
第121章 Chapter 39 (1)

The applause which the performance of Hugh and his new friendelicited from the company at The Boot, had not yet subsided, andthe two dancers were still panting from their exertions, which hadbeen of a rather extreme and violent character, when the party was reinforced by the arrival of some more guests, who, being adetachment of United Bulldogs, were received with very flatteringmarks of distinction and respect.

The leader of this small party--for, including himself, they werebut three in number--was our old acquaintance, Mr Tappertit, whoseemed, physically speaking, to have grown smaller with years(particularly as to his legs, which were stupendously little), butwho, in a moral point of view, in personal dignity and self-esteem,had swelled into a giant. Nor was it by any means difficult forthe most unobservant person to detect this state of feeling in thequondam "prentice, for it not only proclaimed itself impressivelyand beyond mistake in his majestic walk and kindling eye, but founda striking means of revelation in his turned-up nose, which scoutedall things of earth with deep disdain, and sought communion withits kindred skies.

Mr Tappertit, as chief or captain of the Bulldogs, was attended byhis two lieutenants; one, the tall comrade of his younger life; theother, a "Prentice Knight in days of yore--Mark Gilbert, bound inthe olden time to Thomas Curzon of the Golden Fleece. Thesegentlemen, like himself, were now emancipated from their "prenticethraldom, and served as journeymen; but they were, in humble emulation of his great example, bold and daring spirits, andaspired to a distinguished state in great political events. Hencetheir connection with the Protestant Association of England,sanctioned by the name of Lord George Gordon; and hence theirpresent visit to The Boot.

"Gentlemen!" said Mr Tappertit, taking off his hat as a greatgeneral might in addressing his troops. "Well met. My lord doesme and you the honour to send his compliments per self."

"You"ve seen my lord too, have you?" said Dennis. "I see him thisafternoon."

"My duty called me to the Lobby when our shop shut up; and I sawhim there, sir," Mr Tappertit replied, as he and his lieutenantstook their seats. "How do YOU do?"

"Lively, master, lively," said the fellow. "Here"s a new brother,regularly put down in black and white by Muster Gashford; a creditto the cause; one of the stick-at-nothing sort; one arter my ownheart. D"ye see him? Has he got the looks of a man that"ll do, doyou think?" he cried, as he slapped Hugh on the back.

"Looks or no looks," said Hugh, with a drunken flourish of his arm,"I"m the man you want. I hate the Papists, every one of "em. Theyhate me and I hate them. They do me all the harm they can, andI"ll do them all the harm I can. Hurrah!"

"Was there ever," said Dennis, looking round the room, when theecho of his boisterous voice bad died away; "was there ever such agame boy! Why, I mean to say, brothers, that if Muster Gashfordhad gone a hundred mile and got together fifty men of the commonrun, they wouldn"t have been worth this one."

The greater part of the company implicitly subscribed to thisopinion, and testified their faith in Hugh by nods and looks ofgreat significance. Mr Tappertit sat and contemplated him for along time in silence, as if he suspended his judgment; then drew alittle nearer to him, and eyed him over more carefully; then wentclose up to him, and took him apart into a dark corner.

"I say," he began, with a thoughtful brow, "haven"t I seen youbefore?"

"It"s like you may," said Hugh, in his careless way. "I don"tknow; shouldn"t wonder."

"No, but it"s very easily settled," returned Sim. "Look at me.

Did you ever see ME before? You wouldn"t be likely to forget it,you know, if you ever did. Look at me. Don"t be afraid; I won"tdo you any harm. Take a good look--steady now."

The encouraging way in which Mr Tappertit made this request, andcoupled it with an assurance that he needn"t be frightened, amusedHugh mightily--so much indeed, that be saw nothing at all of thesmall man before him, through closing his eyes in a fit of heartylaughter, which shook his great broad sides until they ached again.

"Come!" said Mr Tappertit, growing a little impatient under thisdisrespectful treatment. "Do you know me, feller?"

"Not I," cried Hugh. "Ha ha ha! Not I! But I should like to."

"And yet I"d have wagered a seven-shilling piece," said MrTappertit, folding his arms, and confronting him with his legs wideapart and firmly planted on the ground, "that you once were hostlerat the Maypole."

Hugh opened his eyes on hearing this, and looked at him in great surprise.

"--And so you were, too," said Mr Tappertit, pushing him away witha condescending playfulness. "When did MY eyes ever deceive-unlessit was a young woman! Don"t you know me now?"

"Why it an"t--" Hugh faltered.

"An"t it?" said Mr Tappertit. "Are you sure of that? You rememberG. Varden, don"t you?"

Certainly Hugh did, and he remembered D. Varden too; but that hedidn"t tell him.

"You remember coming down there, before I was out of my time, toask after a vagabond that had bolted off, and left his disconsolatefather a prey to the bitterest emotions, and all the rest of it-don"tyou?" said Mr Tappertit.

"Of course I do!" cried Hugh. "And I saw you there."

"Saw me there!" said Mr Tappertit. "Yes, I should think you didsee me there. The place would be troubled to go on without me.

Don"t you remember my thinking you liked the vagabond, and on thataccount going to quarrel with you; and then finding you detestedhim worse than poison, going to drink with you? Don"t you rememberthat?"

"To be sure!" cried Hugh.

"Well! and are you in the same mind now?" said Mr Tappertit.

"Yes!" roared Hugh.

"You speak like a man," said Mr Tappertit, "and I"ll shake handswith you." With these conciliatory expressions he suited theaction to the word; and Hugh meeting his advances readily, theyperformed the ceremony with a show of great heartiness.

"I find," said Mr Tappertit, looking round on the assembled guests,"that brother What"s-his-name and I are old acquaintance.--Younever heard anything more of that rascal, I suppose, eh?"

"Not a syllable," replied Hugh. "I never want to. I don"t believeI ever shall. He"s dead long ago, I hope."