
第180章 Chapter 57 (2)

The raven answered by an affectionate croak, and hopping on hismaster"s arm, which he held downward for that purpose, submittedwith an air of perfect indifference to be fondled, and turned hisrestless, curious eye, now upon Lord George, and now upon his man.

Lord George, biting his nails in a discomfited manner, regardedBarnaby for some time in silence; then beckoning to his servant,said:

"Come hither, John."

John Grueby touched his hat, and came.

"Have you ever seen this young man before?" his master asked in alow voice.

"Twice, my lord," said John. "I saw him in the crowd last nightand Saturday."

"Did--did it seem to you that his manner was at all wild orstrange?" Lord George demanded, faltering.

"Mad," said John, with emphatic brevity.

"And why do you think him mad, sir?" said his master, speaking in apeevish tone. "Don"t use that word too freely. Why do you thinkhim mad?"

"My lord," John Grueby answered, "look at his dress, look at hiseyes, look at his restless way, hear him cry "No Popery!" Mad, mylord."

"So because one man dresses unlike another," returned his angrymaster, glancing at himself; "and happens to differ from other menin his carriage and manner, and to advocate a great cause which thecorrupt and irreligious desert, he is to be accounted mad, is he?"

"Stark, staring, raving, roaring mad, my lord," returned theunmoved John.

"Do you say this to my face?" cried his master, turning sharplyupon him.

"To any man, my lord, who asks me," answered John.

"Mr Gashford, I find, was right," said Lord George; "I thought himprejudiced, though I ought to have known a man like him better thanto have supposed it possible!"

"I shall never have Mr Gashford"s good word, my lord," repliedJohn, touching his hat respectfully, "and I don"t covet it."

"You are an ill-conditioned, most ungrateful fellow," said LordGeorge: "a spy, for anything I know. Mr Gashford is perfectly correct, as I might have felt convinced he was. I have done wrongto retain you in my service. It is a tacit insult to him as mychoice and confidential friend to do so, remembering the cause yousided with, on the day he was maligned at Westminster. You willleave me to-night--nay, as soon as we reach home. The sooner thebetter."

"If it comes to that, I say so too, my lord. Let Mr Gashford havehis will. As to my being a spy, my lord, you know me better thanto believe it, I am sure. I don"t know much about causes. Mycause is the cause of one man against two hundred; and I hope italways will be."

"You have said quite enough," returned Lord George, motioning himto go back. "I desire to hear no more."

"If you"ll let me have another word, my lord," returned JohnGrueby, "I"d give this silly fellow a caution not to stay here byhimself. The proclamation is in a good many hands already, andit"s well known that he was concerned in the business it relatesto. He had better get to a place of safety if he can, poorcreature."

"You hear what this man says?" cried Lord George, addressingBarnaby, who had looked on and wondered while this dialogue passed.

"He thinks you may be afraid to remain upon your post, and are kepthere perhaps against your will. What do you say?"

"I think, young man," said John, in explanation, "that the soldiersmay turn out and take you; and that if they do, you will certainlybe hung by the neck till you"re dead--dead--dead. And I think youhad better go from here, as fast as you can. That"s what I think."

"He"s a coward, Grip, a coward!" cried Barnaby, putting the ravenon the ground, and shouldering his staff. "Let them come! Gordonfor ever! Let them come!"

"Ay!" said Lord George, "let them! Let us see who will venture toattack a power like ours; the solemn league of a whole people.

THIS a madman! You have said well, very well. I am proud to bethe leader of such men as you."

Bamaby"s heart swelled within his bosom as he heard these words.

He took Lord George"s hand and carried it to his lips; patted hishorse"s crest, as if the affection and admiration he had conceivedfor the man extended to the animal he rode; then unfurling his flag, and proudly waving it, resumed his pacing up and down.

Lord George, with a kindling eye and glowing cheek, took off hishat, and flourishing it above his head, bade him exultinglyFarewell!--then cantered off at a brisk pace; after glancingangrily round to see that his servant followed. Honest John setspurs to his horse and rode after his master, but not before he hadagain warned Barnaby to retreat, with many significant gestures,which indeed he continued to make, and Barnaby to resist, until thewindings of the road concealed them from each other"s view.

Left to himself again with a still higher sense of the importanceof his post, and stimulated to enthusiasm by the special notice andencouragement of his leader, Barnaby walked to and fro in adelicious trance rather than as a waking man. The sunshine whichprevailed around was in his mind. He had but one desireungratified. If she could only see him now!

The day wore on; its heat was gently giving place to the cool ofevening; a light wind sprung up, fanning his long hair, and makingthe banner rustle pleasantly above his head. There was a freedomand freshness in the sound and in the time, which chimed exactlywith his mood. He was happier than ever.

He was leaning on his staff looking towards the declining sun, andreflecting with a smile that he stood sentinel at that moment overburied gold, when two or three figures appeared in the distance,making towards the house at a rapid pace, and motioning with theirhands as though they urged its inmates to retreat from someapproaching danger. As they drew nearer, they became more earnestin their gestures; and they were no sooner within hearing, than theforemost among them cried that the soldiers were coming up.