书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第15章 Unit Four Holidays and Special Days (1)

Part One In Class Reading

A Merry Christmas

1. 词汇精练

1) If you bright sunlight dry wood with a glas s,it will sta r t burning.

A. expose.to B. concent rate.on

C. aim.at D. focus.on

2) Vostok is close to the coldest spot in the world,whe re an minus 128. 6 F was r ecorded in 1983.

A. unreliable B. unreasonable

C. incr edible D. impossible

3) A good driver also has the,which means a willingness to sha re road with others.

A. prope r at tiude B. aggr essive a ttitude

C. careless manne r D. selfish manner

4) Oil has been found in quantities in the North Sea.

A. advantageous B. beneficial

C. commercial D. economical

5) A figure sometimes means a writ ten or printed symbol

a number,but it may also mean a shape,such as a

t riangle,a ci rcle,or a sphere.

A. presenting B. representing

C. reproducing D. resembling

6) Children and old people do not like having their daily upset.

A. habit B. routine

C. practice D. custom

7) As a result of the st rike,the Gove rnment is urging people to be with electr icity.

A. economic B. economical

C. involved D. satisfied

8) The living room is usually with flowers three days before Christmas.

A. provided B. furnished

C. decorated D. equipped

9) Some people happy events by decor ating their homes and str eets,wea ring special clothes,and exchanging gifts.

A. congratulate B. celebr ate

C. explain D. descr ibe

10) Julia was First Lady for eight months and the capital with he r brilliant enter taining.

A. delighted B. disappointed

C. dist ressed D. as sociated

11) In our to problems we must listen at tentively to the views of the masses.

A. answe r B. admis sion

C. access D. approach

12) Because he was deeply,he was declar ed to be bankrupt.

A. in doubt B. in debt

C. in disgust D. in dispute

13) The custom of raising one’s hat to a lady is the old practice of cove ring one’s face with a metal guard which one would lif t on greeting a friend or lady.

A. dismissed from B. discha rged from

C. de rived from D. defended from

14) your examination paper for any small mistakes,before you hand it in.

A. Look up B. Look through

C. Look into D. Look out

15) Since he r efused to discus s the matter any further,we had to look for othe r ways of solution.

A. absolutely B. near ly

C. fairly D. relatively

16) The gloves we re really too small,and it was only by them that I managed to get them on.

A. spreading B. squeezing

C. expanding D. str etching

17 ) Ear ly education,schooling for young children,usually beginning at age thr ee,intended to prepare them for elementary grades.

A. childhood B. childish

C. childlike D. childly

18) of ten is rega rded by economists as the end of the productive proces s,for which purpose all production is under taken.

A. Prospe rity B. Depres sion

C. Consumption D. Investment

19) The expe rts set standards so that new building should be well const ructed and should fit into the.

A. scene B. environment

C. surroundings D. circumstances

20) I find the Britis h legal system ext remely and its really difficult for me to unde rstand it.

A. complicated B. sophisticated

C. influential D. objective


1) D 2 ) C 3) A 4 ) C 5) B 6) B 7 ) B 8 ) C

9) B 10) A 11) D 12 ) B 13 ) C 14 ) B 15 ) A

16) D 17 ) A 18 ) C 19) C 20) A

2. 词汇精解

absolutely * [.... bs..lju..tli ] adv.完全地,绝对地

[ 同义] completely,entir ely

[ 反义] fair ly,somewhat

[ 考点] (用在口语中,表示无条件赞同) 一点不错,完全对

[ 例句] A. I think he was lucky to get the job.

B. Absolutely.

alcoholic [.... lk....h..lik] abj.含酒精的,酒的

approach* [....pr..ut..] v.①临近②与.打交道


[ 同义] v.①come nea rer,acces s n.②method,means

[ 考点] approach sb.for information 找某人探听消息

with the approach of 随着.的来临

approach a problem from differ ent angles 从不同角


make approaches to sb.想法接近(或认识) 某人

approach to sth.接近;处理.的方法

[ 例句] 1 ) I ’m not very good at making approaches to st ranger s.

2) His whole approach to the problem is wrong.

[ 辨析] approach;acces s

approach 指“接近”的动作,而access 指“接近”


由出入。例: Befor e liberation the laboring people had no access to educa tion.解放前,劳动人民没

有获得受教育的机会。The time for graduation is approaching.毕业的日子近了。

attitude* [.... titju..d ] n.①态度;看法②姿势

[ 同义] ①opinion,outlook②position,manner

[ 考点] a ttitude of mind 思想方法,看法,观点

a ttitude to /toward 对.的态度

st rike an attitude 作出某种姿势,装腔作势

take/adopt a violent attitude 采取粗暴的态度

[ 例句] It has much to do with the attitude of mind we pr ese rve (采取).

celebration* [..seli..br ei....n] n.庆祝,庆典

[ 考点] in celebra tion of 为庆祝.

carry out/hold a celebration 举行庆祝(会)

make a celebr ation over/for 为.进行庆祝

[ 例句] 1 ) The par ty was in celebration of Mothe r’s silver wedding.

2 ) They made a great celebration ove r the event.

[ 辨析] celebrate;congr atulate

celebrate 意思是举行仪式,典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事(节日、胜利、成功等) 作宾语;congratulate 意思是“祝贺”、“道贺”,只能用人作宾语,若要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要和on (upon) 连接。例: We had a pa rty to celebrate Mother’s silver wedding.我们举行宴会庆祝母亲的银婚纪念日。I’ll congratulate you on your success.我预祝你成功。

ceremony* [..ser im..ni ] n.典礼,仪式

childhood* [..t..aildhud] n.童年,幼年时代

[ 同义] infancy,boyhood,girlhood

[ 考点] fr iends from childhood 童年时代的朋友

in one’s childhood 在童年时期

in the childhood of.在.的早期

since early childhood 从童年起

[ 例句] 1 ) The Rus sian nobles taught their children from childhood to speak French.

2 ) She had loved Shakes pea re since childhood.

colleague* [..k..li....] n.同事

commercial * [ k....m........l ] ad j.商业的;从盈利角度出发

concentrate* [..k..ns..ntr eit ] v.集中;专心;聚集

[ 同义] focus

[ 反义] dist ract

[ 考点] concent ra te one’s attention/energies/thoughts on sth.全神贯注于.

concent ra te heavily on 偏重于.

concent ra te in clas s 专心听讲

concent ra te gunfire against the enemy’s position 集


[ 例句] 1) He concentr ated his at tention on the question of technology.

2) The old gramma rs concent rated heavily on writ - ten language.

[ 辨析] concent rate;focus这两个词都有“集中” 的意思。concent rate 指把需要的东西集中到一起,集中的对象可以是具体的东西或抽象的东西。focus 主要指把光线投到一个焦点上。

conspicuous* [..k..n..spikju..s] adj.①明显的,惹人注目的② 炫耀的,摆阔气的

consumption* [ k..n..s..mp....n] n.消耗,消费;消耗量

[ 考点] consumption of sth..的消耗量

for domestic/home consumption 供国内消费

a daily cons umption per head 每人每天的消费量

[ 例句] The re is too grea t a consumption of alcohol in Brit - ain.

debt* [det ] n.①欠债②义务

[ 同义] ①borrowings②obligation

[ 考点] fall (get/go/run) into debt 负债

out of debt 不负债

unde r a heavy debt 负债累累

be in debt to sb./in sb. ’s debt 欠某人的债

[ 例句] 1 ) He is in debt to me for a large sum.

2 ) You have been so kind to us that we shall always

feel we ar e deeply in your debt .

decoration* [..dek....rei....n ] n.① 装饰品(常用复);装璜,装饰②勋章

[ 同义] ①ornament②medal

[ 考点] accept (be awarded ) a decoration 接受(被授予) 勋章

festival decorations 节日装饰品

home/house decoration 住宅装璜

use.for decor ation 用.装饰

[ 例句] 1 ) I like the interior/inside decoration of this house.

2) He received a milita ry decoration for his bravery.

[ 辨析] decorate;furnis h;ornament