
第41章 Unit 15(1)

Te xt A

How TV Violence Affects Kids


Study of the Text

1.For more than a quarter of a century, evidence has been increasing that children..s exposure to violence on television has long-lasting effects on their behavior.在四分之一世纪还多一些的时间里, 越来越多的证据表明, 孩子们接触到电视里的暴力场面对他们的行为有着持久的影响。

1 )介词to 在这里表示一种连接关系。

There is no index to the book. 这本书没有索引。

He hasn’t a rag to his back. 他衣不蔽体。

2 )long-lasting 是个合成形容词, 意思是“ 持久的”, 其结构是由“ 形容词+ 现在分词”构成的。如: fine-sounding 动听的;good-looking 好看的。

3 )effect on 对..的作用, 对..的影响

The acid had no effect on the metal. 这种酸对金属不发生作用。

Punishment had very little effect on him. 惩罚对他没什么效果。

2.Between 1982 and 1986, the amount of television time allocated each week to violent programs increased significantly. 1982 年到1986 年间, 暴力内容的节目占每周电视播映的时间显着增加。

1 )between.and.在这里表示两个时间之间。

The years between 1920 and 1939 were marked by widespread unemployment.

从1920 年到1939 年之间那些年份以普遍失业为标志。

The burglary took place between 9: 30 a nd 10: 30 p. m.

这起盗窃案发生在晚上9 点30 分到10 点30 分之间。

2 )amount 在这里是个不可数名词, 意思是“数量”。

A large amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.


There is still quite an amount of prejudice against him.


3 )allocate 在这里是及物动词, 意思是“ 分派, 配置”。

A particular seat has been alloca ted to each person.


The government a llocated a sum of money to education.


3.Given the amount of time that children watch television, it has become one of the most powerful models they want to follow. 如果把孩子看电视的时间考虑在内, 电视里的暴力行为已成为孩子们想仿效的最有影响力的东西之一。

1 )given 是动词give 的过去分词形式, 在这里的意思是“ 考虑到, 鉴于”。它引导条件状语(从句), 与if 意义相近。

Given the voters approve the funds, we’ll have a new park in our town. 假若投票者同意这笔贷款, 我们城里将会建一座新公园。

Given the plane doesn’t arrive on time, we’ll have to postpone the meeting. 如果飞机没有准时到达, 我们不得不推迟会议。

2 )one + of 这一属格结构中, 其中one 用来代替句中的名词中心词, 这个中心词必须是可数名词。

Every one of the cups was broken. 每一个茶杯都摔烂了。

Any one of us could have made the same mistake.


4.The Position Statement.. is not yet well developed. 最近, 国家青少年教育协会通过了《关于传媒暴力在儿童生活中的作用的立场声明》, 声明指出, 学龄前儿童特别容易受传播媒介影响, 因为他们尚没有足够的能力区分幻想与现实, 他们对行为的内在动机和道德冲突的复杂性理解还不够。

1 )本句的主语是“The Position Statement on.Lives”谓语是“ point out”, 连接代词that 引导宾语从句, 过去分词结构“ adopted by”

作主语的定语;宾语从句中“ preschool children”作主语,“ are affected”

作谓语, 连接副词because 引导原因状语从句;原因状语从句中有两个并列句, 第一句的主语是“ they”, 谓语是“ are not able”, 第二句的主语是“ their understanding”, 谓语是“ is not developed”。

2 )adopt 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 正式通过”。

The resolution wa s adopted by an overwhelming majority.


After some discussion the agenda was a dopted.


3 )point out 指出

Please point out my errors. 请指出我的错误。

The guide pointed out to us all the objects of interest.


4 )fantasy 在这里是个名词, 意思是“ 想像, 幻想”。

The girl likes to live in a world of fa ntasy.


A delightful element of fa ntasy makes his ghost stories chilling but also convincing.


5 )辨异: affect, effect, influence. vt.


affect 影响, 起作用。指直接对人或物产生某种强烈的作用和造成不好的结果。

Reading in bed has affected his eyesight.


Water pollution affects water quality and does great harm to health.

水的污染影响水质, 对人的健康有很大的害处。

effect 作用, 影响, 结果。着重于造成或导致某种结果或效果。

There are many factors that might effect a change of the climate over this area. 有许多因素可能影响这个地区气候变化。

The invention of the steam engine effected the industrial revolution in Europe. 蒸气机的发明导致了欧洲的工业革命。

influence 影响, 与affect 同义, 但着重于对他人产生潜移变化的影响或作用。

The labour enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us.


A country’s wealth is very much influenced by its manufactory capacity.


5.And with these toys, their play tends to be more imitative than imaginative. 孩子们使用这些玩具, 玩耍更趋于模仿而缺乏想像力。

1 )介词with 在这里表示原因或理由。

His face was red with anger. 他的脸气得通红。

She was shivering with cold. 他冷得发抖。

2 )tend to 倾向, 趋向

She tends to exaggerate her achievements. 她爱夸大自己的成就。

On that matter I tend to your opinion.


6.Children simply imitate the behavior observed during the program, thus undermining both the imaginative and the expressive functions

of play. 孩子们只是模仿节目中所看到的行为, 因而削弱了玩耍所具有的想像和表现作用。

1 )simply 是个副词, 在这里意思是“ 仅;只”。

This drink consists simply of fresh orange. 这饮料仅含新鲜柑汁。

It is simply a matter of working hard. 此事只须努力去做。

2 )imitate 是个及物动词, 在这里意思是“ 模仿;仿造”。

You should imita te great and good man. 你应仿效伟大善良的人。

Parrots imitate human speech. 鹦鹉学人语。

3 )介词during 在这里表示在整段时间内。

During the winter we play football, and cricket during the summer.

我们冬季踢足球, 夏季打板球。

The sun gives us light during the day. 太阳在白天给我们阳光。

4 )thus 是个副词, 在这里意思是“ 因而, 所以”。它引导表示结果的现在分词在句中作状语。

A number of new machines were installed in the factory, thus resulting in an increase in production.

这家工厂安装了许多新机器, 因而增加了生产。

Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay.

他们的车遇到了交通堵塞, 因而耽误了。

5 )undermine 是个及物动词, 在这里意思是“ 逐渐损害, 暗中破坏”。

His health wa s undermined by drink.


The President ’s enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority. 总统的敌人在散布谣言, 以逐渐破坏他的威信。

6 )both.and 不但, 而且He is remarkable for both his intelligence and his skill.

他不但智慧高, 而且技术好。

He is both a soldier a nd a poet. 他不但是个军人, 而且是个诗人。

7.The narrow range of most violence- related toys advertised on television jeopardizes the role of play in helping children make better sense of their own feeling and interpret their world. 电视广告里大部分与暴力有关的玩具适用范围小, 有损于玩耍在促进儿童更好地理解自己的感情和解释周围的世界所起的作用。

1 )violence-related 是由“ 名词+ 过去分词”构成的合成形容词, 又如: state-owned 国营的;heartfelt 由衷的。

2 )介词in 在这里表示关系, 方面。如: young in heart but old in wisdom 年纪虽轻但智慧甚高;deficient in courage 缺少勇气。

3 )make sense of sth. 懂;了解其含义

Can you ma ke sense of this poem?你懂得这首诗的含义吗?

I could make sense of the story. 我能理解这故事的含义。

4 )辨异: interpret, explain, vt.


interpret 多指运用特殊的知识, 经验、现象等解释或阐明极难理解的事物, 强调解释者的思考过程和对事物的理解。

How can you interpret his behavior?你如何解释他的这一行为呢?

Poetry helps to interpret life. 诗帮助我们说明人生的意义。

explain 是一般用语, 指使人明了不清楚的事。

The teacher expla ined the meaning of the new words in the text.


The engineer explained to us how the machine was used.


8.Some research even suggests that children apply the behaviors observed on TV programs to their real-life situations. 一些研究甚至提到, 孩子们把电视节目中看到的行为动作搬到现实生活中去了。

1 )在suggest, order, demand, command, insist 等动词后的宾语从句中谓语动词都需要用虚拟语气。