
第35章 Unit 13(1)

Te xt A

Insur ance


Study of the Text

1..but the next agent to call might be interested in my life insurance program, my health insurance, or five protection for my home and furniture. ..第二位代理人打电话来可能对我的人寿保险项目, 我的健康保险或者房屋家具投保感兴趣。

1 )动词不定式to call 在这里作定语, 修饰前面的agent。不定式作定语放在被修饰的名词后面。

The best way to write well is to organize your idea in a proper way.


He was the first person to hand in the exercise.


2 )名词agent 在这里的意思是“ 代理人;代理商”。如: authorized agent 授权代理人;a literary agent (专为作家等联系出版事务等的)文稿代理人。

Our agent in Rome deals with all over Italian business.


3 )protection 在这里是名词, 意思是“ 保护”, 后接介词against, from 及for;还可以组成固定短语under the protection of, 意思是“在..保护下”,“ 受..保护”等。

Shoes share a protection for feet. 鞋保护脚。

His thin coat provided little protection against the cold.


He raised his arms to give his face protection from the blow.


They are allowed to do it under the protection of law.


4 )be interested in 对..感兴趣

I am interested in what is going on there.


2.These insurance agents are always friendly, well dressed, and eager to be of help. 这些代理人一向态度友好, 穿着讲究并乐意提供服务。

1 )well dressed 在这里是过去分词作表语。be dressed in 表示“ 穿着..的衣裳”。

They were dressed alike in blue jerseys.

他们都一样打扮, 穿着蓝色的绒衣。

She was plainly but neatly dressed. 她穿着很朴素, 但很整齐。

2 )eager 在这里是形容词, 多用作表语, 意思是“ 热心的, 热衷于”。

后可接介词after , for 或in;还可跟动词不定式, 表示“ 极想做某事”。

He is eager for (after)news about them.


She is eager in her studies. 她热衷于学习。

They are ea ger to offer help whenever necessary.

无论何时需要, 他们都热心帮忙。

3 )be of help 相当于be helpful 此类常见的短语有be of importance

(很重要), be of value (有价值), be of use(有用)等。

3.Yet few Americans really enjoy visiting with these eager, helpful men and women.

1 )动词enjoy 在这里的意思是“ 欣赏, 喜欢”, 其后不能接动词不定式, 只能接名词、代词或动名词。另外和自身代词连用表示“玩得好(高兴), 享乐。”

In her leisure hours she enjoyed reading novels or going to the park.


We walked along the path, enjoying the glow of the rising sun.

我们沿着小路走着, 欣赏着朝霞。

How did you enjoy yourselves?你们玩得怎样?

2 )visit 在这里是个不及物动词, 后接with 意思是“ 叙谈, 闲谈”。

My aunt will visit with us this weekend.


We visited with a return in kind. 我们用同样东西报答。

3 )辨异: visit, call on, drop in, v.

三者都可作“访问, 拜访”解, 但用法和含意有所不同。

visit 是正式用语, 多用于较长时间的访问。

如: They visited Thailand. 他们游览了泰国。

call on 多用于社交来往方面, 多指熟人、朋友之间的较短时间的探望、拜访。

如: I shall call on Aunt Lisa and may have tea with her.我要去看望莉莎大婶, 可能会跟她一起喝茶。

drop in 多用于口语, 多指不定期的, 顺便的来访或偶然来看看的意思。

如: He often drops in at my room. 他常来我房间坐坐。

4.Three reasons why we are unwilling to discuss insurance can be suggested. 我们不愿谈论保险的理由有三个。

1 )The reasons why.是个常用句型, why 是关系副词, 引导一个表原因的定语从句, 修饰先行词reasons.

That is the reason why she spoke at the meeting.


The rea son why I am eager to leave will be explained later.


2 )suggest 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 提出, 表明”。此外还有“建议”的意思, 用作表示这一意思时, 所带宾语从句谓语用虚拟语气。

He suggested to us that she (should)finish the task in two days.


I suggested buying a life insurance policy.


The disorganized meeting suggested a lack of proper planning.


3 )辨异: cause, reason, n.

cause 是造成一种事实或现象的“ 原因”;reason 是说明一种看法或行动的“原因”, 这两个词不能相混。如:

Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter.


There are many rea sons why we should accept his views.


5.In effect, they pay as much for insurance as they do for the car itself.

实际上, 他们支付保险的费用和用在买车上的费用一样多。

1 )in effect 实际上;有效;生效。effect 还可以构成短语“ have an effect on (upon)”, 意思是“ 对..有影响”。

The old system of taxation will remain in effect until next May.


Their answer was in effect a denial to us.


What they do ha ve some effects on (upon)our children.


The effects of parents on the characters of children won’t last long.


2 )pay for 为..付钱

We usually pay too much money for our food.


I pa id as much for my book as (I did)for my dress.


3 )辨异: affect, effect

他们都有“ 影响”的意思。affect 常用作动词, 常含有“ 不好的影响”;而effect 常用作名词。当effect 用作动词时, 常用于非常正式的场合, 意思是“ 按照某人的愿望而带来、产生”。

Government policy will not affect us = Government policy will not

have any effect on us. 政府政策不会影响我们。

He was able to effect certain changes in government policy.


6.Insurance also reminds us that we live in an unsafe world.


1 )remind 在这里及物动词, 意思是“ 提醒;使想起”。其后可以接介词of, 意思是“ 使想起”, 通常把引起某人回忆的东西当作主语;也可接动词不定式或宾语从句。

You remind me of your father.你使我想起了你父亲。

Please remind me to call her up before ten.


Please remind me that I should pay a visit to him tomorrow.


2 )unsafe 在这里是形容词, 是由前缀un- + safe 构成, 意思是“ 不安全的”。safe in 后接动名词, 不接不定式。如:

You are safe in accepting the offer. 接受这个提议你不会有事的。

句中in accepting 不可换作to accept, 但可以说It is safe to say.

safe 后接介词from, 再接表示危险、危害、进攻等的名词, 意指“不会受到..的危险;免受..的伤害。”如:

The house is not safe (unsafe)from theft.

这所房子不安全, 有被盗的危险。

She is safe from danger. 她不会有危险。

7.Our rational minds recognized the many unfortunate events that can occur, but in our hearts we hope that we might be spared. 理智告诉我们可能会发生许多不幸, 但在我们心里我们却希望得以幸免。

1 )that can occur 在这里是定语从句, 修饰其前面的events。

occur 在这里是不及物动词, 意思是“ (事件等)发生, 出现”。

当它与to 连用时意思是“ 被想到, 使想起”。

An accident occurred at midnight. 午夜发生了一件事故。

It occurred to me that we could do it in another way.


2 )recognize 在这里是及物动词, 意思是“ 承认;认识;识别”。

Dogs recognize people by their smell. 狗根据气味识别人。

The town has changed so much that I hardly recognize it.

这个小城变化太大了, 我几乎认不出来了

The doctor immediately recognized the child ’s symptoms;she had measles. 大夫一下就确认了那小孩的症状;她得了麻疹。

3 )spare 在这里是及物动词, 意思是“ 宽恕;使.. 免于;免除..”。

We can spare you for tomorrow. 明天可以不要你帮忙了。

His satiric poem spa red neither the politician nor the merchants.


4 )辨异: happen, take place, occur, vi.

这三个词都有“发生”的意思, 都不能用于被动语态。happen 常常有“ 偶然”的意思, 多用于客观事物、情况的发生, 不用于人的主观思想。

The traffic jam ha ppened during the rush hour.


take place 也可指事件“ 发生”, 但更多有“ 举行”的意思, 带有非偶然的意思。

Great changes have taken place there. 那儿发生了巨大变化。

The meeting took pla ce yesterday evening. 会议是昨晚举行的。

occur 有时指按计划使某些事“ 发生”, 有时强调“ 呈现”于人的感觉中, 在这种情况下不能用happen 代替。如:

A leap year occurs every four years. 闰年每四年一次。

A fresh idea occurred to him. 他想到一个新主意。

8.We are afraid;we would rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch.
