书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第34章 Unit Ten Man and Animals (1)

Part One In Class Reading

Aggression in Humans and Animals

1. 词汇精练

1) She was so in her thought tha t she didn’t notice anything around her.

A.at tr acted B.absorbed

C.drawn D.concentr ated

2) Convenience foods which are already pr epar ed for cooking ar e in groce ry stores.

A.ready B.available

C.probable D.approachable

3) At times personality develop between father and son.

A.conflicts B.combats

C.st ruggles D.battles

4) For some of us,making friends is not so easy.Feeling shy,we may to make the first move.

A.hesitate B.discourage

C.a ttempt D.inspir e

5) Some people seem to have a (n ) for knowing wher e a good bargain is to be found.

A.impulse B.instinct

C.distinct D.intuition

6) I think Red Team will win the final game;it’s that they will.

A.almost B.rather possibly

C.very likely D.quite cer tainly

7) His lef t leg was in a ca r accident yeste rday.

A.dest royed B.injured

C.damaged D.wounded

8) There’s lit tle chance that human beings would a nuclear war.

A.endure B.survive

C.retain D.maintain

9) In some places,farmers a re in for land with expanding cities and indust ries.

A.competence B.compensation

C.competition D.cooperation

10) As people live longe r,they to change their ideas about the age at which they want to retire.

A.like B.tend

C.wish D.long

11) We ar e very fed up with his talks in which he often.

A.wonders B.wanders C.st rays D.st rolls

12) with his methods of teaching,students tended to sleep his speech away.

A.Satisfied B.Bored

C.Annoyed D.Troubled

13) Af ter two days’ delay,our t rain at last arrived.

A.frust rating B.frust ration

C.frust rated D.dest ructive

14) The New Gove rnment has asser ted that it will not change its policy.

A.continually B.continuously

C.constantly D.repeatedly

15) If not kept s upplied with fr esh blood,one’s br ain

is bound to suffer from lack of oxygen.

A.occasionally B.continuously

C.continually D.fr equently


1) B 2 ) B 3 ) A 4) A 5) B 6) C 7) B 8) B

9) C 10 ) B 11 ) B 12) B 13) C 14) A 15) B

2. 词汇精解

abnormal * [ .. b..n....m..l ] ad j.不正常的

absorb* [..b..s....b ] v.① 并入,同化② 使全神贯注③ 吸收


[ 同义] ①include②inte rest③receive,soak up

[ 反义] ③reflect,distr act

[ 考点] be absorbed in 专注于;被.吸引住absorb sth./sb.into 并入到.

[ 例句] The small firms were absorbed into large ca rtels.

accumulation* [....kju..mju..lei....n] n.积聚,积累

[ 考点] accumulation of 成堆的.

[ 例句] An accumulation of book s we re stored in the room.

aggressive* [......r esiv] adj.①挑衅的②活跃有为的

[ 同义] ①qua rrelsome②enterprising

[ 反义] ①submis sive②lazy

[ 考点] be aggr essive in 在.方面敢作敢为

be aggr essive about 对.咄咄逼人

[ 例句] They a re men aggres sive in pursuing the open-door policy.

assert * [....s....t ] v.①断定,主张②宣称

[ 同义] ①affi rm,maintain②declare

[ 反义] ①deny

[ 考点] asser t oneself 坚持自己的权利/意见;表现自己

[ 例句] You must as se rt yourself or they will continue to insult you.

available* [....veil..bl ] ad j.①可利用的②可获得的③有空的

[ 同义] ①usable②handy,obtainable③free

[ 反义] ②unavailable③busy

[ 考点] be available for 可获得的;有效期为.

be available to 对.可得到的

be available from 从.处可获得

[ 例句] Ther e are no tickets available for tonight’s film.

beast* [ bi..st ] n.①牲畜②凶残的/粗鲁的人③兽性

[ 同义] ②brute

[ 考点] bring out the beast in sb.使某人兽性大发

make a beast of oneself 凶残如兽

[ 例句] The boss made a beast of himself in his factory.

behave* [ bi..heiv] v.①表现;举止② (机器) 运转

[ 同义] ①conduct②work,run

[ 考点] behave badly/well/properly/ha rshly/kindly to/towards 对.很糟糕/得体/粗暴/和气

behave with courage 表现勇敢

[ 例句] He behaves badly toward his neighbors.

bomb* [ b..m] n.①炸弹②大笔钱

[ 同义] ②fortune

[ 考点] go like a bomb (车) 飞驶;(事情) 大获成功spend/cost a bomb 花费好多

[ 例句] The ca r went like a bomb.

bored* [ b....d] adj.厌烦的,厌倦的

[ 同义] tired

[ 考点] be bored with 对.感到厌倦

be bored by 使某人感到厌倦

[ 例句] I am getting bored with his tedious speech.

boring [..b....ri..] adj.令人厌烦的

caged* [ keid..d] a dj.困在笼中的

centralized* [..sent r..laizd] adj.集中的

chart* [ t......t ] n.图表

compet ition* [..k..mpi..ti....n] n.竞争

[ 同义] contest

[ 考点] in the competition with 与.竞争

competition for jobs 求职竞争

[ 例句] He was in competition with 10 others for the position.

conflict* [..k..nflikt ] n.①冲突② (意见、欲望) 分歧

[ 同义] ①friction②argument,dispute

[ 反义] ①ha rmony②agreement

[ 考点] in conflict with 与.不一致

bring.into conflict 使.发生冲突

[ 例句] Tom and John a re in conflict over this.

constructive [ k..n..st r..ktiv] ad j.建设性的

continually * [ k..n..tinju..li ] ad j.不停地,频频

craftsman* [..kr....f tsm..n] n.工匠;能工巧匠

crowded* [..kraudid] ad j.拥挤的

[ 同义] packed

[ 考点] be crowded with 挤满的

[ 例句] The beach was c rowded with holidaymakers.

destructive* [ di..st r..ktiv] ad j.破坏性的

[ 同义] ha rmful

[ 反义] constructive

[ 考点] be dest ructive of/to 毁灭性的

[ 例句] His greed is dest ructive of happiness.

evidently* [..evid..ntli ] adv.明显地

frustrated* [..fr..st reitid] adj.①灰心的②沮丧的

[ 考点] be/feel frust rated at 对.感到灰心

be frustr ated by 因.而灰心

[ 例句] He looked about for her everywhe re,feeling deeply

frust rated at her disappearance.

gesture* [..d..est....] n.姿势

grassy* [....r....si ] adj.长满草的

hesitate* [..heziteit ] v.①踌躇②稍停

[ 同义] ①waver② pause

[ 反义] ①decide②continue

[ 考点] hesitate about/over/at/in sth.对某事犹豫不决;拿不定主意

hesitate at nothing to do sth.不惜一切地干某事

[ 例句] He sometimes hesitated over a word.

impersonal * [ im..p....s..n..l ] ad j.无人情味的;事务性的

impulse* [..imp..ls] n.①冲动②冲力

[ 同义] ①urge②drive

[ 考点] on (an) impulse 凭一时冲动

[ 例句] He bought the ca r on an impulse.

inhabitant* [ in..h .. bit..nt ] n.居民,住户

injure* [..ind....] v.①伤害(人、动物或驱体的一部分/感情)②损害(健康,名誉)

[ 同义] ①hur t② harm

[ 反义] ①heal,cure②benefit

[ 考点] injur e one’s health/pride/r eputation by (doing)


[ 例句] You can injure people by unkind words.

injured* [..ind....d] ad j.受伤的

instinct* [..insti..kt ] n.①本能②天性

[ 同义] ①impulse,urge② nature

[ 考点] have an instinct for 生性爱好.,生来就.

be instinct with 充满.

[ 例句] These young students a re instinct with confidence.

intrude [ in..t ru..d] v.闯入,侵入

intruder* [ in..t ru..d..] n.闯入者,侵入者

ironically* [ ai..r..nik..li] adv.讽刺地

jungle* [ d........l] n.丛林

large scale* [..l....d....s keil] adj.大规模的,大范围的

likelihood* [..laiklihud] n.可能性

[ 同义] probability

[ 反义] improbability,unlikelihood

[ 考点] in all likelihood 十之八九,极有可能

[ 例句] In all likelihood,we shall be away for a day or two.

loser* [..lu..z..] n.输者,失败者

mechanical* [mi..k .. nik..l] ad j.呆板的,机械的

necessarily * [..nes..s..r..li,..nes....se-]adv.必然地

paw* [ p....] n.爪子

[ 考点] make a cat’s paw of sb.利用某人作为工具

[ 例句] It’s evident that he wants to make a cat’s paw of you.

prehistoric* [..pr i..his..t..rik ] ad j.史前的

prey * [ prei] n.①猎物②牺牲品

[ 同义] ①game②victim

[ 考点] be/become/fall (a ) prey to 被. 捕食;成为.牺牲品;为.折磨

[ 例句] She fell prey to all sor ts of st range fears.

remote* [ ri..m..ut ] ad j.遥远的,偏僻的

scale* [ skeil ] n.①规模,范围②刻度

[ 同义] ①extent,scope②grada tion

[ 考点] on the/a scale (of) 按.规模

[ 例句] This map is on the scale of two inches to the mile.

species* [..sp..i....i z ] n.种

submission* [ s..b..mi....n] n.屈服,投降

survive* [ s....vaiv] v.①幸存②比.活得长

[ 同义] ①remain②outlive,outlast

[ 考点] survive sb.by many yea rs 比某人多活许多年

[ 例句] She will probably s urvive me by ten yea rs.

territory * [..te rit..ri] n.领土/地

territorial* [..teri..t....ri..l ] ad j.领土的,领地的

tiger* [..tai....] n.老虎