

"And so it is," replied Margaret, eagerly. "All the other places in Englandthat I have seen seem so hard and prosaic-looking, after the New Forest.

Helstone is like a village in a poem--in one of Tennyson"s poems. But Iwon"t try and describe it any more. You would only laugh at me if I toldyou what I think of it--what it really is."

"Indeed, I would not. But I see you are going to be very resolved. Well,then, tell me that which I should like still better to know:what theparsonage is like."

"Oh, I can"t describe my home. It is home, and I can"t put its charm intowords."

"I submit. You are rather severe to-night, Margaret.

"How?" said she, turning her large soft eyes round full upon him. "I didnot know I was."

"Why, because I made an unlucky remark, you will neither tell me whatHelstone is like, nor will you say anything about your home, though Ihave told you how much I want to hear about both, the latter especially."

"But indeed I cannot tell you about my own home. I don"t quite think itis a thing to be talked about, unless you knew it."

"Well, then"--pausing for a moment--"tell me what you do there. Hereyou read, or have lessons, or otherwise improve your mind, till themiddle of the day; take a walk before lunch, go a drive with your auntafter, and have some kind of engagement in the evening. There, now fillup your day at Helstone. Shall you ride, drive, or walk?"

"Walk, decidedly. We have no horse, not even for papa. He walks to thevery extremity of his parish. The walks are so beautiful, it would be ashame to drive--almost a shame to ride."

"Shall you garden much? That, I believe, is a proper employment foryoung ladies in the country."

"I don"t know. I am afraid I shan"t like such hard work."

"Archery parties--pic-nics--race-balls--hunt-balls?"

"Oh no!" said she, laughing. "Papa"s living is very small; and even if wewere near such things, I doubt if I should go to them."

"I see, you won"t tell me anything. You will only tell me that you are notgoing to do this and that. Before the vacation ends, I think I shall payyou a call, and see what you really do employ yourself in."

"I hope you will. Then you will see for yourself how beautiful Helstoneis. Now I must go. Edith is sitting down to play, and I just know enoughof music to turn over the leaves for her; and besides, Aunt Shaw won"tlike us to talk."

Edith played brilliantly. In the middle of the piece the door half-opened,and Edith saw Captain Lennox hesitating whether to come in. She threwdown her music, and rushed out of the room, leaving Margaret standingconfused and blushing to explain to the astonished guests what visionhad shown itself to cause Edith"s sudden flight. Captain Lennox hadcome earlier than was expected; or was it really so late? They looked attheir watches, were duly shocked, and took their leave.

Then Edith came back, glowing with pleasure, half-shyly, half-proudlyleading in her tall handsome Captain. His brother shook hands withhim, and Mrs. Shaw welcomed him in her gentle kindly way, which hadalways something plaintive in it, arising from the long habit ofconsidering herself a victim to an uncongenial marriage. Now that, the General being gone, she had every good of life, with as few drawbacksas possible, she had been rather perplexed to find an anxiety, if not asorrow. She had, however, of late settled upon her own health as asource of apprehension; she had a nervous little cough whenever shethought about it; and some complaisant doctor ordered her just what shedesired,--a winter in Italy. Mrs. Shaw had as strong wishes as mostpeople, but she never liked to do anything from the open andacknowledged motive of her own good will and pleasure; she preferredbeing compelled to gratify herself by some other person"s command ordesire. She really did persuade herself that she was submitting to somehard external necessity; and thus she was able to moan and complain inher soft manner, all the time she was in reality doing just what sheliked.

It was in this way she began to speak of her own journey to CaptainLennox, who assented, as in duty bound, to all his future mother-in-lawsaid, while his eyes sought Edith, who was busying herself inrearranging the tea-table, and ordering up all sorts of good things, inspite of his assurances that he had dined within the last two hours.

Mr. Henry Lennox stood leaning against the chimney-piece, amusedwith the family scene. He was close by his handsome brother; he wasthe plain one in a singularly good-looking family; but his face wasintelligent, keen, and mobile; and now and then Margaret wonderedwhat it was that he could be thinking about, while he kept silence, butwas evidently observing, with an interest that was slightly sarcastic, allthat Edith and she were doing. The sarcastic feeling was called out byMrs. Shaw"s conversation with his brother; it was separate from theinterest which was excited by what he saw. He thought it a pretty sightto see the two cousins so busy in their little arrangements about thetable. Edith chose to do most herself. She was in a humour to enjoyshowing her lover how well she could behave as a soldier"s wife. Shefound out that the water in the urn was cold, and ordered up the greatkitchen tea-kettle; the only consequence of which was that when shemet it at the door, and tried to carry it in, it was too heavy for her, andshe came in pouting, with a black mark on her muslin gown, and a littleround white hand indented by the handle, which she took to show toCaptain Lennox, just like a hurt child, and, of course, the remedy wasthe same in both cases. Margaret"s quickly-adjusted spirit-lamp was themost efficacious contrivance, though not so like the gypsy-encampmentwhich Edith, in some of her moods, chose to consider the nearestresemblance to a barrack-life.

After this evening all was bustle till the wedding was over.