership

with individual responsibility.


give individual attention 给予个别关注;give individual instruction 给予个别指导;individual economy 个体经济;individual private ownership 个体所有制。

5.We tend to be only subconsciously aware, if at all, of the various patterns and rituals of social behavior. 我们对社会行为的各种模式和礼仪纵有所知, 也常是下意识的。

1 )tend to (towards)sth. 或tend to do (sth. )易于, 倾向于Too much smoking tends to injure the voice. 吸烟大多易于损害嗓音。

My parents tended to be optimistic. 我父母倾向于乐观。

His style tends to elaboration. 他风格趋于雕琢。

Such conduct tends to destruction. 这样的行为易遭毁灭。

2 )pattern n. 型, 式样

a sentence pattern 句型;behavior pattern 行为形式(模式)。

after the pattern of.照..的式样(模式)

He has set a excellent pattern for us. 他为我们树立了典范。

6.Consequently, when the Latin American seems to be leaning too

close, the North Anerican complains of“ invasion of his space ”.

于是, 当拉美人似乎靠得太近时, 北美人便会抱怨“ 个人空间被侵犯”。

1 )consequently conj. 因而, 所以

He made some mistakes in his work consequently, he failed the test.


Nothing more was heard of him. Consequently, people thought he was dead. 再没听到他的任何消息, 因此人们都以为他死了。

I was in the bath, consequently I didn’t hear the knock at the door.

我正在洗澡, 因此没听到敲门声。

2 )close adv. 接近, 紧密The little girl sat close to the wall. 这个小孩紧依着墙坐着。

The door is close shut. 门紧闭着。

3 )complain of (= complain about)(doing)sth. 抱怨, 诉苦还可以用这个结构: complain to sb. of sth. 向某人抱怨某事。

She compla ined of his carelessness. 她抱怨说他粗枝大叶。

They missed the train and complained a bout the traffic jam.

他们没赶上火车, 于是抱怨堵车。

One friend of mine always compla ins to me of the cold and damp weather in Chongqing, and I have been tired of that. 我的一位朋友总抱怨重庆的天气冷而潮湿, 弄得我烦透了。

7.The Latin American, on the other hand, often considers the North American to be“ cold”or“ distant” because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to. 而拉美人则认为北美人“ 冷淡”或“ 不热情”, 因为北美人与同他谈话的人的身体距离太远了。

1 )on the other hand 另一方面, 常这样用: on (the)one hand,.on the other (hand).(在)一方面.., (在)另一方面..

On (the)one hand she is a good wife and mother, on the other (ha nd)she is an excellent teacher. 一方面她是一位好妻子和母亲, 另一方面她又是一位优秀的教师。

On (the)one hand he is looking forward to living in the south, on the other (hand)he is afraid of being darkened by the scorching sunlights there. 一方面他盼望去南方生活, 另一方面他又怕被那儿灼热的阳光晒黑。

2 )“to be”cold or“ distant”是不定式, 用在表示心理状态的动词consider 后面作宾语补足语, 补充说明宾语the North American。这类心理状态动词还有prove, declared, find, think, know, believe, discover, feel, imagine, judge, understand, suppose 等。

We prove him to be a good officer. 我们证明他是一位好官员。

The accused decla red himself to be innocent. 被告宣称自己无罪。

We found him to be dishonest. 我们发现他不诚实。

We ha d thought her to be quite a clever girl.


We believe (judge)him to be reliable. 我们认为他可依赖。

I should imagine (suppose)him to be above fifty.


I understa nd him to say that he was busy. 我理解他说忙。

8.Social psychologist Michael Argyle observes that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than those who are indifferent or hostile towards each other. 社会心理学家迈克尔·阿吉尔发现, 彼此喜欢, 双方目光接触就多;彼此冷淡、不友好, 目光接触就少。

1 )observe vt. 注意到, 看到

I ha ve never observed him do otherwise.


The policeman observed the thief stealing out of that room and caught him. 警察看到小偷正从那房间里偷偷地走出来, 于是抓住了他。

We observed that it had turned cloudy. 我们注意到天转阴了。

A suspected person wa s observed secretly by the policeman.


2 )(be)indifferent to (towards)sb. (sth. )对某人(某事)冷淡;不关心某人(某事), 对某人(某事)不感兴趣How can you be so indifferent to the sufferings of these children?


We cannot rema in indifferent to the serious pollution.


It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.

你是去是留, 对此我没兴趣。

9.One scientist suggests that perhaps one reason that man becomes tense under the force of a stare is in his biological ancestors: in apes, a stare signifies aggressiveness and hostility. 一位科学家解释说人在目光的盯视下感到紧张, 一个原因可能出在生物学上的人类始祖猿身上: 对于猿来说, 盯视表示挑衅和敌意。

1 )that man becomes tense under the force of a stare 是作reason 的同位语从句, 说明原因的内容。

2 )辨异: stare, gaze, gape n.
