书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第36章 Unit Eleven Advertising (1)

Part One In Class Reading

What Advertising Does to Us

1. 词汇精练

1) I t was revealed tha t officials in the city housing depa rtment had made millions of dollar s in bribes.

A.corrupt B.decent

C.decayed D.constant

2) Journalists we re accused of the facts.

A.retor ting B.resor ting

C.assor ting D.distor ting

3) The of his r eligious teaching is love for all men.

A.excess B.essence

C.esteem D.estate

4) She was not used to their lavish of living.

A.model B.mode

C.mould D.mood

5) When we visited the count ry,our impression was one of pover ty and ha rdship.

A.eminent B.c ritical

C.predominant D.influential

6) Mor e often than not,people of high social and r ank enjoy ce rtain privileges.

A.station B.statue

C.status D.stature

7) Public a ttention at the moment is on the problem of industr ial r elations.

A.focused B.reflected

C.depended D.relied

8) So far as an unt rained eye could tell,the r eproduction was to the designer’s original.

A.confused B.conver ted

C.identified D.identical

9) The gove rnment has lif ted the on buying and selling gold.

A.censor B.rule

C.ban D.regulation

10) Commercial television is an effective for adver tising.

A.medium B.substance

C.subject D.object

11) The lawye r a rgued that his was innocent of the charges.

A.patron B.patient

C.consumer D.client

12) He was tir ed of his wife’s complaints.

A.constant B.stable

C.consistant D.steady

13) The magazine has a (n) readership of half a million people.

A.ta rget B.goal

C.objective D.aim

14) It was his sense of humor that r eally to her.

A.stimula ted B.a tt racted

C.appealed D.interested

15) His political a re ve ry r adical.

A.convictions B.conventions

C.cont radictions D.cont ributions

16) Don’t talk in lectures because it othe r students.

A.disgr aces B.dist racts

C.distor ts D.disconnects

17) Long of the body to st rong sunlight may be harmful to your health.

A.explor ation B.exploitation

C.expos ur e D.exposition

18) It is hoped that the regulation will meet widespr ead.

A.acquisition B.reception

C.receipt D.acceptance

19) The gove rnment has a very bad because it continues with plans that nobody likes.

A.image B.appear ance

C.figure D.picture

20) The police we re of Simpson because his story did not quite make sense.

A.confident B.sus picious

C.convinced D.irr itated


1) A 2 ) D 3 ) B 4) B 5) C 6 ) C 7 ) A 8 ) D

9) C 10 ) A 11 ) D 12) A 13) A 14) C 15) A

16) B 17 ) C 18) D 19) A 20 ) B

2. 词汇精解

acceptance* [..k..sept..ns] n.①接受②赞同,认可

[ 同义] ②approval,acknowledgement

[ 考点] r eceive (bad news etc .) with calm acceptance 平静地接受(坏消息等)

meet with/gain widespr ead acceptance 得到广泛赞同

[ 例句] He r husband had been ill for some time,and she r eceived news of his death with calm acceptance.

atmosphere* [.... tm....sfi..] n.①空气,大气(层) ②气氛,环境,氛围

[ 例句] Ever since their quarrel,there has been an unpleasant atmospher e in the office.

awareness [....w....nis ] n.意识,觉察

[ 同义] consciousnes s

[ 考点] have an awarenes s of/that 意识到.

[ 例句] She has an awa reness tha t she was now on the verge of bankruptcy.

baggy [..b ....i] adj.宽松的,袋状的

billboard [..bilb....d] n.广告牌,告示牌

bypass* [..baip....s] v.①绕过②忽视,回避

[ 同义] ②ignore,avoid

[ 考点] bypass a difficulty/problem 避开困难/问题

[ 例句] He tr ies to bypass all the difficulties in life.

client* [..klai..nt ] n.① (商店等的) 顾客② (律师的) 当事人,(私人医生的) 病人,(专业人员的) 委托人

[ 例句] The bank manager’s secreta ry said he had an all day meeting with some important clients.

collective* [ k....lektiv] adj.集体的,共同的

[ 考点] collective effor t/wisdom 集体的努力/智慧

[ 例句] Collective action is needed to solve this problem.

We cannot do it alone.

constant* [..k..nst..nt ] ad j.①经常的,不断的② 坚定的,忠实的③恒定的,不变的

[ 同义] ①continuous②firm,faithful③fixed,unchanging

[ 考点] constant tempe ratur e/friend/pain 恒温/忠实的朋友/持续的疼痛

be constant in 对.坚定不移

be constant to one’s friends/duty 忠于朋友/职守

[ 例句] He has been constant in his devotion to scientific studies.

construct* [ k..n..st r..kt ] v.建造,构筑,构成

[ 同义] build,form

[ 考点] construct a road/lie/sentence/theory 筑路/编造谎言/造句/创建理论

be const ructed from/out of 用.建造

[ 例句] The write r const ructed the story from memories of her childhood.

corrupt* [ k....r..pt ] a dj.腐败的;堕落的


[ 同义] v.rot,bribe

[ 考点] a corrupt life 堕落的生活

corrupt practices 腐败行为

corrupt an official 贿赂官员

[ 例句] I t ’s high time for the gove rnment to take drastic measures against corrupt pr actices.

decency* [..di..s..nsi] n.正派,端庄,体面

[ 同义] properiety

[ 考点] have the decency to do sth.得体地做某事

[ 例句] Have the decency to apologize for what you did!

demographics [..dem......r .. fiks ] n.(尤指市场测算的)人口统计数据

deodorant [ di......ud..r..nt ] n.除臭剂

dishonesty* [dis....nisti] n.不诚实,欺骗

[ 例句] The repor t acuses both politicians of dishonesty and of mis representing the facts.

distort* [di..st....t ] v.①歪曲,曲解② (使) 变形,扭曲

[ 同义] ①mis represent②twist,deform

[ 考点] distor t sb .’s words/point of view 歪曲某人的言语/观点

distor t a fact 歪曲事实

a face distorted by (with) pain 因痛苦而扭曲的脸

[ 例句] Pain had distor ted his face.

distorted [ dis..t....tid] adj.被歪曲的

[ 例句] He gave a distor ted account of what had happened.

essence* [..es..ns ] n.本质,精髓

[ 考点] in es sence 本质上,实质上

[ 例句] The two things ar e the same in outward form but different in essence.

exaggerate* [ i....z .. d....reit ] v.夸张,夸大

[ 同义] magnify,overstate

[ 例句] I think you’re exagger ating the impor tance of this issue.

exposure* [ ik..s p..u....] n.①暴露②揭露③曝光

[ 同义] ②revelation

[ 考点] exposur e to cold wind/st rong s unlight 暴露于寒风中/烈日下

the exposure of political corruption 政治腐败的揭露

exposur e to danger 处于危险中

[ 例句] Exposur e of the body to st rong sunlight can be harmful.

feminine* [..feminin] ad j.女性的,妇女的

[ 例句] Ther e are few feminine members of the commit tee.

focus * [..f..uk..s] v .① (使) 聚焦② (使) 集中n .①焦点② (兴趣,活动的) 中心,集中点

[ 同义] n.②centr e,cor e

[ 考点] focus one’s a ttention/eyes on 使注意力/目光集中在.

the focus of at tention/the a rgument 注目的焦点/议论的中心

bring sth.into focus 调准某物的焦距,使某事明确

in (out of) focus 焦点对准(没对准) 的

[ 例句] 1 ) The conference will focus on the iss ue of population cont rol.

2 ) You cannot take a good photogr aph unles s the object is in focus.

hypocrisy [ hi..p..kr..si] n.虚伪

image* [..imid..] n.① (头脑中的) 形象,印象② 相像的人

(或物) ③映象,图像

[ 同义] ①impression,concept

[ 考点] ha rm/improve one’s image 损害/改善某人的形象

be the ve ry/living image of sb.活像某人

television images 电视图像

[ 例句] The government will have to improve its image if it wants to win the next election.

impression* [ im..pre....n] n.印象

[ 考点] make/have/leave a good impres sion on sb.给某人留下好印象

have (be) under the impr es sion that 觉得.,以为.

[ 例句] 1 ) The exper ience left a lasting impression on me.

2 ) We were unde r the impres sion that they wer e brothers.

insti tution* [..insti..tju......n] n.(学校、医院等) 社会机构

[ 同义] organization,establishment

[ 考点] a business/cha ritable institution 商业/慈善机构

educational/government institutions 教育/政府机构

[ 例句] All the leading government institutions a re qua rte red he re.

link * [ li..k] v.联系,连接n.环节,纽带

[ 同义] v.connect,join

[ 考点] link sb./sth.with/to 把某人/物与. 联系/连结起来