
第158章 Chapter 50 (3)

some said that Lord George Gordon had been sent under a strongguard to the Tower; others that an attempt had been made upon theKing"s life, that the soldiers had been again called out, and thatthe noise of musketry in a distant part of the town had beenplainly heard within an hour. As it grew darker, these storiesbecame more direful and mysterious; and often, when somefrightened passenger ran past with tidings that the rioters werenot far off, and were coming up, the doors were shut and barred,lower windows made secure, and as much consternation engendered, asif the city were invaded by a foreign army.

Gashford walked stealthily about, listening to all he heard, anddiffusing or confirming, whenever he had an opportunity, such falseintelligence as suited his own purpose; and, busily occupied in this way, turned into Holborn for the twentieth time, when a greatmany women and children came flying along the street--often pantingand looking back--and the confused murmur of numerous voices struckupon his ear. Assured by these tokens, and by the red light whichbegan to flash upon the houses on either side, that some of hisfriends were indeed approaching, he begged a moment"s shelter at adoor which opened as he passed, and running with some otherpersons to an upper window, looked out upon the crowd.

They had torches among them, and the chief faces were distinctlyvisible. That they had been engaged in the destruction of somebuilding was sufficiently apparent, and that it was a Catholicplace of worship was evident from the spoils they bore as trophies,which were easily recognisable for the vestments of priests, andrich fragments of altar furniture. Covered with soot, and dirt,and dust, and lime; their garments torn to rags; their hair hangingwildly about them; their hands and faces jagged and bleeding withthe wounds of rusty nails; Barnaby, Hugh, and Dennis hurried onbefore them all, like hideous madmen. After them, the dense throngcame fighting on: some singing; some shouting in triumph; somequarrelling among themselves; some menacing the spectators as theypassed; some with great wooden fragments, on which they spent their rage as if they had been alive, rending them limb from limb, andhurling the scattered morsels high into the air; some in a drunkenstate, unconscious of the hurts they had received from fallingbricks, and stones, and beams; one borne upon a shutter, in thevery midst, covered with a dingy cloth, a senseless, ghastly heap.

Thus--a vision of coarse faces, with here and there a blot offlaring, smoky light; a dream of demon heads and savage eyes, andsticks and iron bars uplifted in the air, and whirled about; abewildering horror, in which so much was seen, and yet so little,which seemed so long, and yet so short, in which there were so manyphantoms, not to be forgotten all through life, and yet so manythings that could not be observed in one distracting glimpse--itflitted onward, and was gone.

As it passed away upon its work of wrath and ruin, a piercingscream was heard. A knot of persons ran towards the spot;Gashford, who just then emerged into the street, among them. Hewas on the outskirts of the little concourse, and could not see orhear what passed within; but one who had a better place, informedhim that a widow woman had descried her son among the rioters.

"Is that all?" said the secretary, turning his face homewards.

"Well! I think this looks a little more like business!"