
第146章 Chapter 47 (1)

In the exhaustless catalogue of Heaven"s mercies to mankind, thepower we have of finding some germs of comfort in the hardest trials must ever occupy the foremost place; not only because itsupports and upholds us when we most require to be sustained, butbecause in this source of consolation there is something, we havereason to believe, of the divine spirit; something of that goodnesswhich detects amidst our own evil doings, a redeeming quality;something which, even in our fallen nature, we possess in commonwith the angels; which had its being in the old time when they trodthe earth, and lingers on it yet, in pity.

How often, on their journey, did the widow remember with a gratefulheart, that out of his deprivation Barnaby"s cheerfulness andaffection sprung! How often did she call to mind that but forthat, he might have been sullen, morose, unkind, far removed fromher--vicious, perhaps, and cruel! How often had she cause forcomfort, in his strength, and hope, and in his simple nature!

Those feeble powers of mind which rendered him so soon forgetful ofthe past, save in brief gleams and flashes,--even they were acomfort now. The world to him was full of happiness; in everytree, and plant, and flower, in every bird, and beast, and tinyinsect whom a breath of summer wind laid low upon the ground, hehad delight. His delight was hers; and where many a wise son wouldhave made her sorrowful, this poor light-hearted idiot filled herbreast with thankfulness and love.

Their stock of money was low, but from the hoard she had told intothe blind man"s hand, the widow had withheld one guinea. This,with the few pence she possessed besides, was to two persons oftheir frugal habits, a goodly sum in bank. Moreover they had Gripin company; and when they must otherwise have changed the guinea,it was but to make him exhibit outside an alehouse door, or in avillage street, or in the grounds or gardens of a mansion of thebetter sort, and scores who would have given nothing in charity,were ready to bargain for more amusement from the talking bird.

One day--for they moved slowly, and although they had many rides incarts and waggons, were on the road a week--Barnaby, with Grip uponhis shoulder and his mother following, begged permission at a trimlodge to go up to the great house, at the other end of the avenue,and show his raven. The man within was inclined to give themadmittance, and was indeed about to do so, when a stout gentlemanwith a long whip in his hand, and a flushed face which seemed toindicate that he had had his morning"s draught, rode up to thegate, and called in a loud voice and with more oaths than theoccasion seemed to warrant to have it opened directly.

"Who hast thou got here?" said the gentleman angrily, as the man threw the gate wide open, and pulled off his hat, "who are these?

Eh? art a beggar, woman?"

The widow answered with a curtsey, that they were poor travellers.

"Vagrants," said the gentleman, "vagrants and vagabonds. Theewish to be made acquainted with the cage, dost thee--the cage, thestocks, and the whipping-post? Where dost come from?"

She told him in a timid manner,--for he was very loud, hoarse, andred-faced,--and besought him not to be angry, for they meant noharm, and would go upon their way that moment.

"Don"t he too sure of that," replied the gentleman, "we don"t allowvagrants to roam about this place. I know what thou want"st--straylinen drying on hedges, and stray poultry, eh? What hastgot in that basket, lazy hound?"

"Grip, Grip, Grip--Grip the clever, Grip the wicked, Grip theknowing--Grip, Grip, Grip," cried the raven, whom Barnaby had shutup on the approach of this stern personage. "I"m a devil I"m adevil I"m a devil, Never say die Hurrah Bow wow wow, Polly put thekettle on we"ll all have tea."

"Take the vermin out, scoundrel," said the gentleman, "and let mesee him."

Barnaby, thus condescendingly addressed, produced his bird, but notwithout much fear and trembling, and set him down upon the ground;which he had no sooner done than Grip drew fifty corks at least,and then began to dance; at the same time eyeing the gentleman withsurprising insolence of manner, and screwing his head so much onone side that he appeared desirous of screwing it off upon the spot.

The cork-drawing seemed to make a greater impression on thegentleman"s mind, than the raven"s power of speech, and was indeedparticularly adapted to his habits and capacity. He desired tohave that done again, but despite his being very peremptory, andnotwithstanding that Barnaby coaxed to the utmost, Grip turned adeaf ear to the request, and preserved a dead silence.

"Bring him along," said the gentleman, pointing to the house. ButGrip, who had watched the action, anticipated his master, byhopping on before them;--constantly flapping his wings, andscreaming "cook!" meanwhile, as a hint perhaps that there wascompany coming, and a small collation would be acceptable.

Barnaby and his mother walked on, on either side of the gentlemanon horseback, who surveyed each of them from time to time in aproud and coarse manner, and occasionally thundered out somequestion, the tone of which alarmed Barnaby so much that he couldfind no answer, and, as a matter of course, could make him noreply. On one of these occasions, when the gentleman appeareddisposed to exercise his horsewhip, the widow ventured to informhim in a low voice and with tears in her eyes, that her son was ofweak mind.

"An idiot, eh?" said the gentleman, looking at Barnaby as he spoke.

"And how long hast thou been an idiot?"

"She knows," was Barnaby"s timid answer, pointing to his mother-"

I--always, I believe."

"From his birth," said the widow.

"I don"t believe it," cried the gentleman, "not a bit of it. It"san excuse not to work. There"s nothing like flogging to cure thatdisorder. I"d make a difference in him in ten minutes, I"ll bebound."

"Heaven has made none in more than twice ten years, sir," said thewidow mildly.

"Then why don"t you shut him up? we pay enough for countyinstitutions, damn "em. But thou"d rather drag him about toexcite charity--of course. Ay, I know thee."