书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第23章 Unit Six Shopping (2)

consumption or iented 消费型的

teaching oriented 以教学为主导型的

[ 例句] She soon oriented he rself to campus life.

packaged [..p .. kid..id] ad j.袋装的

parental [ p....r ent..l] adj.父母的,为人父母的

[ 考点] par ental love 父母之爱

par ental duties 为人父母的义务

peer* [ pi..] n.①同辈,同人②贵族


[ 同义] v.gaze

[ 考点] peer a t 凝视

peer into 盯着看

[ 例句] He always peers into her eyes.

[ 辨析] peek;peep;peer

peep“偷看”、“迅速地看”,与peek 意思相同。

区别是: peek 为不及物动词,peep 既作不及物动

词,又作及作动词。peer“凝视”,无“偷看” 之意,为不及物动词。

perceive* [p....si..v] v.① 察觉,感知②领悟到,理解,认识到,意识到

[ 同义] ①sense②understand,r ealize,compr ehend

[ 考点] perceive sb./sth.to be 把.看成是perceive sb./sth.as 把.看作.

prior* [..prai..] ad j.①在先的,在前的②优先的;更重要的

[ 同义] preceding,previous

[ 考点] prior to 在.之前的;比.重要

[ 例句] I called on her prior to my depar tur e.

process* [..pr..uses ] n.①过程,进程②工序,制作法③工艺

[ 同义] ①course,proceeding ③ technique

[ 考点] in the process of 在.过程中

[ 例句] The br idge is in the proces s of being built.

product* [..pr..d..kt ] n.产品,产物

[ 考点] promote a new product 促销新产品

a fast selling product 畅销产品

the gros s national product 国民生产总值

[ 辨析] produce;product;production produce 指农场生产的东西,如milk,potatoes 等,而在工厂制造的东西是product;production 指制造的行为或产量。

program (me) * [..pr..u..r .. m] n.① 程序② 计划,规划,大纲③节目


[ 同义] ②plan

[ 辨析] programme;item

programme 是节目的总称,具体的每个节目是item。

properly * [ pr..p..li ] adv.恰当地

rational * [..r ......n..l ] ad j.理智的;合理的

[ 同义] reasonable

[ 反义] irr ational

[ 例句] Man is a r ational animal.

[ 辨析] ra tional;reasonable

ra tional 指“理性的”,区别于动物“无理性的”;reasonable 指(人) “讲道理的”,或(事物) “有道理的,公平合理的”。

recipe* [..resipi ] n.菜谱

relatively* [..rel..tivli] a dv.相对地

rely* [ ri..lai ] v.①依靠;依赖②信任;信赖

[ 同义] depend

[ 考点] rely on/upon sb./sth.衣靠,依赖某人/某事rely on sb.to do sth.依赖某人做某事

[ 例句] This is a product you can rely on

[ 辨析] rely;depend

这两个词均可表示信赖某人或某物,r ely 指某人或某事如期待的那样值得信赖;depend 指相信某人将如期待或需要的那样为自己提供支持或帮助。

respondent [ ri..sp..nd..nt ] n.(民意测验等的) 调查对象,(问卷调查的) 答卷人

secondary* [..sek..nd..r i ] adj.① 次要的,次等的,辅助的


[ 同义] ①inferior,minor

[ 考点] seconda ry school 中学

seconda ry product 副产品

[ 例句] This mat ter is of seconda ry impor tance.

selection* [ si..lek....n] n.①选择②选集

[ 同义] ①choice,option,alternative

[ 考点] make a selection 进行挑选

a musical selection 音乐选集

selections from Shakespeare 莎士比亚选集

[ 例句] I made my selection,and the sales clerk cha rged it to my account.

signif icant * [ si....nifik..nt ] ad j.① 相当数量的② 重要的,意义重大的③意味深长的

[ 同义] ①considerable②impor tant③meaningful

[ 考点] be significant of 表示.的be significant for/to 对.是重要的

[ 例句] Smiles are significant of pleasure.

source* [ s....s ] n.①源(泉) ②来源(出处) ③ (pl .) 原始资料,原始文件

[ 同义] ②origin

[ 考点] draw from a good source 从可靠方面得到

t race to its source 追根寻源

[ 例句] I got the news from a reliable sour ce.

[ 辨析] sour ce;resource;origin sour ce 指源泉;resource 指一个国家或一个人所拥有的资源或财产;origin 指一个东西的来源、出处,是一次性的,不可像source 那样源源不断地流出。

strategy * [..str .. tid..i] n.战略,策略

style* [ stail] n.①风格,文体②式样,类型

[ 同义] ①pat tern②type,pat tern,fashion

[ 考点] in style 不过时的,时髦的

in the style of .风格

out of style 不合时式,不时髦

style of work 工作作风

[ 例句] He r style of painting is unique.

supervision* [..sju..p....vi....n] n.监督,指导

survey * [ s....vei ] n.①调查②全面审视;考察

[ 考点] make a survey of sth.对.作全面调查

[ 例句] We made a survey of the uses of English.along with 除.之外,同.一起

[ 例句] Mother sent me some money along with her lette r.in addi tion to 除.之外

[ 例句] He speaks French in addition to English.in terms of 按照,在.方面,从.方面(说来)

[ 例句] He is rich in terms of money but not in te rms of happines s.

perceive.as 把.看成

[ 例句] We began to pe rceive him as a man of taste.

prior to 在.之前

[ 例句] Prior to her marriage,she was a nurse.

rely on 依靠

[ 例句] You can rely on him for help when in t rouble.

result in 导致

[ 例句] Love results in marriage,natur ally.

tend to 倾向于

[ 例句] Smoking tends to bring about cancer.

Par t Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ About Buying Things


catalogue* [..k .. t..l....] n.目录,一览表

[ 同义] list,catalog 为美式英语

compensation [..k..mpen..sei....n] n.赔偿,补偿物,赔偿费

[ 考点] a compensation for .的补偿金

make compensation for 弥补.

in compensation for 作为.的补偿

[ 例句] He r beautiful hair is some compensation for her ugly face.

contract* [..k..nt r .. kt ] n.合同,契约

[ 同义] agr eement

[ 考点] break the cont ract 中止合同

make/draw up/sign a contr act 起草/签定合同

[ 例句] Our shop has made a cont ract with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week.

delivery * [ di..liv..ri] n.投递,送交

[ 考点] on delivery 送达时,交货时

take delive ry of 收到.

recorded delivery 记录式邮递

[ 例句] Can I pay for it on delive ry?

display * [ di..splei ] n./v.①陈列,展览②显示

[ 同义] ①exhibit② show

[ 考点] make a dis play of 把.炫耀一下

on display 展出,陈列

[ 例句] He r paintings a re on display.

faulty [..f....lti ] ad j.有错误的,有缺点的,不完善的

[ 同义] defective,imperfect

[ 反义] faultles s

glue* [..lu..] n.胶水


[ 同义] v.stick

[ 考点] glue oneself to 专注

glued to 粘着,集中于

[ 例句] The boy is glued to his mothe r.

handy* [..h .. ndi] adj.① 手边的② 方便的③手巧的,灵活的

[ 同义] ①at hand ②convenient

[ 考点] handy with/at/about 灵活的对.

[ 例句] 1 ) The refer ence book is very handy.

2 ) She is handy with a word processor (文字处理机).

ignore* [ i....n....] v.①不顾,不理②忽略,忽视

[ 同义] ②neglect

[ 反义] notice

[ 辨析] ignore;neglect

ignore 指故意假装不去理睬;neglect 指由于疏忽大意而未注意到。

illegal* [ i..li......l ] ad j.非法的,违规的

[ 同义] unlawful

[ 反义] lawful,legal

jot [ d....t ] v.记简短的笔记

leather * [..le....] n.皮革

marketable [..m....kit..bl ] ad j.可卖的,适于出售的

photocopy [..f..ut..u..k..pi ] n.影印件

proof* [ pru..f] n.①证据,证明②校样,样张

[ 同义] ①evidence

[ 考点] proof 后常接that 引导的同位语从句

quality* [..kw..l..ti] n.①品质,质量②性格

[ 同义] ②proper ty

receipt * [ ri..si..t ] n.收据,收条

[ 考点] write out a receipt 开收据

be in receipt of 已收到

on r eceipt of 在收到.后

reference* [..ref..r..ns] n.①提及,涉及②参考,参考书目③ 证明书/人

[ 考点] in/with refer ence to 关于,有关

have no refer ence to 与.无关

without reference to 不顾,无关

make (a ) r efe rence to 说到,谈到

[ 例句] She did not make r eference to he r ma rriage.

refund [ ri..f..nd] n.退款

v.赔还(金钱) 付还,对某人退款

[ 考点] refund.to 把.退还.

[ 例句] We will refund you the fee = we will refund the fee to you.

reject* [ ri..d..ekt ] v.①拒绝,驳回,抵制②退回,退掉,舍弃③仍掉,丢掉

[ 同义] ①decline ② discard

responsibili ty * [ r i..sp..ns....bil..ti ] n.①责任,责任心② 职责,义务

[ 同义] ①duty

[ 考点] do sth.on one’s responsibility 自觉地尽职责,负责

shirtsleeves* [........tsli..vz] n.衬衣袖子

strictly * [..st riktli ] adv.严格地

trader* [..t reid..] n.商人

tricky * [..tr iki] a dj.复杂的,棘手的,微妙的

wriggle* [..ri..l] v.扭动,蠕动

bear.in mind 记住

[ 例句] Please bear the advice in mind.