
第5章 Unit One Happiness (3)

truism [..tru..iz..m] n.①真实性②自明之理,众所周知的道理

[例句] His speech was just a collection of clichés and t ruism.

virtually4 [..v....tju..li ,- t..u-] adv.事实上,实质上,几乎,实际上

[例句] Many species of wild animals have vir tually disappear ed form the face of the ear th.

aside from 除.之外

[例句] Aside from the physical problems,these patients also show a lot of hostility.

draw/ come to/ reach a conclusion 得出结论,做出推论

[例句] From these facts we can draw some conclusions a-bout how the pyramids were built.

for life 终身,一辈子

[例句] As far as I am concerned ,when you get ma rried it’s for life.

live up to 不辜负(期望) ,达到( 预期的标准)

[例句] We must never fail to live up to the Par ty’s trust and expectations.

look up ①查找,查阅②抬头看

[例句] 1 ) We can look up the word in the dictiona ry.

2 ) He looked up and found the gir l who was calling him by name.

miss the point 没抓住要领,没领会含义

[例句] He must have missed the point of the notice on the blackboa rd.

owe it to someone to do something 认为自己有必要为某人做.

[例句] You owe it to your supporte rs not to give up now.

stumbling block 绊脚石,障碍物

[例句] Ar ticles and prepositions a re the stumbling blocks to the beginners of English.

take pleasure in 以.为乐,以.为荣

[例句] You can take pleasur e in r eading these books.

take the easy way out 以省事的,但非最好的做法来回避困难或尴尬的处境

[例句] You can take the easy way out of the difficulty by leaving the city ,and no one will know.

Passage Ⅲ Optimism


aqueduct [.... kwid..kt ] n.沟渠,导水管,高架渠,渡槽,渠道barbarism [..b....b..riz..m] n.①野蛮,未开化,原始,不文明②残暴行为,暴力

[考点] Fascist barba rism 法西斯野蛮行径

[例句] In some par ts of the world the re a re still people living in barba rism.

cathedral6 [k......i..dr..l ] n.大教堂,教区总教堂

[考点] a Gothic cathedr al 歌特式大教堂

a Roman cathedr al 罗马式大教堂

a magnificent cathedral 一座雄伟的大教堂

compromise4 [..k..mpr..maiz ] n.妥协,折衷,和解


[同义] concede ,negotiate

[考点] effect a compromise between .and 实现. 和. 之间的和解

make no compromise 不做任何妥协

a compromise between two measures 两种措施之间的折衷办法

make compromise with 和.妥协

compromise with sb.on/ over sth.就某事同某人妥协

compromise oneself 做出有失体面的事

[例句] He sent flower s as a compromise between calling and writing.

genocide [..d..en..usaid] n.有计划的灭种和屠杀,种族灭绝,灭绝种族的大屠杀

Gothic [........ik ] n.哥特式

ad j.歌特式的,尖拱式的,歌特风格的

inact ive* [in.... ktiv] ad j.无行动的,不活动的,停止的,怠惰的,消极的

[考点] an inactive machine 闲置的机器

inactive volcano 死火山

[例句] She is inactive in class.

inquiry4 [in..kwai..ri] n.①质询,调查,探究②打听,询问

[同义] ask ,question ,investigate

[考点] inquiry af ter 问候,打听

inquiry for 询问,问候,求见

inquiry into 调查

inquiry sb.of sth.向某人询问某事

[例句] I’m writing to inqui ry about your adver tisement in The Times.

lighten* [..lait..n ] v.减轻,( 使) 轻松,( 使) 发亮,变得明亮

[例句] His mood lightened when he heard the news.

liquor4 [..lik..( r) ] n.① 液体,汁,酒精饮料,酒,烈性酒②

[药] 溶液

v t.浸水

v i.喝酒

[考点] hold one’s liquor 保持不醉

in liquor 醉酒

the worse for liquor 醉酒

[例句] He always liquors up befor e he takes her to a dance.

mistreatment* [..mis..tri..tm..nt ] n.虐待

[例句] Her poor health is the result of he r parents ’ mist reatment.

nonrenewable* [..n..nri..nju....bl ] ad j.不可再生的

pyramid [..pir..mid] n.角锥,棱椎,金字塔,叠罗汉

v.(使) 成金字塔状,( 使) 渐增,(使) 上涨

[考点] as easy as s hif ting a pyr amid a yard 难如移磐石

make a pyramid of an anthill 小题大做,大惊小怪

a human/ people pyramid 一组叠罗汉

pyramids of fruits 叠的尖尖的一堆堆水果

[例句] The acrobats pyramided skillfully ,one on top of the other.

unavoidable* [....n....v..id..bl ] ad j.不能避免的,不能取消的,无法避免的

[例句] Ther e are fear s that war is unavoidable.

unspoken* [....n..s p..uk..n] ad j.未说出口的

[考点] by some sor t of unspoken agreement 通过某种默契

a feather in someone’s cap 某人的卓越成就,某人值得自豪的荣誉

[例句] Winning the scholarship was a feathe r in his cap.

be subject ( adj .) to 易受. ,常遭.

[例句] This dist rict is more subject to fi re than any othe r.

equate something with/ to something else 把. 和. 等同起来

[例句] I t is foolis h and unrealistic to equate money with happines s.

for the better 向好的方面,好转

[例句] The patient has taken a turn for the better.

for the worse 向坏的方面,恶化

[例句] There has been a change for the worse in the pa-tient’s condition.

have no alternative but to do something 除.外别无选择,只好

[例句] We have no alternative but to move.

sit back 袖手旁观,不采取行动

[例句] Many people just sit back and do not get concerned about the world’s difficulties.